Sunday, December 20, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.20 || Joint Log "Revelations" Part I || Capt Shiarrael Rehu, Amb Ian Lamont, Lt Sakarra Tyrax, Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen

[USS Charon, Ready Room]
As soon as the counselor left with the child Shiarrael sat down. She glanced at the empty glass on her desk and shook her head. She could understand Lamont- if this were another life she would have had a similar reaction and acted upon it. She had before, but this was different. A glance at the planet now dominating the view from her ready room caused her to grimace. Standing up she picked up the holo-image of her children that had fallen off her desk during the fighting. She looked at it, smiled slightly, and placed it back on top of her desk. Just then, her commbadge chirped.
"Captain, a Romulan starship has decloaked nearby and has 'invited' us to beam aboard immediately. The transmission provided beaming coordinates. I believe they are awaiting our response sir."
"Join me in the transporter room." Shiarrael tapped her commbadge again "Lieutenant Tyrax proceed to the transporter room immediately." So, we will meet after how many years Itsak?

[IRW Endless Sky]
Shiarrael rematerialized and stepped off the pad followed by Sakarra and Ian. At least a dozen Gai'Shian, all heavily armed, greeted them- though their weapons were pointed towards the deck it did little to ease the tension. With everyone present the Gai'Shian gingerly gestured to the doors with the tips of their weapons and Shiarrael obliged followed by the others.
Ian was unimpressed by the assembled Gai'Shian guards that lined the room. The captain had felt the need to beam aboard to discuss certain matters however what was there to discuss? The Galae would not listen and worse they might attempt to shift the blame for the recent calamity onto the Charon and Quantum Fury in an effort to protect themselves from the evils that had been committed. Lamont did not understand the point of this meeting. The end result would hardly be favorable. The rows of armed guards and weapons aimed in their direction were proof enough that their presence here was merely being tolerated for the moment.
And yet, these were Rehu's own people. She knew them and they knew her. While her power may have faded within the empire, her reputation from what Lamont knew, always seemed to proceed her. The name T'Rehu was not greatly admired, but it was respected and in many cases feared. If anyone had the power to influence the outcome of these proceedings then perhaps the captain could.
They were led through the cramped corridors until they reached a room guarded by three other Gai'Shian, the guards parted allowing them in. Inside they found themselves in a small auditorium, at the center a single chair was placed and in it was a Rihannsu woman. She was an erie'Riov by her rank insignia and standing in front of her was a familiar face. He smirked at the group "Jolan'tru- I though it would only be kind to allow you to hear what she has to say."
The young Vulcan had followed her CO through the unpleasant ship, radiating silent disapproval towards their would-be guards. Not that the stomping, arrogant fools would have been able to pick up such subtle signals.
Ah, she really should have taken the time to meditate. Blinking with quiet irritation, Sakarra took in the scenario before them, coming to a halt only a short distance behind the Captain.
A slanted brow rose ever so slightly at the sight of this ship's commander.
Yes, quite obviously another relative, and not too distant from the rude one who had commanded the Sunheart.
Lamont simply stood at ease and listened. His heart still burned with the embers of hatred for those who had caused recently calamities. His objectivity and clarity at the moment was impaired at best, temporarily out of commission at worst. The best he could do for now was simply remain supportive, but silent. Leaning over toward Lt. Tyrax, Lamont in a quiet tone asked a simple question of the young Vulcan officer.
"Lieutenant, what do Vulcan techniques and teachings say when one finds their logic in question?" Lamont looked inquisitively at Sakarra genuinely interested in her answer. Internally his emotions were a bubbling cauldron and in his current state he could not objectively perform his duties. How Vulcans had ever managed to tame the fires of emotion was a miracle.
The young woman looked up at the human standing beside her and the first thing that came to mind was that he again proved to have an awful sense of timing. But she could hardly tell him that, nor that she was tethering along the brink of highly unreasonable behavior herself. Possibly worse, she was acutely aware of her mental state and rather than being disturbed by it, found she was approaching the point of 'past caring'.
Hands clasped behind her back, Sakarra presented little more than utter stoicism and was quite grateful noone present would have the sensibility to pick up the signs that to any other Vulcan would have practically screamed 'red alert, core breach imminent'.
"There is no simple answer, ambassador." she replied in the same low voice, studying her own reflection in those astonishingly green eyes "However, I should point out that acknowledging the fact that one's logic is in abeyance could be deemed the most important part of the solution."
"I see", Lamont quietly answered. Her answer was hardly helpful, but was perfectly logical. "Perhaps I should rephrase the question", Ian continued. "How do you personally cope with the rigors of living among us highly emotional and irrational beings?" Ian looked up as the Romulans were busy speaking to one another. He could make out some of what they were saying, but was paying little attention. He had no interest in this discussion and could see no benefit to speaking with any of the Galae as it would only further their understanding of recent events thus empowering them to shift the blame if they decided to retreat from the problems within their own ranks. Ian looked back at the Vulcan and into her dark eyes.
Her face was nearly expressionless yet despite her cold exterior there was something there that was out of place. Ian couldn't identify exactly what it was. He just continued to gaze into the dark, languid depths of her eyes searching for answers. The thought occurred to him that if he searched too hard or too long he might easily lose himself within their depths, but he was beyond caring. Intangible, yet present, Ian's well developed sense of perception could just barely make out something within those dark eyes staring back at him.
"I realize this is hardly the proper venue for such a conversation lieutenant", he finally said although he maintained his gaze. "Please dismiss my illogical inquiry. We can discuss such matters at another time."
"Dismiss? Not at all, ambassador." Sakarra said mildly, her voice as low and near inaudible as the evening breeze over the desert "Another time, yes."
She held Lamont's questioning gaze for another second and wondered whether there was a person with a shred of sensibility present after all.
Had she given herself away? No, he did not know what it was that seemed 'off' about the particular Vulcan he was looking at, survival instinct alone dictated he would have to react to that, but the sheer intensity of his green eyes suggested he had seen something … unusual. She would have to be even more vigilant.
Rather than serve to irritate her even more, the knowledge she was being watched by Lamont had a strangely calming effect, as if there was an early warning system at her shoulder. Nodding near imperceptibly to the taller human, Sakarra's full focus returned to the Commander of this ship.
[To be continued...]
Captain Shiarrael Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon
Lieutenant Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helm Officer
USS Charon
Ambassador Ian Lamont
Diplomatic Advisor
USS Charon
Vaek'Riov Itsak tr`Sahen