Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240911.25 - Joint Log "Contingency" - Captain Shiarrael Rehu & Ambassador Ian Lamont

[USS Charon]
Lamont sat in the executive officer's seat dutifully working through the command console attempting to relearn systems, functions, and information displays which he had not worked with in several years.  With the Charon making hasty repairs and waiting it out within a nebula in a bid to determine their enemy's intentions there was some time available to prepare.  Much of the command information system was the same as he remembered, but there were some differences in layout and function with modern improvements and updates.  It appeared that another contest with the Charon's recent attackers was inevitable.  Struggling with the system or being unable to deliver information to the captain in the heat of combat was unacceptable.  He could never hope to master the systems in such a short period of time however he could put himself through a crash course and attempt to obtain as much practice as possible.  There was something about a deadline that could hone a person's will and allow them to accomplish tasks that might otherwise be beyond reach.
Sitting quietly in the command chair Shiarrael continued to brood over their next move.  Without warp drives they were in a considerably bad position should they be discovered.  One shot would only get them so far and relying entirely on the shuttles' success was something Shiarrael did not want to do unless completely necessary.  A sharp pain started to dig its way into her temples causing her to grimace 'not now, this is not the time for such a thing!'  She cursed her own weakness- there had to be something that they could do to increase their odds, but what?  She sighed and tossed a glance at Lamont who was busy with some of the bridge crew 'am I setting myself up?'  Shiarrael wondered.  Lamont was proving himself a little bit more capable then she expected "mister Lamont, join me in my ready room."

Lamont looked up as the captain stood and moved toward her ready room.  Switching off his terminal, he stood and adjusted his uniform.
"Ensign M'Riarr, you have the conn.  Notify the captain immediately if the situation changes."
Following the captain into her ready room Lamont was unsure of the captain's intentions.  Working with her under current conditions was odd and highly irregular. Neither of them had any love for the other, yet despite their differences thus far, they had both remained civil. Lamont wanted to do what he could to assist given the dangerous situation and had limited command experience which could be of use while on the flip side the captain was missing a large portion of the senior staff in addition to her first officer.  They needed each other for different reasons.
Shiarrael made her way around the desk but did not sit down in her chair- instead she paused to look out her windows at the beautiful sight of Yy'a swirling all around them.  Part of her also looked for any sign of the Romulan ships' but the ships sensors would likely detect them long before her eyes caught sight of anything in the clouded mess of the Nebula.
Lamont entered as the doors closed behind him and stood quietly at attention.
She turned around and looked at Lamont "I am a prideful and confident woman Commander; however, I would be remiss if I did not consider the possibility that we might be destroyed out here."  That admission caused Shiarrael to frown for short minute "and with that we must consider the lives of the civilians aboard- mainly the children.  What I tell you now cannot get out to the rest of the personnel aboard but I want you to see to it that a shuttle is prepared and piloted just in case the worst of all possibilities comes to bare.  All children aboard and at least two caretakers will be ushered to the shuttle in the event that we find ourselves out of options."  Out of options meant with no recourse but to use the ship as a final weapon- Shiarrael wondered if Lamont would understand the last bit and hoped he would not argue a decision for once.

Lamont said nothing for a moment carefully digesting the captain's words.  "Aye sir.  I will see to it personally.  I believe I know a pilot who would be well suited for such a task should you exhaust all other options sir."  Ian picked up on the subtle verbal hint the captain had dropped.  "I sincerely hope such a contingency is not needed.  You have my word as an officer and a gentleman this matter will stay forever silent."  Lamont hated to admit it, but the captain and he were actually in agreement on something.  Given the gravity of the situation this was hardly the time for their usual clash of personalities.

"Good."  Shiarrael said.  'At least my children and others' will be safe should I fail' but that simple fact did little to ease her mood "get to work on it right away Commander.   I will remain here and oversee our battle planning."

"Aye.  Consider it done ma'm.  I have faith you will find a solution to our current problems.  Will that be all sir?"

Shiarrael simply nodded her head once and turned around to watch the nebula outside the ready room window.  It was truly was beautiful- one might easily forget the dangers that lurk in the clouds of Yy'a, and not all of them were Rihannsu.

Lamont nodded.  With a slight bow, he turned and left the ready room bound for the hangar deck to carry out the captain's orders with the utmost discretion.

Silence filled the room for several minutes.  Shiarrael was content to stand still and allow her thoughts to speak to her.  Beneath her hands the on cold surface of the window frames she could feel Charon's vibrations- the heartbeat.  "Do you honestly believe I will allow you to destroy us" her eyes narrowed at the flowing gasses but they stared beyond them at their pursuers.  "They are a determined people- I will ensure you recognize it."

"Captain, sorry to disturb you but we just received a message from stellar cartography.  Part of the EPS has overloaded creating a fire along with a radiation issue and a cadet is trapped."

Shiarrael tapped her commbadge "Have you dispatched a team to the area?"

"That's the problem Captain; all available personnel are assisting with other damaged areas.  We don't have many available."

"Fvadt."  Shiarrael cursed and stormed out of the ready room "have two security or engineering personnel join me on deck eight!"  She said storming onto the turbo lift.


Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon

Ambassador Ian Lamont
Diplomatic Advisor
USS Charon