Tuesday, December 29, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.29 || Joint BackLog "Of Russian Bears and Father Winter's Elves" Part I || Lt Cmdr Sakarra Tyrax, MCpt Nikolai Chernienko

<<Taking place shortly after the Holiday Log in Eris Deck >>

[USS Charon, Main Sickbay]
The young Vulcan with the dark red dress followed Mr Olafsson and a large assortment of other crewmembers laden with food into sickbay, and she was exceptionally pleased to see that most of the patients still present seemed well on the road to recovery. It had been Mr Chell's idea to share the abundance of the buffet with those who had not been able to attend the festivities in the half-repaired Eris Deck, and the appearance of the Bolian with the red outfit was greeted with a good amount of cheers.
Having learned that her own choice of dress qualified her as what Ensign M'Riarr had referred to as "Elvish Santa lady", Sakarra did not even attempt to keep a low profile as she had originally intended and instead acknowledged the friendly greetings with courteous nods.
At last, the young woman with the white crystals clinging to her raven-black curls managed to slip away in the general commotion, wisely choosing to not hear the half-hearted protests of some assorted healers, and found the room she had been looking for.
As the doors swished open, she noticed that the skin color of the patient resting here had improved considerably over his earlier condition, and his breathing seemed much less labored. Quite satisfactory. What surprised her however, was that the Marine who had seemed fast asleep, suddenly turned a pair of very alert blue eyes towards her.
Nikolai had heard her come in to the room. He could recognize her footsteps from that of the doctors, several long months with nothing to see with had let him distinguish the sounds a person makes when they walk, even on carpet. As he turned toward her his alert eyes locked onto her highly unusual garb and he managed to straighten up in his bed.
"It is good to see you again podurga Sakarravich." he said to her Russianizing her name. The pain was still mostly deadened from the last treatment but it was still a constant effort to keep the unpleasant reminder of it out of his face. "You are one of Father Winter's elves?" he asked her curiously.

"Good evening, Mr Chernienko." Sakarra said mildly, inclining her head in greeting before she looked down at the billowing fabric of the skirt again
"So I am told. However, I must admit it was quite unintentional. Perhaps I should have researched human customs more thoroughly before deciding on my attire."
She pulled one of the small tables next to the bed, a fairly wobbly affair to be certain, but it would most likely no collapse even under the weight of the food. "Mr Chell suggested to bring the buffet to those in sickbay who could not attend the human Holiday festivities, although he made some reference to mountains and prophets the meaning of which I am not certain about."
The other humans and even non-humans in sickbay had responded rather happy to the Bolian's intrusion and the young Vulcan made due note of that.
She gestured towards the plate, filled with what young Mr Grax had insisted would delight a person of Terra's Eastern European regions, though Sakarra had no idea what half of these things were nor was she certain she wanted to know.
"Having been a 'guest' in sickbay myself, I understand the food becomes rather tiresome after a while. If you would kindly not inform the healer of this … irregularity, then I will refrain from mentioning it as well."
The large Russian looked at her and for one brief moment a faint smile passed his bearded lips before vanishing back into his normal Slavic scowl. He looked over at the food offered and nodded with relief as it certainly looked and smelled better than the drivel the Healers had been feeding him. "Your secret is safe with me Commander. And it seems I am once again in your debt for this kindness." he said as he tried to reach over and share the food with her.
As he reached over the sharp stabbing pain echoed down his entire right hand side causing his face to contort with agony. As quickly as it came he forced it back down with his teeth gritted and sweat on his brow and took a small sampling of the food from the plate and offered Sakarra a portion as well.
"Not at all, Mr Chernienko." the young Vulcan stated reasonably "It is my understanding that certain foods in fact have a psychological effect which may aid the healing process."
Her expression changed ever so slightly when she noticed his troubles in reaching for the food but decided to simply watch for any signs of worsening at the moment. Her jet-black eyes rested on the plate and she gave the things Mr Grax had called 'Pierogi' a doubtful look, dismissed the fish and meats and finally saw something vaguely familiar. Beets. Well, those were quite agreeable.
Carefully balancing the silver fork, she picked up some of the sautéed vegetable and quirked an appreciative brow at the taste. Miss Betty had yet again managed to surprise.
If the human did not know how unusual it was for a Vulcan to share food in this manner, Sakarra was not going to point it out just now, but there was another small shift in her demeanor when she exhaled and handed the fork back to the gigantic Russian. She might have to do more research into this culture as well.
He took the fork back from her and took some of the Pierogi up on it and took a bit of the exquisite food. It was pure heaven compared to what he had been used to for his incarceration. He closed his blue eyes which were fairly uncommon for the Russian people and savored the flavor as another wave of the pain arched up his body.
The act of chewing helped forestall the pain so that when he opened his eyes once more they were just his normal eyes instead of pain filled windows. "Da, My family taught me this as well. Though I believe the custom for the Westernized Anglo Saxons was Chicken Noodle Soup." he said with a faint attempt of levity. "Though I am not complaining Commander I must ask, why are you being so kind to me? After all.. in many peoples eyes I am a traitor." he asked her curiously. It was possible this line of questioning would end this treatment and he didn't wish that. But he wanted to know why a person would risk their standing helping not only a stranger but one accused of the worst crime in a military outfit.
"I am a Vulcan, Mr Chernienko." and although in and by itself, that should have explained everything, Sakarra knew from experience most people required some … elaboration.
"Though I am aware that for many other cultures it is … different, I cannot deny you assistance and remain true to what I am. Right here and now, you are a living being in pain who is in need of and has accepted my aid. That is all I must know, and all that is of consequence."
Her current attire made it difficult to stand in her preferred pose with hands clasped behind her back, so she settled for folding her fingers loosely, letting them rest against the soft, heavy fabric of the dress.
"Nam-tor u'sha'yut. It is our way. We are creatures of a universe in which entropy exists, and therefore see no way to escape, but we do not need to help it."
The thick waves of her hair were still covered with glittering white specks, the result of some enthusiastic little ones spraying party guests with artificial snow, and Sakarra noticed some of the … glitter … had fallen to the floor and onto the biobed when she had reached for the food. Well, one could hope it was not sufficient forensic evidence to attest to her having been here. The healer would be suitably … displeased.
The young woman's dark eyes rested thoughtfully on the Marine and she wondered whether this explanation would satisfy him. It was the truth, as plain and simple as one could tell it, but as so often it was only a small portion of something for which words alone would hardly suffice.
"Do you believe there is a reason why I should not assist, Mr Chernienko?"
"I was one of the leaders of the mutiny against Rehu, and though I didn't condone or authorize it, the assault on her children. From my point of view if the situation was reversed I am not sure I would show such kindness." he said to her honestly. "And I doubt that any of the others would be doing what you are doing either. The Doctors are bound by oath to heal our bodies, that they can not change. But this.." he gestured to the offered food she had brought.
It was hard to fathom such kindness specially from a Vulcan. He could understand the neuropressure treatments as part of not letting a person suffer, but the conversation and the meal? that he didn't understand. "Do you not fear that you will be branded as fraternizing with the enemy Commander?" he would gladly destroy the Romulans on this vessel but he wouldn't want to ruin the career or life of another officer.

[To be continued ...]
Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman and Acting Executive Officer
Marine Captain Nikolai Chernienko
Platoon Leader
USS Charon