Saturday, November 21, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240911.20 - Joint Duty Log "Inferno" Part II || Commander Dylan Marcus, Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax, Arrain Aehlen tr`Kethry, Ensign Cyrin Dicari

Io venni in loco d'ogne luce muto,
che mugghia come fa mar per tempesta,
se da contrari venti è combattuto.
I came into a place void of all light,
which bellows like the sea in tempest,
when it is combated by warring winds.
(Dante Alighieri - The Inferno)

Sakarra nodded at Cyrin's suggestion, however getting the Chief of Security to act any less protective was like asking a Shavokh to sit demurely on a rock. The probability of success was negligible at best.
And then there was the matter of this Romulan. Never mind that it was quite rude to not introduce yourself, but how could they know he was indeed speaking for everyone in the village?
While Sakarra found it possible that not everyone was aware of the signal still being broadcast by the crashed bomber only a few kilometers away, something about the other settlement being lost that long ago did not sound right to the young Vulcan.
She looked past the agitated Romulan and thoughtfully tilted her head to one side. From his point of view, it might be logical to omit or distort certain truths, but the faces of some others lingering in doorways and further down the street seemed conflicted about both the arrival of Starfleet officers and the manner in which the man dealt with them.
"Indeed, we will assist if that is your wish." Sakarra confirmed Commander Marcus' statement. "However, if our presence is unwanted or if you believe our arrival might place you in danger," she returned her calm gaze to the taller Romulan "You only need to ask and we shall leave you in peace."
There was a stern undertone in the Vulcan's voice when she made a small gesture with her arm, indicating the village at large "For a given measure of peace."
Aehlen originally stood next to Tyrax as she and the Starfleet Commander addressed the elderly man, however, his attention quickly latched onto the gawking children. Slipping the medical tricorder out of his pocket he approached the group holding out the scanning node. They dispersed and he grunted irritated by the reaction and set off after a batch down the field.
Marcus shook his head. He looked to Sakarra and Cyrin. "What is he doing now?" He asked more to himself. "Come on, we better catch up before he has us run off the planet."
"Armed bands, Romulans. Gai'Shian I believe. They come every few months and take people away. We don't see them again," he said looking at the Starfleet officers. Everything he had heard in his own military training was that Starfleet officers were generous and caring. To a severe fault, he was taught to exploit that on the battlefield ages ago.
However now, given his current political disposition, things might be a different story. "The plague struck the metropolis suddenly. We didn't have much warning so we had to depopulate out here to the hinterlands. It's been rough since then, but at least we're able to practice as we believe here," he said with a snort.
The raven haired young woman looked after tr'Kethry and had to truly fight the urge to sigh. "Quite so, Commander, quite so."
For some reason, a few of the people who were now cautiously approaching them seemed to find the situation rather comical, the scattering children leading a doctor with medical tricorder in hand on a chase across the fragrant fields. But Betazoid Deities alone knew what mischief the man might get himself into again.
"If you would kindly attempt to retrieve our wayward doctor, I believe this gentleman has no hostile intentions at present." She let her gaze linger on the Romulan's rifle for a moment and then cast a sideways glance at Cyrin who would most likely have picked up any overtly violent emotions in the vicinity, before addressing the older man again.
"By 'practice as you believe', I assume you are referring to the unification movement, yes? While that may explain the lack of interest of your government in your well-being, it does not explain abductions by your own military. And quite frankly, I am uncertain how we may be able to assist short of relocating you. However, if you have any requests for aid, I shall certainly speak to our captain about it."
Dylan nodded and slung his rifle over his shoulder. He started to chase after the doctor, wishing just once for a peaceful shift. By the time he had caught up with the doctor he was still scurrying around chasing after the children. "Come along doctor, My Job is to keep you all safe down here. I can't do that if you have me running all over the settlement chasing after you."
The old man seemed surprised that this hybrid knew what he was referring to. "As a matter of fact yes, I was referring to that. Mind tell me just how you knew who we were and why we were here," he said his edge growing back into his voice. Random Starfleet officers offering help was one thing. A group of Starfleet officers who happened to know what they were and why they were in this backwater little planet was a totally different animal all together.
"We won't be used as pawns in some game with or against the Romulan government. We left them to avoid any further bloodshed or discrimination."
"Pawns?" Out of all the illogical…
"Osu, I believe we have made clear that we have Rihannsu crew on Charon. As such, it should not surprise you that our Captain has recognized this planet as Ch'Dabhae and has kindly informed us of the reasons for you being here." It was getting more difficult by the minute to keep the irritation out of her low, melodious voice, but Sakarra managed just so.
"And may I point out that we are hardly in any position nor inclined to 'play games' with anyone."

The old man folded his arms over his chest. They had done nothing of the sort. The Romulan doctor could have been as exiled as they were. The Vulcan was beginning to irritate him. However they still might be able to provide food and or medical supplies. He bit his tongue though, he figured that it would be best to keep these officers at least somewhat happy. Or neutral.
"We could use any spare food you have or medical supplies. Those keep dwindling lower and lower since we have had to make them out here."
"I will relay this request presently." the dark eyed woman nodded.
Just then, both Sakarra's and Cyrin's comm badges chirped excitedly, but no message was forthcoming.
One of the young Vulcan's brows rose in puzzlement "Ensign?"
Cyrin looked at the Lieutenant, "We should head back to the shuttle, and I will see what just happened." He said already heading towards the shuttle. A few minutes later he was going through the communications log of the shuttle to see what happened. It took him a few minutes to filter out everything before he found something intriguing. "Lieutenant, the Charon tried to contact us. What they wanted I can't be for sure though." He added.
"Sensors?" something about this set off ancient instincts screaming at the back of the Vulcan's mind, but it would not do to proceed without sufficient information.
Especially given the still unresolved matter of the doctor-chase proceeding outside. Sakarra nodded to the Ensign to please access their enhanced sensor matrix while she input a recursive algorithm into their comm system which hopefully might retrieve portions of whatever message had been sent.
Turning back towards the Romulan who had followed them at Sakarra's invitation, she motioned him towards the shuttle's ramp "Until we can reestablish contact with our ship and ask for the supplies you mentioned, I will provide you with emergency rations and whatever medical equipment we have on board."
Casting a brief glance over her shoulder towards the furiously working young Betazoid, she opened the storage compartment for the med kits and began placing them into the Romulan's waiting arms.
Dylan had a bad feeling about this whole thing, Not that he was naturally paranoid; though that was becoming more of a concern for him the longer he stayed on the ship with so many Romulans. He was the type that did not like the unknown. And right now He did not like this planet. "Doc! We need to get back to the others now. Put your scanner away, you can play later!"

[To be continued...]
Commander Dylan Marcus
Chief Security Officer
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helm Officer
Ensign Cyrin Dicari
Chief Operations Officer
Arrain Aehlen tr'Kethry
USS Charon
Adorable, cranky, soon to be dead random Romulan NPC
apb Prescot