Tuesday, December 8, 2009

[USS Charon] SD 240912.08 || Joint Duty BackLog || Ens Cyrin Dicari and Lt JG Indira Bai

minnaar <minnaar@gmail.com> wrote to charon@ucip.org:

<<Backlog: This takes place way back when the shuttle crash landed
back on the Charon>>

=/\= Shuttlebay - USS Charon =/\=

Grunting softly, Indi pushed herself away from the wall of the shuttle with
her good hand. She had landed on her right shoulder when the Bella Fortis
skidded into the shuttle bay, and while she could feel that it would be no
more than a bad sprain, it hurt like hell, and she gritted her teeth against
it as she pushed her way to the front.

"Damnit, get out of the way." The marines though trying to be helpful, were
only succeeding in being where she needed to be.

She knelt next to Ensign Dicari, who seemed to have taken the brunt of the
explosion, and ran her tricorder over him with her good hand.
Concussion, bruising, burns, fractured ribs, minor internal bleeding...she
groaned inwardly at the sense of deja vu.

Corporal Tark was standing by the bodies of Sakara and Cyrin when he was
pushed out of the way. "Can I do anything to help you Lieutenant?" he
asked, "I am a combat medic. That piece of...well whatever it is coming out
of the Ensign's arm doesn't look to good."

Indira grit her teeth and snapped open her medical kit grabbing out a roll
of bandages. "A combat medic should have started treating them before I
managed to get up here, and not just stood around" she ground out as she
cinched a length of bandage around Dicari's arm as a tourniquet. Pressing a
hypospray to his neck, she looked up at the chagrined Corporal. "On the
count of three I want you to pull that out so I can bandage and we can get
him to Sickbay."

Grabbing another length of bandage, Indi prepared to staunch the bleeding
that would come, even with the tourniquet slowing it down.
"One... two... three..." Tark smoothly pulled out the piece of console that
had embedded itself into Cyrins arm.

"Lieutenant, I got here right after you did." He defended himself. After
she said three he pulled a very large piece of the console out of Cyrin's
arm and tossed it to the ground applying pressure above the wound so that
the Doctor could bandage him up. "Let me know when to move him Lieutenant.
I will aid you to the sickbay. Doesn't look like the ship is all in one
piece either." He said trying to make small talk with her to ease his own

Indi sat back on her heels and closed her eyes, taking a deep, calming
breath in and out, after tying the bandage off tightly. "There should be a
couple of anti-grav gurneys stored port-side of the shuttle bay.
We need to get these two to Sickbay ASAP. And if the ship is in as bad a
shape as it looks, Doctor King is going to have his hands full right now, so
we need to hurry."

"You got it Lieutenant," Tark said leaving the shuttle for only a moment to
bring the anti-grav gurney in. "On your count Lieutenant."

=/\= Sickbay =/\=

Sickbay was a mess of doctors, nurses, injured, and helpful, so Indi showing
up with another anti-grav with an unconscious body just slipped into the
mix, almost unnoticed. Getting one of the nurses to help, she moved Dircari
again, this time from the gurney to a biobed.
Only looking away for a moment, when she turned back, Indi was staring into
Cyrin's pain-clouded black eyes.

Cyrin's eye's opened to see that he was in the place he dreaded the
most...sickbay. He wasn't alone though there were several other members of
the ship also present. "I...I need to return to my duties." He said trying
to lift himself off of the bio-bed, pain streaking across his face as he
tried to push himself up. This of course was a losing battle for him, "Just
give me something for the pain and I will let you tend to those who are..."
he didn't have a chance to finish his statement as a rush of searing pain
went through his arm, chest, and face like someone was branding him with a
red hot poker.

Indi swore under her breath. There really was a limit to her patience when
it came to crewmembers who didn't want to be treated. Yes, the goal was to
get patients in and out of Sickbay as quickly as possible, but damnit, if
treatment was required, they are not just going to be released. "Ensign,
your arm was impaled by a piece of the shuttle's front console and you
sustained several other injuries during the crash, you are not just getting
something for the pain and going back to duty!"

"So that would explain why I can't feel most of my arm then," he said trying
to lighten the mood. Though there was still no denying his fear, his hatred
of this place. He submitted to the Lieutenants request, the pain still
coursing through his body, his face a tangle of burns and lacerations from
his forehead to his chest. His uniform shredded lay on top of him. "This,"
he hissed as searing pain drove through his chest, arching his back to try
to get away from the pain, "brings back memories." He said his eyes closing
tight as another wave a pain passed over him.

Without speaking, Indi pressed a hypo of rexalin to his neck to relieve most
of his discomfort. She made quick work of the uniform that at this point
was only in the way, and then began to unravel the bandages around his arm.
Somehow, the shrapnel only went through the meaty part of his arm,
completely missing the bone inside, so while painful and probably long to
heal, it was almost easier to treat.
"Ok, this is gonna take a few minutes, but the rest of your injuries are
pretty superficial. At least comparatively."

"No broken ribs or anything?" he asked feeling the pain killer kick in. He
could feel the blood trickling down his face from the lacerations on his
face falling over the burns that covered a portion of it. As she removed
the uniform he felt it tearing away at the lacerations and burns on his
chest and abdomen. "You...you gave me that vial of liquid to help me with
the transporters didn't you?" he asked his face getting a dreamy disoriented
look, before fear started settling in again.

"Fractured, not broken. Easy enough to fix, though you'll be sore for a
while." She smiled reassuringly. "Well, I'd think most parts of you will
be sore for a while." It was a lucky thing that more of the crew jammed
onto the shuttle hadn't been injured like Cyrin and Sakarra. "And yes, I
did. I know I promised you a house call if you needed me, but I'm sorry I
can't arrange that this time."

He nodded at her and smiled, his eyes glossed over, "Yes, you did. When
should I be able to return to duty?" he asked her.

Ensign Cyrin Dicari
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Indira Bai
Assistant Medical Officer