Sunday, December 20, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240910.20 - Memento Mori Epilogue: "The end is only the beginning..." - Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu & Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax

2 days after the incidents at the NeoDyne research station.

[I'Rak Prime, USS Charon]

Shiarrael sat quietly in her ready room.  It no longer resembled the chaos that rendered it to a pile of debris a few days previous.  It was now tidy and much more Spartan then she originally intended.  Although she did not miss Enor's plant gift that had been vaporized in the melee she felt some loss to see her old desk now replaced.  However, that was not the issue that lingered in her thoughts.  The scientists were now being interrogated by Commander Marcus- Shiarrael refused to be present.  She did not know if she had the composure to face those monsters… and then there were the Marines.  It was a shocking find by Itsak's Gai'Shian when they opened up the hideous NeoDyne laboratories.  Most had been killed but a few were still alive.  'How could I have known my actions would have led to their deaths?'  Shiarrael shook her head and sighed deeply.   It had already been decided between her and Kanryth that the Commander would take the scientists back to the Federation aboard the Quantum Fury.  They would face trial and be used to charge NeoDyne with the atrocities, but the marines were another question.  A few wanted to stay on the Charon.   After their mutiny and the marooning it was a hard dilemma compounded by their tragedy at the hands of NeoDyne.

She looked across her new desk at Sakarra, the placid Vulcan looked serene.  There were few times that Shiarrael would have openly admitted to envying such creatures but in this moment she was envious of her helmsman.  In the past few days Shiarrael found herself increasingly agitated by the events.  "With Commander Katris unconscious and Ian Lamont in questionable condition I am appointing you as Acting Executive Officer."  Shiarrael reached into her desk and pulled out a red velvet box lined with gold trimming "and giving you the rank of Lieutenant Commander."

The young woman stood silently a few more heartbeats, hands loosely clasped behind her back. If there was any indication of her being slightly more thoughtful than usual, or even the smallest hint of concern, it was visible only in the slowness with which she finally exhaled.
"As you wish, s'thora."
Her elegant half-bow perfectly hid the brief flicker of an expression in her black eyes. "We come to serve." she murmured and then picked up the small box with a fluent movement before looking at her Captain again.
"Your orders?"

"We will remain here until Calhoun completes repairs.  They have been generous enough to provide us with their fleet facilities.  However, the crew has been forbidden from leaving the Charon without proper authorization."  Shiarrael resisted the urge to sigh again "we have also been invited to join Vaek'Riov tr'Sahen for dinner tonight.  He has asked that you attend as well."

At last, a slanted brow rose by the fraction of a centimeter.
"May I assume it would be seen as impolite to decline?"
She would certainly have preferred to spend the evening in quiet meditation, possibly even tend to her still not fully healed injuries. And of course Charon required every bit of attention Sakarra currently had to spare, even more so now that the Captain had asked her to temporarily take over the duties of the injured Commander Katris.
As it was, they depended on the Vaek'Riov's good will if there was to be any hope of repairing Charon in a reasonable amount of time.
Exhaling in the equivalent of a Vulcan's stoic sigh of acceptance, the raven haired young woman nodded once more.
"If it is your wish, I will accompany you."

"Since they are aiding us with repairs we will oblige the simple request."  Shiarrael wanted to frown, Itsak was like a brother- one that she never fully seemed to get along with.  They fought consistently as children and although later in life their relationship had eased considerably there was still dislike between the two.  "I am not looking forward to this meeting either- suffering is best shared."  She smirked at her helmsman.  "Return to the bridge."

"Indeed." Sakarra's contemplative gaze lingered on the Captain for another second before she briefly inclined her head and pivoted around, striding towards the doors.
Whatever thoughts might have been hidden behind her calm, unmoved features, not even another Vulcan would have been able to say.

Shiarrael stood up as the doors closed and moved over to the large viewing windows that dotted the edge of her ready room.  A large Romulan starbase dominated the view.  She didn't need to be a mind-reader to notice the unease that had slowly filtered its way through the crew.  As a workbee lifted past her window she turned around.  There was a lot to do.  She would get started by paying Ambassador Lamont a visit.

[I'Rak Prime, Local Galae Fortress]

In his darkened room Itsak pulled on the bed sheets as N'Rala slid against his skin, her warm breath touching his ear "you must watch the Charon."

Her sweet breath sliced his senses like a dagger- he clenched his fists into the sheets with pleasure "why?"

She pulled away from him and wrapped the sheets around her slender frame.  Her dark silhouette stood up and moved to the small bar at the end of the room "the Vulcans are looking for something.  They did not send the Charon here to merely peer at stars."  The agent laughed faintly and sipped the liquor she had just poured "Starfleet is naïve.  Rehu is naïve.  They don't know the truth- what the Vulcans want is quite precious to them, and to us.  The agency wants it and if you get it for us- we will ignore the gift you have taken without our permission."

Naked but hidden by the darkness Itsak shifted in the bed displeased at the end to their exercise "gift?"  He asked, pretending to lack understanding.

"You took the Memento Mori.  Did you think we would not find out?"  She laughed again, this time it was haughtier "and your stupid cousin believes you have destroyed it and all other NeoDyne research."

"You are well informed, I admit that much."  He grimaced in the darkness "and what she believes I do not know- nor do I care.  I will keep an eye on her as you have asked and get you whatever it is you seek."

"There is one thing I do not understand.  What does a Vaek'Riov in the eastern empire need with such a weapon?"

"Vengeance."  He answered simply "vengeance."


Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon

Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman and Acting Executive Officer
USS Charon