Tuesday, November 10, 2009

[USS Charon] SD:240911.10 |Duty Log "A Living Hel IIl"| Nikolai Chernienko.

[Unknown Research Station]
The lights came on in Nikolai's cell as the Nanites revived him now that his body had mostly healed from the ordeal the previous night. As the Russian's eyes flickered open he noticed Mike and Harold outside his cell already prepareing for tonights experiments.
"Ah Subject X21 I see your awake again. I do hope your fully rested as these next tests will be more, how should I say this...invasive." he said as he handed the PADD to the fat squat Harold. Harold moved to the control pannel and incerted the PADD into the terminal and begain the warm up sequence.
"As you may be fimilar with, the Borg for example are highly adaptable to many forms of harm. This is mostly due to their implants of course and the connectiveness to their hive mind. We have designed our Nanites to share this rare gift." he said and looked over his various options.
"On earth in the twenth century shortly before the third world war, there were many bactiera that caused devistating diseases." he said looking at the tired and battered Marine on the soiled bed. They had not bothered to clean him up yet but if things contenued to go well they might.
Harold looked at the man as Mike finished and smirked."Our Nanites are programed to excrete many diffrent dieases, The one we are starting with is a Advanced form of Cholora. This will be more active and progressive then the natural strain. So tell us how it makes you feel."
Inside the Marine the tiny robots penitrated his cells and begain a advanced form of Viral replication of Vibrio cholera, the most potant strain there has been. As the advanced Virus spread Nikolai begain to feel the effects come on like a sudden hurricaine.
Immidately his stomch crampped and he doubled over in agony. The wave of Nausea passed through him and he explelled more of his precious moisture in the form of acidic bile searing his throat badly. His already thready pulse climbed to dangerous heights as it felt like it was going to burst from his chest. Green gory puss filled lesions ripped open on his skin as his eyes swelled and blood poured from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
Nikolai couldn't even scream in pain as his body was wracked by the horrific infection. Normally it takes twelve hours to compleatly destroy a human body with the diease but after only a few moments it was approaching the final stages of infection.
Mike beamed happily as the gore oozed from the captured Starfleet Marine. "Outstanding! Look at that. Perfection at its most obvious!" he gleefully shouted. Harold Nodded and Started the Raipid Detox of Nikolai's cells once again useing the Nanites special properties.
Slowly and with out anisteic the robots begain to patch the Marine back up. A large tube came down from the celiing of the cell and landed in his mouth. It begain to gush water into the dehydrated soldier so that he wouldn't die of dehydration for all of his bodily fluids being lost. But they were careful not to saturate his tissues with to much and drown him.
Harold looked at the barely conscience marine admireing the way he kept hanging on dispite his many brushes with death."Well the diease test seems to work perfectly but we are far from done. To truely be able to adapt to all situations the Nanites have also been programed to target the bonemarrow of it's victims. Not only does this weaken the immune system but also makes it nearly impossiable to move your limbs."
Nikolai gagged from the water tube and coughed loudly he was tough and well trained but even he had his limits. He was contemplating crying out for mercy when the white hot pain stabbed throughout his body as the Nanintes dug down into his skelatal structure.
The pain echoed through him in endless waves as they drilled into him deep into the marrow of his bones not careing how many nerves they cut through to get to it. All of the water he had just drank now manifested itself as sweat on his brow, taking away his precious salt and moisture.
Mike looked at Harold and grined."Subject's immunities are now comprimized, Muscle mass degredation five percent and riseing. Heart rate rappid and breath thready." he said pleasently.
Harold noddded again his many chins wobbleing with the effort."Subject is rappidly decaying, Admistering the cure and replacement bone marrow tissue. His risk of cancer will be greater if he lives for much longer, but as you said yesterday you can't make a ommlet without breaking a few eggs." he said calmly.
Mike grined happily and begain to move back off."Put him out and lets go Harold, the twins wanted a second date. What did I tell you?  Your such a ladies man." he said grining to the fat ugly troll of a man.
Harold laughed and nodded."Orions are so lovely and easily impressed." he said as he shut Nikolai back off for the evening with the same horrific electroshock as before. He was rappidly turning into their best subject of all the kidnapped Marines.
End Log
MCapt. Nikolai Chrenienko

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