[Shuttle Bellatora Fortis, Yy`a nebula]
"Singularity?" Shiarrael remembered reading about the Fvullhajun project her people were involved with when creating a mixed design ship for the confederation. However, the differences in Romulan and Starfleet technology proved to be a big problem. The singularity drives were not applicable to normal Starfleet designs due to the power fluctuations and routine EPS overloads this mix of systems caused without proper adaptors and EPS modifications. She wondered if the EnArrain or the Lieutenant properly tested their little upgrade "Ensign, are you trying to kill me again? I must give you credit- a suicide mission on your part? It is a very nostalgic reminder of my people." Part of her statement was tease and part was warning "were the modified systems tested thoroughly?"
"As thoroughly as time permitted, Captain." Sakarra answered calmly.
"However, I should point out that I took the liberty of making some modifications of my own. You are familiar with the D'Vahl type fighter?"
Her console blinked as the shuttle rose elegantly off the deck, and a familiar voice came over the comm "Cleared for launch, Sehlat. Bring us a souvenir if you find the time, Ma'am."
"I should not think that the nebula holds any businesses selling such items, Lieutenant Hadley. And I would appreciate if Mr. Tisdale would cease disseminating information he has no reason to obtain in the first place."
"Just tryin' to be nice Ma'am" there definitely was the sound of a small chuckle before the other woman got serious again.
"Have a good trip. William Hurst will be on your tails in exactly 3.5 minutes."
"Acknowledged, flight."
"However, I should point out that I took the liberty of making some modifications of my own. You are familiar with the D'Vahl type fighter?"
Her console blinked as the shuttle rose elegantly off the deck, and a familiar voice came over the comm "Cleared for launch, Sehlat. Bring us a souvenir if you find the time, Ma'am."
"I should not think that the nebula holds any businesses selling such items, Lieutenant Hadley. And I would appreciate if Mr. Tisdale would cease disseminating information he has no reason to obtain in the first place."
"Just tryin' to be nice Ma'am" there definitely was the sound of a small chuckle before the other woman got serious again.
"Have a good trip. William Hurst will be on your tails in exactly 3.5 minutes."
"Acknowledged, flight."
With a small nod to the Betazoid beside her to monitor the power output, Sakarra nudged the shuttle forward and was pleasantly surprised by how well it responded to her light touch.
In a tight curve, they rounded the Charon's silver hull and headed for the green gold swirls of Yy'a.
In a tight curve, they rounded the Charon's silver hull and headed for the green gold swirls of Yy'a.
Cyrin turned his gaze back to the console after taking a look at the exterior of the Charon, "Power is stabilized for now. All tests that I ran showed that we should be fine."
A warning light went off, and Cyrin quickly handled the situation. 'Thank you,' he stated to Sakarra telepathically as he continued to monitor the input output ratio of the newly modified engines. "Captain let me know when you want communications opened with the Charon for the new system." Cyrin announced as he corrected a minor power spike.
A warning light went off, and Cyrin quickly handled the situation. 'Thank you,' he stated to Sakarra telepathically as he continued to monitor the input output ratio of the newly modified engines. "Captain let me know when you want communications opened with the Charon for the new system." Cyrin announced as he corrected a minor power spike.
"When we return to the ship Lieutenant we will need to discuss proper communication protocol where I am informed about significant changes." Shiarrael's voice was neutral but anyone who knew her well understood that was simply a mask of cold fury "changes to system before a major mission, how ridiculous." 'Hopefully we survive this affair' she thought after muttering loud enough to be heard by everyone "not yet" she said to Cyrin.
"The report concerning the changes as well as the one's containing the progress and specs have been sent to your desk, Captain." Sakarra stated in the same level voice. "However, I shall make note of informing you personally of any changes that may be considered 'significant' if you wish."
She throttled back just a little to give the scientists in the back a chance to scan whatever they needed to before they entered the nebula.
She throttled back just a little to give the scientists in the back a chance to scan whatever they needed to before they entered the nebula.
Pointedly ignoring the 'ridiculous' comment, the young Vulcan quirked a brow before continuing "Seeing as we would be flying blind without these modifications, the changes were not only necessary but logical. You may access the files concerning the outlines a well as details on your console."
The nebula's gases now filled the entire forward window and Sakarra cast another brief glance at the slightly nervous Cyrin next to her.
The nebula's gases now filled the entire forward window and Sakarra cast another brief glance at the slightly nervous Cyrin next to her.
Cyrin was shocked out the Vulcan's remark to the Commanding Officer. If he would have spoken to her as such, his head would have gone spinning and then put on a spike. Her brief glance reassured him that everything was under control and to relax.
He looked out the viewport and was awestruck at what he saw, sure he had seen plenty of nebula's but this one was new and unexplored the options were unlimitless as to what they would find. He compensated for an increase in intake power.
He looked out the viewport and was awestruck at what he saw, sure he had seen plenty of nebula's but this one was new and unexplored the options were unlimitless as to what they would find. He compensated for an increase in intake power.
Inhaling deeply Shiarrael frowned at the Vulcan and then sighed. "Forgive my exuberance- I did not mean to scold so severely." She caught several 'oh really?' expressions from the science personnel working behind her but ignored them "however, many in Starfleet believe the Romulan influence on Charon is unbearable as it is- unnecessary and unauthorized changes such as adding a mQSD to a shuttle will only further their consternation. Do not misunderstand me, I could care less for the opinions of those dithering fools but I would rather not be forced to listen to them dither on endlessly over such matters."
She tightened her grip on the back of Sakarra's headrest "in the future such changes as that- and I do not mean simple communication upgrades, should be approved beforehand and I should be made full aware of them. You may note that Lieutenant, and Ensign" she looked at Dicari "if I have offended you it was not my intention, you have performed exceptionally since your misstep. Sometimes I feel as though you are my second son. Continue on."
Sakarra simply nodded in acknowledgement, making a mental note that if the enArrain's enthusiasm and - one could hardly dispute that - thoroughness should sit badly with Starfleet, the complaints would come her way and no one else's.
For some reason, even high ranking bureaucrats tended to run out of steam rather rapidly when faced with a stoic Vulcan explaining simple logic.
For some reason, even high ranking bureaucrats tended to run out of steam rather rapidly when faced with a stoic Vulcan explaining simple logic.
In a graceful arc, the Bellatora Fortis entered the green swirls, displacing the gases in a flurry and leaving a wake of gold behind.
Over the happily excited murmur of the scientists in the back, the young woman noticed a buildup in the manifolds.
"Ensign, please initiate protocol seven alpha. You will find it in the database under the modifications titled 'Lanka-gar'." she nodded towards Cyrin. As expected, the gases were giving the engines minor troubles but it was nothing a little ingenuity could not remedy.
Over the happily excited murmur of the scientists in the back, the young woman noticed a buildup in the manifolds.
"Ensign, please initiate protocol seven alpha. You will find it in the database under the modifications titled 'Lanka-gar'." she nodded towards Cyrin. As expected, the gases were giving the engines minor troubles but it was nothing a little ingenuity could not remedy.
Cyrin looked back to Shiarrael, "Captain
thank you" was all he could manage not sure if she was honoring him or what she was doing. He punched in a few more commands, he found the modification menu "Initiating protocol seven alpha. Lieutenant."
"Very well, Mr Dicari."
The hum of the engines changed almost imperceptibly, but Sakarra could feel the change rather acutely. It was as if the shuttle was breathing more easily and in a sense, the analogy was not too far off.
Eyes fixed on her console, the young woman followed their predetermined flight path deeper into the nebula.
After precisely 18.6 minutes, the first minor disturbances made themselves felt. Not that the scientists appeared to mind a lot from the sound of them. Mr Olafsson actually seemed positively excited. "Miss pilot, can we get a closer look at that? Those luminous effects are amazing!"
The hum of the engines changed almost imperceptibly, but Sakarra could feel the change rather acutely. It was as if the shuttle was breathing more easily and in a sense, the analogy was not too far off.
Eyes fixed on her console, the young woman followed their predetermined flight path deeper into the nebula.
After precisely 18.6 minutes, the first minor disturbances made themselves felt. Not that the scientists appeared to mind a lot from the sound of them. Mr Olafsson actually seemed positively excited. "Miss pilot, can we get a closer look at that? Those luminous effects are amazing!"
"Indeed they are, Mr Olafsson. However, the ionization will increase sensor difficulties."
"I thought that's what the upgrades were for?"
"They are, in addition to keeping us in contact with Charon. However, even the modifications cannot compensate for everything.'
"Pardon me?"
"I thought that's what the upgrades were for?"
"They are, in addition to keeping us in contact with Charon. However, even the modifications cannot compensate for everything.'
"Pardon me?"
Sakarra threw a brief glance at the young Betazoid next to her.
Cyrin did his best to reroute power with what limited resource of it there was, as he listened to the conversation that Sakarra had with Olafsson. He chuckled at her question, his eyes not leaving his console. "Gotcha, earth slang for okay or as you say, et cetera." He clarified for her. The nebula was pretty he did grant it that, but his mind kept going back to all the work his crew would have just to clean and repair the shuttles.
"Right you are Ensign" came Nils's voice from the back "And nice going there with the power to the consoles, so far nothing has blown up in our faces. Lieutenant Roehricht, I got that dust analysis for ya."
"I see, Mr Dicari. Thank you." Sakarra raised a mildly amused brow at the happy scientists and then took a brief moment to appreciate the warm golden glow swirling around them. In another few seconds they would enter a much denser region which was looming before them in distressing shades of emerald, the color of fresh blood.
"What is it, Cynthia?"
"That's some odd plasma eddies there, Stefan. Have a look."
"Na sowas. Are we tied into Charon yet? Might want to run that through the library computer." the Austrian astrometrics specialist frowned at the readouts. "Would hate to take power away from the sensors but this stuff might make for a bumpier ride than we bargained for. Lieutenant Sakarra, you got it on your screens?"
"What is it, Cynthia?"
"That's some odd plasma eddies there, Stefan. Have a look."
"Na sowas. Are we tied into Charon yet? Might want to run that through the library computer." the Austrian astrometrics specialist frowned at the readouts. "Would hate to take power away from the sensors but this stuff might make for a bumpier ride than we bargained for. Lieutenant Sakarra, you got it on your screens?"
"Indeed Mr Roehricht. There is no need for concern just yet."
The young Vulcan nodded at Cyrin again, who was still watching their power consumption curves like a Shavokh circling over the hills.
"I believe another level five diagnostic of the navigation sensors may be in order, Ensign."
The young Vulcan nodded at Cyrin again, who was still watching their power consumption curves like a Shavokh circling over the hills.
"I believe another level five diagnostic of the navigation sensors may be in order, Ensign."
[to be continued...]
Captain Shiarrael Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Second Officer
USS Charon
Second Officer
USS Charon
Ensign Cyrin Dicari
Chief Operations Officer
USS Charon
Chief Operations Officer
USS Charon