Saturday, November 14, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240911.14 - Back Log "Simple Madness" Pt 1 - Aehlen t'Kethry

Several Years Ago


Aehlen shivered in his bed as branches creaked against the old windows of the Mnaeha s'Kethry estate.  At the far end of the room a small fire crackled in the mantle and his fvai, Ihhuein, curled comfortably on a large woolen carpet in front of it.  Another creak caused Aehlen to shiver and wrap his arms around his stuffed hnoiyoka toy.  "There are no demons, there are no demons" he whispered his father's words.  He looked at the doorway longingly wanting to jump from his bed and seek out his father but he knew if he did he would be punished.  "Must be brave..."  A thump emanating outside his door caused him to cower under the covers.  A few seconds later he felt something pushing down on him along with the warm breeze of a heavy musty breath.  He held in the urge to squeal and pulling together his courage he pushed the sheets away and looked up.  He instantly felt moisture as his fvai licked him on the face- the creature's tongue was about the size of his entire head.  Aehlen grunted and pushed the massive animal away "Ihhuein you scared me!"  He complained and the fvai simply whimpered.


Jumping from his bed Aehlen clearly heard his father shout his mother's name.  Ihhuein did also and scampered off to the door.  He slowly followed the creature and his small hand moved towards the door handle.  For the past two months his parents had been fighting constantly- his mother had become angry and distant.  He wanted to comfort her but his father said it would best if he allowed his mother some distance.  He heard another large crash and jumped.  Pulling the handle he let the door slowly open.  Stepping into the hall he looked around "eneh?" he called out into the darkness.  No response came and he crept down the long hallway towards the main antechamber.  Behind him Ihhuein followed.

Ahead he could hear whispering and see flickers of fire-light on the walls in front of the antechamber.  "Eneh?"  He called again, this time the whispering stopped.  Feeling a chill hit him he moved slower towards the archway that led into the antechamber.  When reached it he found a horrifying the sight.  His mother, with honor blade plunged deep into his father's chest, was tearing at the body with her hands.  The flickers of light from the fireplace colored the emerald blood an earthy brown.  His mother stood up, blood dripping from her fingers, and held out her hands to Aehlen "come here Aehlen!"

He stumbled backwards into Ihhuein and dropped his stuffed hnoiyoka toy.  The fvai snarled at the woman and then lowered its back for Aehlen to climb on, he did so, and the beast sprinted down the hallway sensing the child's fear.  Several old statues were knocked over by the creature clumsiness but Aehlen held on tightly as they burst through the main door, tears spilling out of his eyes.  Behind him he could hear his mother screaming.

Ihhuein ran with purpose as Aehlen's held onto her shoulder blades.  "Samak" he said to the riding beast.  Samak was his friend who lived on a farm not far from his family's estate.  Ihhuein understood him and trudged down the road towards the farmhouse. 

When they arrived Aehlen slid off the animal's back and ran over to the door banging on it.  The lights inside the house lit and the door opened "what is the meaning of this?"  The old farmer looked down at Aehlen stunned to find the boy at his doorstep "Aehlen, is something wrong?"

"My father!"  Aehlen shouted as tears poured from his eyes.  He pointed down the roadway towards his house and just then he could the roar of a flitter engine coming down the roadway.  The flitter slammed through the fencing in front of the house and then into Ihhuein who was thrown several feet away.  Aehlen screamed and stumbled backwards into the house.

"Take him in!"  The farmer shouted to his wife and grabbed his disruptor rifle which sat against the inner doorframe "Lharan!"  He yelled at the figure exiting the flitter.  Above him the front flood lights turned on and he could see the woman soaked in emerald liquid "elements" the farmer muttered and took a step forward holding out his disruptor "stay still!"

"Give me my son!"  She demanded.

"Not until the authorities arrive!"

"How dare you!"  She screamed and held up her honor blade which glinted from the rivers of emerald moisture staining it.  Snarling like a rabid thrai she charged towards the door.  A simple green bolt lashed out and slammed into the woman's chest knocking her on her back.  Wisps of grey smoke lofted up from her body.  Aehlen was watching the entire scene play out from just beyond the doorway.  He started to walk forward but the farmer's wife restrained him.  The farmer frowned deeply and walked out shutting the door behind him.

[To be continued...]