Saturday, December 12, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.12 || Personal BackLog "Housecall" || CHO - Sakarra Tyrax

<<Takes place after the brawl in the gym and the "On hand surgery" log, en route to the nebula>>
[USS Charon, deck 3]
Chin resting lightly against her steepled fingers, Sakarra gazed at the screen. Vulcan letters, flowing and elegant, shimmered in dark crimson hues over her desk and a special sequence caught her attention.
The young woman's brow climbed in mild amusement and her slender fingers tapped the console briefly. Once, twice, in what no casual observer would have recognized as a perfectly timed sequence.
The letters on the screen rotated, and something began to blink questioningly. "Oh, come now." Sakarra said quietly, but there was silent humor in the way she shook her head. Breathing slowly, she hummed a few words, like a woman absentmindedly singing to herself in empty quarters.
The letters over her desk did a small dance of acknowledgment and in a glittering wave resolved themselves into a new set of symbols, similar to the first but more ornate and certainly much more ancient.
"Lest my memory should falter, my friend?" she murmured, but in her heart she knew why he was using this little dance to send her a private message. There was nothing of grave importance in this letter, unless one counted family matters which always were of the greatest import under any circumstance, but could have been sent in a regular transmission as well. No outworlder would comprehend or even be interested either way, save for a privileged few to whom this would be not only meaningful, but priceless.
On a purely personal level.
Sakarra read on, tilting her head slightly at a few sentences and for a Vulcan, she looked disproportionally pleased.
That is, until her internal clock announced she was due for another appointment in sickbay, and she quirked a brow. Truly, the healers were somewhat dogged in their insistence for post-surgery checks. Thus far she had evaded them by simply being quite busy, but she was fast running out of excuses. At least logical one's.
Furrowing her brows in a mild frown, the young woman in the light, russet colored robe decided that maybe a visit to Security was in order to see about the progress of the investigation, when her door chime broke the silence in her quarters.
How highly unusual, a visitor at this hour?
She managed to show no expression on her face when the door frame revealed the tall figure of the Vulcan healer who had seen to her scrapes after the incident with Mr Lamont, but the furrowed brows remained in place.
"T'sai." he bowed most politely before stepping into the dimly lit room, carrying a small medkit. The doors whispered closed behind him and before he could continue his formality with yet another bow, Sakarra stood up from behind her desk, giving a small wave of her hand. None of this, it conveyed clearly and motioned him towards the center of the room at the same time.
"Ohassu." she greeted the dark eyed man politely, but there was a question lingering in the word.
He took the invitation graciously, stopping himself mid-way through another half-bow and stepped towards the young woman, opening his med-kit.
"You were going to be … unable to keep your appointment today again, yes?" It really wasn't a question and Sakarra knew it well. Accepting the fact that she had been outfoxed, the young woman allowed him to run the medical tricorder over her side and along the nerves and muscles that had been damaged.
"A house call, Ohassu. How unusual."
"Not at all, t'sai." he replied levelly, studying the readouts intently "A mere courtesy."
She wasn't buying his innocent routine, and he knew it. Not that it mattered, truly, since he got what he came for. What he saw on the tricorder however was not satisfactory.
"You have neglected to address this matter sufficiently. The healing progress is unacceptable."
There were more pressing matters to attend to." if it weren't illogical, Sakarra would be just a little annoyed right now.
"Logic dictates there were, otherwise this ship's second officer would not have neglected her health." He did not say 'again', but one brow climbed by just a mere centimeter and this time the young woman did experience a tinge of mild exasperation. "Disrobe, please."
There was no use in arguing, the only people on board able, and in this case willing if Sakarra was any judge, to remove an officer from duty with a few words, were Starfleet's healers.
She motioned the tall male to the meditation corner and he silently stepped towards one of the pillows, settling comfortably on his knees, placing the kit out of the way.
The young woman gathered her long, heavy tresses in one arm and undid the fastenings of her robe until the heavy fabric rustled down her shoulders to the floor and was swiftly placed over a chair. Without the healer having to point or say a word, she walked over and placed herself in the most favorable position, her still mildly sore side right before his waiting hands.
He gave a small nod of acknowledgement and waited for the woman stretched out before him to adjust her posture. "Nam'uh hayal."
"Ahc'ruth-ieh, Ohassu." she briefly cast the dark eyed one with the serene features a much more patient glance than before. True, he had not needed to tell her what to do. She knew well enough to relax and breathe accordingly. But his timbre had held that mild concern of every healer faced with a stubborn patient, and it was quite illogical to begrudge him his own persistence.
He in turn quirked a brow at the melodious echo of the Nel-Gathelk in the young one's voice before carefully sliding his fingertips under the light, smooth fabric of her camisole. The nerve damage was still considerable, for one with the Lieutenant's physiology, so close to that of her mother, it had to be painful. Even his light touch produced a reaction of overtaxed nerve endings, and he let out a saddened breath.
He would have preferred not having to lower his mental shields for this simple procedure, but if there was to be significant progress and pain relief, he would have to. Slowly, his fingertips wandered across warm skin, searching for sources of trouble, reaching for the mind of the other to confirm.
At first, she seemed somewhat displeased, but then he sensed a mind coming to a conclusion, and acquiescence.
The silent reply arrived in his thoughts along with the sensation of the body under his hands yielding, giving complete access to both the pain and the methods to remedy it.
Another sharp exhale when his own body tensed in sympathy almost produced an echo in the young woman, but she held her breathing steady. A well trained one, it seemed.
A wave of serenity and silent humor acknowledged his fleeting thought, and for an instant the image of T'Shen monastery formed in the mind link. Ah, of course.
His cautious, reassuring touch turned to confident hands reaching for the right pressure points, and this time it was his amusement reverberating in the link when he noticed the young woman's deep gratification over the subsiding discomfort. Were he not a Vulcan, he might have made a remark such as "your own fault for not letting me help sooner", but he didn't. It would have been a little rude, and besides, she knew it herself.
Like two perfectly synced dancers in a silent ballet, she turned even before the thought had fully formed in his mind and his hands moved on to her back without even a second's interruption.
It was not long until he was satisfied with the results, and the rate of the young woman's self healing process had increased to where it should have been. In one last, gentle motion, his fingertips moved further up under the silk, brushed over elegantly rounded shoulder blades and found the base of her neck, just where the soft, thick waves of black hair rested. Before she could react, thumbs pressed into the warm skin next to the spine and firm hands held the neck steady.
Outfoxed again.
"A medical necessity, Ohassu?" Sakarra murmured, even as waves of warm relaxation emanated from her back and a sweet heaviness filled her bones.
"Quite so, my lady. As well as another small courtesy." he replied levelly, increasing the pressure ever so lightly before pulling away and giving another half-bow to the woman who by now couldn't have cared less.
Having her get up at this point would have somewhat ruined the therapeutic effect so he took the logical course of action and carried the small woman to her bed and wrapped her in the silks. Satisfactory.
"Eight point four standard hours, t'sai. After that, if you will deign to visit sickbay, I shall be inclined to return you to full active duty. Not before. Sleep."
He would have to assume that was a yes.
As swiftly and silently as he had arrived, the healer left the young woman, pausing at the door for only one more brief bow. Not that she would see, but one had to observe the little niceties.
[End Log]
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helm Officer