Monday, November 16, 2009

[USS Charon] [USS Corsair] - SD240911.14 || "The Key To Hell's Gates - Part IV" - Cpt Ramius & NPCs

U.S.S. Corsair - NX-011979
Nebula II Prototype
 “Sic Parvis Magna”
(Greatness From Small Beginnings)

“The Key To Hell's Gates - Part IV”

A light flickered ever so softly in the darkness that surrounded him.  Turning, moving, he felt as if he were floating in a vast expanse of nothingness without form.  The only thing visible in the utter blackness was the line speck of light which seemed to grow dimmer with each passing moment.  He tried to move, but found himself adrift stranded in a vast ocean of jet black obsidian.  He felt the urge to yell, but upon opening his mouth no sound was forthcoming.  All he could do was watch as the tiny point of light faded in the distance leaving him cold, helpless, and alone.


A sudden pang of nausea ran through him as his head spun.  The point of light now only the size of a pinprick danced about his vision as he struggled with the harsh feelings that had overtaken his consciousness.  Unable to act Ramius felt he was being swallowed, consumed by the endless and unyielding blackness.  Was this death?


He reached out for the light as the tiny ember waivered and faded like a candle slowly fading reaching the end of its wick.  Without warning the light suddenly stopped and quickly grew in intensity.  It continued to expand growing larger and closer its color the purest white he had ever seen.  Ramius could do nothing but watch as the ball increased in size and intensity.  Within moments it was the size of a small moon, then a planet, and continued growing until it filled his vision with the intensity and brightness of a star.


The light continued to pour forth from some unknown spring erasing the darkness that surrounded him.  He put up a hand to shield his eyes as waves of light rushed toward him shattering the darkness which fragmented and dissolved everywhere he looked.  Staring into the lights center, Ramius could see it coming.  He lowered his hand as the tide of light reached him washing over and through him.

He felt oddly at peace as he was swallowed in pure white.  Gentle warmth touched his cheek and Ramius took a slow breath closing his eyes adrift in a sea of brilliance he had never known.  Slowly, he opened his eyes, but to his confusion the light was gone replaced by white hallways .  He suddenly felt weight return and was conscious of holding his weapon.  The nausea faded and reality reasserted itself as the last atoms of his being were released from the grip of the transporter beam.


“That was some hell of a transporter ride”, one of the marines behind him said.  “Everyone alight”, a commanding voice asked.  “Captain are you ok?”


Ramius looked at one of the men nearby with an odd expression.  “Sir, are you alright Captain?  Sir!”


As if waking from a dream, Ramius was shaken by one of the marines as reality came pouring back into his consciousness in a wave as if a pipe had ruptured spewing forth its pressurized contents.  Steadying himself against the marine, Ramius took a deep breath and nodded.


“I..I’m alright”, he said patting the man on the shoulder.  “That was…interesting.”


Taking a moment Ramius took stock of the situation.  Several of the marines were also still shaking off the effects of the rough transporter ride.  Leave it to hastily set and obsolete Klingon cargo transporters to give one a ride they would never forget.


“It seems as though we made it.”  Looking around Ramius found himself in an average room which appeared to be some sort of storage area.  The entire room was filled with unusual medical devices and equipment whose function and purpose was known only to its owners.  There was a large door facing him which was closed.


Tapping his badge, Ramius attempted to raise the Corsair even though his instincts told him communications would be impossible.  As he feared there was no response.  There was little time to dwell on the ship’s fate.  There was nothing he could do about it in the event the worst had occurred.


“Everyone ready”, Ramius asked checking his weapon for the second time.  The marines indicated in the affirmative.  “It seems Dr. Ballentine left us a parting gift by engaging the destruct sequence on the station.  Stay close and be ready.  I want to ensure all of us have the chance to thank him personally for his hospitality.  Move out.”


Taking point, Ramius headed toward the large door which slid open with a noisy mechanical hiss.  As he and the marines poured out into a white, narrow hallway securing its ends, Ramius silently instructed them to follow as they made their way into the converted mine.  It was anyone’s guess what terrors NeoDyne was holding in this place.  Hopefully time was on their side.  Ballentine had left the station in haste.  It was doubtful he expected any of them to survive the destruct sequence.  Perhaps they might now hold the element of surprise and be able to blindside the wily doctor before he could unleash more horrors upon them.


[ To Be Continued ]




Captain Taverain Ramius

Commanding Officer, USS Corsair