Friday, December 11, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.11 - Teaser/Plot Log "Memento Mori: Hour of Truth"

[IRW Knvuk]

"The final life sign has cease."

Terrh grimaced "how long was that?"  His eyes focused on the view screen his irritation threatening to boil over.  Still no sign of Charon or the ships he sent after her.  Whispers on the bridge of the Nebula having swallowed all of them were also trying his patience.  Terrh was disappointed in his people- 'how can they be so ignorant' he wondered.  When the Memento Mori was finally complete he promised himself that all of these pathetic fools would be removed from their petty existences. 

"Four hours and fifty two minutes from dispersion."

"Four hours?"  Terrh's teeth grinded heavily.  It was too long.  His bosses wouldn't be pleased.  Even though it had been vastly improved since the initial test phases six years ago four hours still presented a great deal of problems.  It wasn't deadly enough.  "Failure" he hissed under his breath.  A shrill alarm broke his mental cursing "what is that?!"

"Warbird decloaking!" 

No!  No!  Terrh stood up, blood dripped from the edges of his mouth as he bit down heavily on his tongue.  So close!  "Destroy them!"

The young tactical officer looked afraid "that is a D'Dherex class dreadnaught!  We don't stand a chance against them!"

"They are hailing us!"

"Stall them."  Terrh turned and made his way towards the turbo lift "should you fail" he pulled a vial out of his pocket "you will share in the planet's fate."  When the lift arrived he stepped into it and disappeared into the gut of the Knvuk.

[IRW Endless Sky]

"Why are they slow?"  Itsak's eyes narrowed as he stared at the old D'Deridex staining his viewscreen.  "Hail them again- tell them if they continue to insult us without answering that we will let them join the element of fire in the pits of areinnye."

"Ie Rekkhai."

"The planet appears to be devoid of life."  Tr'Huljan said, looking at the science readings over the shoulder of the science officer "but there is biological residue in the stratosphere.  It appears to be some sort of weapon."

"Was the planet inhabited?"

Tr'Huljan nodded looking up at his Leih "Apparently- there are several large settlements but no life signs.  Also we detect weapons residue in upper orbit.  Disruptor mainly- but one Starfleet signature and debris that correspond to a Federation starship.  Isn't that interesting rekkhai?"

"Shiarrael."  Itsak breathed "that ship- Charon is nearby is it not?"

Huljan smirked "how long has it been since you've seen your cousin?"

"Not long enough."  Itsak spat "certainly not a Federation Leih."

"They have finally responded to our hails."  One of the officers's announced.  All eyes focused on the viewscreen.  They were greeted by a young Arrain sitting in the command chair.  Itsak was incensed and stood up "who are you?  Where is tr'Zadul?!"

"The Riov is currently indisposed.  I have been granted authority to speak on his behalf.  I am Arrain Jae t'Neva."  Her black eyes stared through the screen "we seem to have a communication issue.  Forgive us for the delay in responding to your hails."

Itsak wasn't born sucking a thrai's tit.  He knew he was being had "bring Zadul before me now.  What happened on the planet- we detect bioweapon residue.  Did you have something to do with that?  Also where is the Federation ship? Do not snipe your tongue at me child!"

The Arrain looked around studying the other bridge crew.  They appeared anxious "I…" she stuttered "I cannot answer that question.  We do not know what-" Her comment was interrupted by one of the tactical alarms on the Endless Sky's bridge.

"Rekkhai- they have launched a bomber!"

"What is that?"  Itsak asked "get a tractor beam on them!"  He barely finished his sentence when the view screen erupted in bright hot light.  He took a step back and fell into his command chair.  The viewscreen image automatically switched to an external view of the Knvuk just into time to watch the ship begin to sheer apart from internal explosions and then explode in a magnificent ball of fire.  The Endless Sky rocked from the shock wave but remained otherwise un-phased by the explosions.  "What happened?!  Where is the bomber?"

"They apparently self destructed."  Tr'Huljan said "and the bomber is gone."

"Ridiculous."  Itsak cursed "I do not enjoy mysteries Huljan."

"Rekkhai- ship decloaking ahead of us!"

"Is it the bomber?" Itsak asked sitting up.

"No… registry is…the Fvullhajun Ra'Dhuil!"

[To be continued]