Thursday, November 12, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240911.12 - Joint Duty Log "Purgatorio" Part II - Commander Dylan Marcus, Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax, Arrain Aehlen tr`Kethry, Ensign Cyrin Dicari

Libertà va cercando, ch'è sì cara,
come sa chi per lei vita rifiuta.
He goes seeking liberty, which is so dear,
as he knows who for it renounces life.
(Dante Alghieri)

[Unknown settlement, ch'Dabhae]
"Considering the distance of this signal from our current location, I believe the logical course of action would be to proceed by shuttle."
She folded the tricorder and nodded towards Cyrin who did not seem to thrilled by the prospect but was putting on a brave face all the same.
As the two officers walked out of the building into the cold wind, two shapes rematerialized right at the foot of the stairs. The scientists, obviously either bored or nervous from waiting, crowded the shuttle's ramp and looked at their surroundings with a mixture of trepidation and disbelief.
Sakarra could hardly blame them. This was not precisely the mission any of them had expected.
Marcus looked around. He had packed light, thinking that it wasn't going to be nearly as cold as it actually was down here. All he had brought with him was a Tricorder and a Phaser type II. He spotted Cyrin and Sakarra.
"Nice place you found here!" He shouted over the wind, as they were still a bit too far away to talk to normally. He thought to himself that if he was cold, then The Vulcan would not be happy at the temperature at all.
Aehlen looked rather subdued as he studied his surroundings. The surgeon wasn't enthralled with having been dragged away from his expedition of the Charon's sickbay. Wrapped over his shoulder was the bulky tool kit of Starfleet medical officers. Aehlen would have preferred the more simplistic Romulan kit but the nurse suggested it was too barbaric. Looking around he lifted his hand and wafted in the scent "the air is spicy." He said to the group and then looked at Sakarra. Reaching out he randomly pressed on her abdomen "you have healed." He stated plainly and pulled it before away walking off towards the settlement's heart.
Sakarra blinked at the uninvited and quite unexpected touch, but before she could make a dry comment regarding the surgeon stating the obvious, he was ambling off, only he knew where.
She greeted Commander Marcus with a friendly incline of the head before gesturing towards the shuttle.
"Nice is not precisely the word I would use, Commander. However, since Ensign Dicari has been able to triangulate the source of the distress signal, I suggest we depart as soon as possible."
The scientists, first and foremost Mr Roehricht were eyeing the young Vulcan with a mix of hope and trepidation.  "Lieutenant… are you going to need us? I mean…"
Stepping up to the rear hatch, Sakarra briefly shook her head. "No Mr Roehricht, I should think it might be best if you returned to Charon and analyzed you data. It is doubtful we will require astrophysics specialists."
"Yea, that's what I was thinking, you know, not that we want to leave you hanging or anything…"
"Please proceed." Sakarra did not want to be curt, but between seeing the scientists off safely, getting the modified shuttle back to flight modus and shepherding the wayward surgeon back to the group, she had little patience for pleasantries.
Thankfully, the young Betazoid Ensign had already quietly slipped into his seat while the Commander seemed inclined to take over the 'sheepdog' task.
As the last of the science team dematerialized in a swirling of blue, Sakarra joined the Security Chief at the back of the shuttle.
"You have been briefed on the situation, Commander?"
"I have, but very brief." he said with an obvious attempt at humor and a not very good one either. "I'm to provide security for you while you investigate the signal. Sounds easy enough." he said with a grin. He knew nothing was simple. "Someone always says it, since its just me; well call it a tradition." he said at her puzzled look.
Cyrin sat in the co-pilot seat running a few diagnostics waiting for Lieutenant Sakarra, he was actually pleased with himself.
Dylan boarded the shuttle followed by Sakarra. "I will exit first and secure the area before you investigate." he said. "Don't want to have any surprises." Marcus said. His Special ops training still very active in his mind.
Aehlen made his way down one of the settlement's main streets. With little care he approached one of the piles of bodies and stopped just short of stepping on a scorched skull. Sliding the medical kit off his shoulder he pulled out the medical tricorder and scanned the group. He arched his head in an angle and then grumbled and slipped the device into his pocket. Sliding his boot into a niche formed by several corpses he slowly began to climb the pile.
"I suspect that we will not be able to avoid surprises, Commander. However, I am certainly grateful for your presence." Sakarra nodded to the tall human and then looked down the main street to see where tr`Kethry had disappeared to.
WHAT was this man doing now?
Never mind how highly inappropriate it was to climb a pile of dead bodies, but what was he hoping to accomplish?
She very carefully set her face into displaying nothing but utter calm, but an astute observer might have noticed something unusual in her purposeful stride as she made her way down the street.
Stopping just 2.1 meters from the pile of partially scorched bodies, she tried very hard not to breathe any more than was absolutely necessary and then looked upwards to where the surgeon was crouching, a most inquisitive look on his face.
"Arrain tr'Kethry." She said sternly "While I understand your desire to investigate, we have been ordered to proceed to the source of the distress signal."
[To be continued....]
Commander Dylan Marcus
Chief Security Officer
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helm Officer
Ensign Cyrin Dicari
Chief Operations Officer
Arrain Aehlen tr'Kethry
USS Charon