Monday, December 28, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.28 || Joint Log "Family Matters" Part III || Captain Shiarrael t`Rehu & Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax, Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen

[I'Rak Prime]
Not exactly a clear answer, but an answer all the same.
"An order, Vaek'Riov?"
Sakarra was aware of her Captain tensing beside her and it was the only reason that she had not already made her own position clear beyond any chance of misunderstanding. The glare resting on her tugged at something, something vaguely familiar, and she kept her eyes fixed on it, even as the heavy mantle slowly slid off her shoulders and rustled onto the chair behind.
And then she nearly laughed. She hid it behind a stare that would have done her mentor proud, the level air of one resting within herself. But for the fraction of a second, it had been there, flickering across her features like a trick of light.
Slender hands reached into the long tresses that had drawn such curiosity earlier, and twisted them into a braid.
"By your leave, s'thora."
She did not look at her Captain, but courtesy required she ask permission before responding to this offense.
"Klee-fah, Itsak tr`Sahen. I must decline."
With casual grace Shiarrael lifted her utensil and stabbed the oily slab of meat on Sakarra's plate. Pulling it to her lips she took the morsel whole- she chewed slowly, methodically.
Itsak's gaze was now on her. When she finally finished chewing the slice of roast she swallowed and smiled "delicious, truly, my compliments to your chef." She looked at Sakarra "forgive her; she is not familiar with our customs- however."
Her expression darkened and became rigid like a storm cloud "there is no excuse for your behavior. Your father is thaessu and I know you are familiar with their customs." Her eyes narrowed slightly, just enough to add an edge to her comment "I know you do not care, but if you continue on I will soon become offended."
To say that Sakarra was astonished by her Captain's… creative intervention would have been a mild understatement. The statement that she was dealing with another half-Vulcan however came hardly as a surprise.
Slowly, the young woman returned to the posture of comparable ease, head inclined ever so lightly in her CO's direction, hands clasped loosely behind her back. Her half closed eyes however remained on the man across the table.
Itsak was infuriated at the mention of his father. His hands trembled but instead of reaching for his honor blade he turned around "I have matters to attend to. Enjoy your meal." He walked away, a pair of servants rushing after him as he went.
Once he was out of sight Shiarrael looked at Sakarra "forgive me, I did not expect him to be so hostile. He is not fond of his Vulcan ancestry."
Her eyes were sympathetic "his father abandoned him to return to Vulcan and our grandfather sent him to live with us. I am glad you have self restraint- Quentin needs time to repair the ship." She grinned, it was a playful expression. "Sit down and try some of the tolekrya- my own grandfather, tr'Rehu, not the other fool, loved this vegetable- it is especially good when roasted carefully with salt and little else. However it should not be eaten raw- very uncomfortable night for those who do."
Sakarra gave a courteous nod and gracefully slid back into her seat, pulling the coat back over her shoulders.
"He may not be fond of it, however he cannot hide it" she murmured quietly before selecting some of the vegetables her Captain had pointed out. The scent was certainly agreeable.
"Abandoned?" the young woman could not hide the timbre of surprise in her voice as she pondered this revelation "Quite unusual, unless it was by wish of the lady in question. And I must commend you on your unorthodox, if effective approach on diplomacy, Captain. Please accept my apologies if my ignorance of your customs has created this… situation. "
"It was not your fault, it was mine. I never expected him to be so…" she paused for a moment, sliced a piece of meat, slipped the juicy morsel into her mouth as she thought on her words. When she swallowed she continued her thought "angry. Why his father returned to Vulcan I do not know, it was not something I was privy to. Though I do not believe it was at his mother's request. She was quite distraught and later died." She sighed and slid her plate away full. One of the servants rushed forward and lifted the plate out of Shiarrael's way "he was always restrained when we were children- responsible. His behavior tonight is different."
This at last caused two elegantly arched eyebrows to climb considerably.
"I see." Sakarra had tried the tolekrya and found it even more agreeable than expected, but after savoring the flavor and texture as was due to something so carefully prepared, she replaced the fork as well and steepled her fingers under her chin.
"The anger is not surprising, then, Captain. Such behavior is most unbecoming a Vulcan and in ages past would have been considered sufficient reason for the offended house to declare war, if the matriarch decided so. However, without any further knowledge it would be pointless to speculate. Perhaps this is merely proof that Vulcans are as prone to become victim of our passions as our distant cousins."
The wind had picked up considerably by now and sent the torch flames flickering, throwing patterns of light and shadow over the two women sitting at the table laden with opulent food.
"And perhaps this anger that surprised you so will give you an understanding of why we chose to lives the way we do. Because if what I've seen is indeed the heritage left to your cousin by a Vulcan, it was little more than a harmless flare of annoyance."
Shiarrael stood up. She could smell the sweet perfume of flowers as a heavy gust carried several petals across the table "let us return to the ship" her eyes studied the surroundings, the flicking torches creating a tapestry of shadows on her face "I do not feel comfortable here. It is too much like home." She looked down at her helmsman "and there is an old saying among my people Sakarra. Perhaps we are not tepid and cautious as our cousins but 'certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, and politics burns. But cold were life without them.'"
"With the possible exception of politics, I would have to agree." the young Vulcan stated levelly as she moved out of the chair in one fluid movement and gave a courteous nod of thanks to the attending staff.
"Yet as you yourself observed once, the Vulcan sun burns hot and bright, and it knows no mercy."
Almost languidly, Sakarra picked one of the petals out of the air and looked at it for some long moments. "What is it like, to have a place like this and know it to be home? To never be cold under a gentler star?"
She became aware the poor servants were watching her with strange looks on their faces and set her features from the deeply thoughtful expression to the appropriate calm.
"You are quite correct, Captain. It would seem it is time to return."
She released the petal and it tumbled away into the darkness, carried by another gust of cool and fragrant air.
A smile was Shiarrael's only response to Sakarra. She held some affection towards the young woman. Not so much for similarities- the two were quite different, but perhaps an old question, one as old as the ancient halls of her home world. If S'Task had not led the sundered from Vulcan- is this how my people would be? A whimsical rhetorical bit it was but nonetheless fascinating. As she pressed her commbadge she grinned, 'how much I have learned this year.'

[End Log]

Captain Shiarrael t`Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon
Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman and Acting Executive Officer
USS Charon
Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen