------- SD240912.05 - USS Charon - Sickbay -------
Eithne had awoken in sickbay not much longer after she was taken there with the other injured crew members who were returning from the planet. She had very little memory about what had transpired after the ambush on the surface, but, she was certainly grateful for the skills of those on her team. If it was not for them, she was sure she and the others on the team would not have survived.
Looking around the room of sickbay she raised a brow as suddenly she had a wave of stagnant thoughts invade her mind. This alarmed her as the devise that was implanted into her brain should have disabled her ability to read such thoughts. Alarm was clouded by worry and then wonder as she thought of why it was not doing its job.
Her hand shot out before she grabbed the arm of the passing nurse and looked the woman deep in the eyes. " Where is the implant? Why is it not working?"
The startled nurse bit her lip as she looked over to the Doctor who had just finished in the OR and was moving over to them after noticing the tension between the two. She was surprisingly calm, despite the influx of patients who seemed to be currently invading sickbay. Her red hair was curly and shoulder length, her eyes, bright emerald green.
" Commander Katris? What were your concerns?" Doctor Fisher asked her in a voice that she hoped would calm the obviously distraught woman.
" I was curious as to why the implant that was suppressing my telepathic abilities was not functioning...Why? It is the best technology can be! Why is it not functioning?" Eithne was furious at the fact and hoped this Doctor could give her the reasoning she was looking for.
Lylan lifted up the Commanders chart and took a look at the most recent information that was on there, raising her brow as she read over what was done to save the woman. " Well Commander....Hmmmm... Looks as though your implant was actually the cause of your unconsciousness...." She read on.
" What?! How is that so?"
" Commander... Even the most advanced of technology has its flaws... It was simply warn out... You've had that implant for a little over three years now... Since the first day it had been working overtime to prevent any telepathic signals from being received... It was inevitable that it would simply quit working..." She shook her head and locked eyes with the Commander before she continued. " It is in your best interest that we had to remove the devise and purge your blood of all the nanites that helped it... Else you be killed by the very thing that was supposed to be helping you..."
Eithne was silent as she was listening to what the Doctor was telling her. She was right in what she was saying... Such an Ironic situation.
" Commander?" Lylan asked, when she was sure the Commander was listening, she continued her prescription. " I recommend that you find a way to control your telepathic abilities without the help of technology... You are betazoid... With the adequate training, it is highly possible that you will be able to control them..." She paused and continued for the last time. " IF you would like I could activate a Cortical Inhibitor... It would not do much... But it would make training a little easier until you are able to control your abilities on your own..."
Eithne simply nodded as she looked at the doctor, a little lost in wonder as to how she would exactly keep her abilities under control. It was mere moments and soon she was with the aide of the cortical inhibitor..... Now it was time for her to find the others on her team and make sure they were all looked after and well after their mission.
------- End -------
Commander Eithne Katris
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Lylan Fisher (APB. Cat)
Assistant Medical Officer
" Live each day as if it were your last...Don't do anything you will regret later...Let it happen...It was meant to be...Don't fight it..It's your destiny"