Tuesday, December 15, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.15 - Joint Back Log "The Annoying Jester" - Captain Shiarrael Rehu & Commander Jade Falcon

<<This log occurs shortly before the Quantum Fury left the orbit of Lyrilia>>

[USS Charon]

Jade hadn't been on the ship long but was making his rounds in what he had decided to be a timely manner.  He had gotten his medical checkup taken care of and had conveniently forgotten about the recommended psych evaluation.  No matter.  He was sure he'd do or say something relatively soon to get ordered to see the good doctor.

The turbo lift dropped him off at his deck and he made his way down the hall.  He wondered if he should have gone to see the captain first after seeing Eithne.  No matter, he thought, it was but a detail.  He had no knowledge of who the captain was at this point and frankly hoped he would have at least a decent relationship with this one has he had had with captains in his past.

As he approached the captains ready room door he imagined he wasn't the most presentable looking officer.  Out of uniform.  Messy spiked hair.  A tired look sitting atop his shoulders.  His only saving grace were those jade green eyes of his.  Eyes that burned with a youthful energy, despite the feelings they hid behind them.  He pressed the chime and awaited the ok to enter.

"Enter."  Shiarrael said swiveling her gaze to the doorway.  When the young man stepped in she immediately gestured to the chair.  "Jade Falcon."  She stated plainly "I see you have a rather-" she paused letting him sit down "colorful record in Starfleet."  She picked up a PADD and waved it front of him "you are quite the character but" without care she chucked the device over her shoulder "I could care less for such drivel.  You are now aboard the Charon- this is my ship and I expect you to behave accordingly."

Jade grinned as he took a seat.  Once again, someone who knew him before he knew them.  'Story of my life', he thought to himself.  "Well I am certainly glad to hear you won't hold my 'accomplishments' against me," he replied with a purposeful emphasis on 'accomplishments.  "What is it you expect of me...accordingly that is?"

"I expect no trouble from you."  Shiarrael stated it plainly "I have enough headaches, I don't need any more.   You will be assigned to the security department under Commander Marcus.  Any questions commander?"

Jade chuckled to himself over the headache comment.  He'd been a major headache to every captain he'd ever served under, even the ones who more or less liked him.  This one, it was clear, was on the stricter side and he imagined it would only be a matter of time before they bumped heads.
"Well then, captain," he said in a cheerful tone that just didn't seem to fit him that well, "I imagine I will be able to perform my duties nominally well.  I do have one question for you, though."  He paused a moment as if deciding whether to go ahead with the question, or just leave, but quickly decided to go ahead with it.  "Do you have family back home?"

Shiarrael was still for a short time staring at the Commander- finally after a decent pause she spoke "that is none of your concern Commander.  Report to Commander Marcus."

Jade laughed at her response.  Her saying so little was really quite telling.  "No comment?  Ashamed?  Not healthy."  He leaned back in his chair, waiting to see where this went, and wondering how far he could go with this captain.  "I may not like my family back home," he continued, "but I'm certainly not ashamed of them.  They're...good at what they do.  Yes, that's a good way to put it."

Standing up Shiarrael eyed the Commander "ashamed?  Hardly.  However I see little reason to divulge such information to a mere whelp in security.  Now Commander, you can exit my office as I have ordered or if you insist then I can have you removed and you can spend your first day aboard my ship in the brig for insubordination.   Not that such places are uncommon to you."

In a move that could have easily been the prelude to a brawl, Jade hoped out of his chair, both hands planted on the captains desk.  But it wasn't a swing that came from him.  Instead it was a great, big smile.  "Hah, so she does live.  Ohh, there is passion behind there.  That anger, it feels good, doesn't it?"  He relaxed his posture and took a step back.  "Yeah, I know it does.  Nice to see you're all there."

He turned to leave, the door swooshing open when he paused and turned back around.  "Whelp...never been called that one before.  Well then captain, I will say good day to you, ma`am.  I look forward to working with you."  He turned and went about his way from there.

When the doors closed Shiarrael relaxed her clinched fingers.  Sitting down she frowned after letting him unnerve her.  'Foolish of me' she thought, her eyes stared at the door- part of her wished for him to come back in and bring her a real challenge.  She truly needed a punching bag these days- just enough to quench her fury.


Captain Shiarrael Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon

Commander Jade Falcon
Assistant Security Officer
USS Charon