Saturday, October 31, 2009

[USS Charon] SD. 240910.31 || Personal Log "Vultures" || ASCI Cadet Aayla Bre'accoria

==/\==Deck 4, Section 1, Cabin 445==/\==
Aayla sat on her ivory couch looking at the green liquid that was now smudged on her finger and wondered what it was. Romulan Blood? maybe the Romulan child had been bleeding and some was transfered on to her? Well what ever it was it wasn't hers and Aayla shrugged it off. The high sirrilium quantities in the nebula made for both a hazard and an asset. She could see the vultures circiling over the Captain and fighting over who gets the sirrilium. More phaser and deflector power, "Useful," Aayla thought. More impulse power, "Efficient,". Less cooking time for meals, "Looks like chef's going to get it." Aayla thought with a smug grin on her face.
Cadet Aayla Bre'accoria
Assistant Science Officer
USS Charon