Saturday, December 12, 2009

[USS Charon] SD:240912.12 || Duty Log || Cmd Jade Falcon "Business as Usual"

Jade liked crew lounges and liked to spend a lot of time in them.  Oddly enough it wasn't about drinking for him.  He'd usually go his entire stay without more than two or three drinks at the most, simply sitting around and nursing one for its taste.  It was about observing people.  They acted differently in lounges than on duty, and that difference he found very interesting.  It was how Eithne had caught his eye, and he saw a bit of that interest in why people did the things they did in Seraphim.  He imagined she would grow up to be an excellent judge of character.


Truth be told, he also did a lot of fighting in lounges.  Best place to learn how to fight, in his opinion, because no one ever played fair in a lounge brawl, and there were so many things lying around that could become a weapon.  It really taught one to think on their feet.


Now Jade hadn't fought a Romulan in a very, very long time.  So when two of them materialized in the center of the crew lounge, he was quite taken aback.  Rifles running hot, combat ready, that arrogant smirk so many of them had.  "Bad form," Jade thought to himself.


Startled cries and screams of surprise and fear filled the lounge.  Glasses broke as they shattered against the floor as people scrambled to get away from the intruders.  Jade slid the cold steel throwing knife from his boot and got up from his seat.  "One on the left will go, I'll take the one on the right," he thought to himself.  The knife was flung through the air as Jade ran for the intruders.  The metal sank through the soft skin of the Romulans' throat as the knife hit its mark, shredding flesh and filling the intruders windpipe with blood.  He would probably drown before he bled out.


Two bodies crashed to the ground next to the gargling Romulan.  One was Jade, while the other was the very alive, very not dying Romulan intruder.  He hadn't really thought past this part in his plan of attack, now that he had tackled the man.  It didn't take long from there for the intruders fist to connect with his jaw.  A sloppy, panicky hit, but not one to just shrug off, and left Jade on the floor with the intruder over him.


Jade's hand went searching for something, anything, and found a glass cup, which he immediately grabbed and flung at the Romulan, who's thrown another punch just in time to smash into it.  Shards of glass peppered both the combatants' hands.  A shrill cry of anger erupted from the intruder.  But as the Romulan was about to attack again he went stiff, eyes wide with surprise, and then nothing.  Jade pushed the dead Romulan off him and stood to find a crewman, he didn't know who he was, with his knife.


"Thanks," Jade offered in gratitude rather casually before taking the knife back and cleaning it on his pant leg.  "Get to your post, I'm off to Engineering."  And with that he set off for that most vital part of the ship.

=/\= End Log =/\=

ASEC Cmd Jade Falcon

USS Charon