Wednesday, December 9, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.09 || Duty Log || "Erudition" Part IIa - Lieutenant Nathanial Doyle

=/\= USS Charon - Sensor Pod - Deck C =/\=
Nathanial ordered the remaining crew in the Sensor Pod control room to begin setting up any kind of defences, be it stools in the doorways, to overturned desks. Unfortunately the biggest issue they faced was the severe lack of anything to use as defences. "Start taking panels off the walls if you have to, I want this section defended!" He shouted, men and women scurried off at his orders.
It had been at least five minutes but it had felt longer until the Alpha shift crew appeared, along with the three crewmen that had been sent off to get the weaponry. He watched as Thomas organized his squad and headed to the Jefferies tubes.
Nathanial turned to one of the ensign's. "Ensign Treabel, take three with you and secure the corridor between here and the turbolift."
Ensign Treabel turned to three crewmen and pointed to them "You three, lets go."
Nathanial watched them leave and turned back to the scene unfolding infront of him, he knew that if they were to be boarded that the sensor pod would not be a high priority target, he also knew though, that if they managed to gain control of the bridge they would see all of science rerouted to here and make it one of thier targets.
"Cadet T'Cuat"
"Sir!" The young Vulcan replied.
"Find a way to mask our presence here, from our vitals to the re-route path."  The Cadet nodded and headed to a terminal.
"Specialist Garben, I want you to..."
Before he could finish they were interrupted by the comm's coming online. Reports randomly started coming in, but in pieces.
"Garben, see if you can stabilize the comm, use the sensor probes array if you have to"
Just as quickly as it had started, the comm's dropped silent again. "Garben!"
"On it sir!" He replied back.
Nathanial ran his had through his hair. They were science officers, not security or marines. Nathanial looked at the doorway, they were placing the final touches of a makeshift barricade, he smiled, even if we were scientists we were still startfleet. "Right, who can handle a Phaser Rifle"
Two cadets raised their hands. "Ok take these, on the door."
As they headed over to the door shouts and phaser fire began to errupt in the distance. Nathanial saw the rest of his men look to him for support, they are scared, what am I saying, so am I. "Anyone who hasn't got a weapon grab one now, you two with me, the rest of you, guard this room with your life"
What am I doing?
Phaser and disruptor fire could be heard getting closer, a scream emitted in the distance, it sounded human. A green disruptor blast shot past the door.
"Garben, wheres that Comm!"
"Two minutes sir!"
"We don't have two minutes!"
Nathanial had began to sweat, it was just barely noticeable. I need to do something.  He turned to Ensign Becker "Hold the fort, I am going to try to get in behind them, and Garben get me that comm!"
Nathanial pointed to two of the remaining science crew not on the door. "Brooker, Alzan, with me"
The three of them headed for the Jefferies tube that would take them towards the skirmish. What are you doing?
They entered the tubes and began to crawl towards the next hatch. You can't possibly be thinking of being the hero?
The sound of disruptor fire resounded through the tubes. Brooker whispered "They are on the other side of this wall" Of course they are.
Nathanial nodded and placed his finger over his mouth advising for silence. As if they should listen to you.
They crawled the last ten meters to the hatch, the firing continued, though if the sounds were correct, they should be placed a few meters behind the Romulans.
He was about to open the hatch when a transmission came through.
"Clipper to anyone in the Pod, I'm at the probes and under attack by at least two intruders. I have two casualties and we are barricaded next to the..."
As quietly as he could he replied "Ensign Clipper, respond, do you read me" When he didn't hear a reply he turned to Brooker and Alzan, they were only a minute or so away from Ensign Clippers location. "Both of you, head up and assist Ensign Clipper" he said as quietly as he could. They both looked at each other and then Alzan said "But sir"
"That's an order" he finished.
They both nodded and headed up the tubes towards the magazine hanger.
Now what hero?
Nathanial slowly turned the hatch and peered out. The dead end that the hatch came out to was empty, he pushed the hatch open further and then stopped. Just noticeable as if rounding a corner, not five meters from where he currently was, he spotted the back of a shoe bathed in random intervals of green light. Just close the door and sit there.
Nathanial took a deep breath and slowly stepped into the hall, he put the hatch ajar and grabbed his phaser. Back to the wall he stood there dealing with some internal battle.
Your no hero. You can't save anyone.
'Not again' he mouthed. He lifted his had with the phaser and hit himself in the head, as if by some miracle it would knock the voices out, instead all it did was cause a slight dull pain to surge though his head.
It was then that he realized how long it had been since he had slept. It was before organizing the firefly probes, before he was in the bridge looking for the captain, before he had crashed into the Charon on the shuttle. Before he had been beamed up from a Romulan ambush on the planet, before he had organized everything for the away mission.
Yes, you are weak, look at how frail your body really is.
He started to shake, he tried to concentrate, but his body was not letting him get a hold, it had hit the point of exhaustion where control was no longer an option.
Told you.
'Oh great' he tried to say as he collapsed to the floor.
[To Be continued…]
Lieutenant Nathanial Doyle
Chief Science Officer
USS Charon