Sunday, December 20, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.20 || Joint Log "Revelations" Part III || Capt Shiarrael Rehu, Amb Ian Lamont, Lt Sakarra Tyrax, Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen

[IRW Endless Sky]
"You speak big for a human- if you do not believe me go see for yourself." She turned away from Lamont.
The woman's answer finally came and stung Lamont's ears like a cold, bitter wind. If his glare were a phaser he would have carved a hole in both the woman and the bulkhead beyond her. His own green eyes furiously burned as he searched the woman's own. Much to his own dismay he found no trace of deception. This Romulan had everything to lose and nothing to gain by withholding information.
"Thlhom veherr'a ", Lamont said almost at a whisper to the Riov. (My apologies.) He could see the tension in her eyes. Beyond that was fear, but what person wouldn't be fearful of the current circumstances. His eye contact was broken when he felt Captain Rehu forcefully pulled him backwards.
"Compose yourself Ambassador." Shiarrael wanted to reach out and wring the Ambassador's neck but she knew such sudden violent movements might result in a disruptor bolt in the middle of her chest. Instead she turned away from the scene and studied her cousin who was now smiling widely, apparently he was very amused by the impromptu entertainment provided by the Ambassador.
Lamont said nothing and simply stared at Rehu with haunted eyes. He was beyond caring anymore what she or anyone else did to him. Reality was slowly closing in around him like a giant python constricting its victim to a slow, excruciating death. He was just as guilty as the Riov before him and perhaps should share her eventual fate for her actions. He stepped backed his breathing now coming in short, rapid breaths. He turned only for an instant and glanced at Lt. Tyrax. His eyes searched for hers as if to call out for help, but just as they made contact he looked away too ashamed to retain the contact and terrified the Vulcan might somehow see the guilt and remorse swimming within his gaze.
"Since we are done here..." Itsak laughed, took a step back, pulled out a disruptor, and shot the Riov in the chest. She was barely able to widen her eyes in astonishment before going limp. He holstered the weapon and nodded to one of men "have the others slaughter the crew." Twisting around he grinned towards his guests "Shiarrael it has been too long, I am glad to see you are in one piece, and what interesting friends you have." He studied the others.
"Very sparing of you." Shiarrael said, her eyes on the corpse now being dragged out of the room. She wasn't surprised; her cousin always had a ruthless streak beneath his bright smile. No doubt he inherited that from his grandfather.
"I was quite gracious. She will now rest in peace instead of dying slowly for her crimes. Her crew will also be spared the fate of a slow death, but you, of all people Shiarrael, should understand this method well?" He looked at Lamont and Sakarra "did you know your Captain once held the title Riov Yhisu?" He chuckled "she was quite ruthless- how many fools did you execute? I have heard rumors and those numbers are quite high. No wonder you are so hated within the Galae, but, it would seem that Riov Yhisu is dead." He chuckled amusedly while looking at Lamont "I am surprised by your newfound level of patience with such ridicu-"
"What are you going to do Itsak?" Shiarrael's eyes narrowed as she cut him off.
"I am going to have Governor Ulhri arrested and I am going to destroy his little research station." His grin held "you may tag along to observe if you wish but your help is unnecessary and unwanted."
"Those scientists are Federation citizens. We should be given custody of them so they can be tried for their crimes in a Federation court." Shiarrael said, her voice was shaky but she looked composed.
Itsak snorted "odd, to hear such drivel come from your mouth." His expression darkened "but it brings me joy to see my young cousin again. I will give them to you. I have no interest in going through the trouble of executing such people." He looked at Sakarra again, his gaze lingering for a moment "join me for dinner after we have dealt with this matter Shiarrael and bring your friend. It has been long since I have seen a thaessu."
Sakarra's hands had tightened behind her back when the man her Captain called Itsak had shot the Riov, but other than that she might as well have been a statue; for all that her eyes gleamed in a completely unmoved face.
Thaessu? Odd that a Galae Vaek'Riov should have any interest in a lone Vulcan far from home, but it was not unheard of for the Sundered to indulge their curiosity when it came to their distant cousins. And this curiosity might well have produced an echo and earned the man a tilted head or even a quirked brow, were it not for the pitch in the CO's voice that spoke of silent distress and had the young Vulcan silently move just a minute distance closer to her Captain's shoulder.
At long last the messy affair with the Romulans was at its conclusion. The captain and their Romulan host exchanged final parting words and the trio finally made their way back to the Romulan transporter room escorted by the same Gai'Shian who had led them in. Lamont merely followed the captain and Sakarra using every last atom of concentration to place one foot after the other on a march that seemed to last an eternity. Beads of perspiration ran down his face and neck. His heart pounded within his chest like a ticking bomb waiting to explode. His hands tingled as vital oxygen failed to reach his extremities. Stepping up on the transporter pad, Lamont purposefully bit his lip. The intense pain kept his consciousness alive for a few more moments as he used every last fiber of his being to remain standing and from becoming violently ill.
He felt the cold grip of the transporter and seconds later his vision of the Romulans was replaced by the lone transporter operator back on the Charon.
Shiarrael, who had remained intensely silent as they were returned to the Endless Sky's transporter room broke her neutral expression and glared at Lamont as soon as they materialized on Charon. Her hands trembled with anger "what were you thinking? You fool! Bless the elements my cousin found your behavior more amusing than rude. What is NeoDyne?" Her glare switched to Sakarra "have you heard of this organization?"
The young Vulcan shifted her mildly concerned gaze from the ambassador who was emanating waves of distress that even a Vulcan could not fail to notice, and looked at her rightfully irritated CO.
"Only what one may consider common knowledge, Captain. Assuming it is the NeoDyne Defense Corporation that this concerns, it is a rather large company, specialized in producing and supplying weapons technology. If I remember correctly, they were involved in somewhat of a scandal after the first Dominion War. The ship's database, should it be repaired sufficiently by now, will be able to provide us with more details." 
He couldn't hear a word they were saying. His mind was an exploding mass of intense stress, powerful emotions, and chemical agents as adrenaline surged through his blood stream. The assault of emotion, stress, and his body's physiological responses were too much for even a man of his will to hold in check. With a gaze that was as blank as a soulless automaton, Lamont's eyes rolled backwards into his head. His knees buckled and the ambassador suddenly collapsed to the floor of the transporter pad as lifeless as the Romulan Riov who had lost her life only moments before…
"Do you think passing out like some frightened hlai will get you out of this mess Ambassador?" Shiarrael crouched down and studied him; she immediately noticed his lips becoming a shade of blue. Sliding two fingers against his neck she closed her eyes "Lieutenant, his pulse is erratic, get sickbay here immediately!" She turned to the transporter operator "get the medical kit!"
The young woman swiftly dropped to her knees next to the ambassador and carefully placed her fingertips on his neck before tapping her comm badge.
"Lieutenant Sakarra to sickbay. Medical emergency in the transporter room. Please prepare for human male, unconscious, vitals erratic, arrival immediately."
Logic dictated that since they were still on a transporter padd..
"My apologies, Captain." she said mildly before her head snapped around to the operator "Engage emergency transport now, one directly to the main sickbay."
The startled operator hadn't moved yet and blinked at the Vulcan, but he executed the transport within less than two seconds.
Standing up, Sakarra gave her CO a courteous half-bow as was right and proper after having offended like this.
"I will of course accept disciplinary measures for countermanding your orders."
"It's fine." Shiarrael felt winded by everything. What exactly did the Ambassador know? "Come with me to bridge. We must follow the Endless Sky to the Hirexa system." She was lost and she knew it. Events were spinning out of control and she had no idea why.
[End Log]
Captain Shiarrael Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helm Officer
USS Charon
Ambassador Ian Lamont
Diplomatic Advisor
USS Charon
Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen