Sunday, December 27, 2009

[RSE Senate] SD240912.27 - "No Mercy to the Last Drop"

<<First off this is a collage of logs fit into one large log- it is the end of Terrh one of my nemesis characters that I created many years ago.  He released a virus on ch'Lekab (RIS Aylhr plot), unleashed the Doomsday machine which attacked Versailles (for fury's plot), and more recently he killed the entire population of ch'Dabhae and attempted to capture the Charon.  Finally- he also killed S'anra, Argelian's wife.  This log has been 3 years in the making.  I intended to do a plot for Astate that ended this saga- but I waited.  Now the time has come.  S'anra was also one of phishies characters, the CMO of Aylhr and then Argelian's bond mate.  So I'll dedicate this log to her- I'm sure she would have loved the ending.  It is so very Romulan.>> 

[Galae Headquarters, Ch'Rihan (Romulus)]

A harsh light was leveled over the examination table.  Terrh was bound and surrounded.  He could see silhouettes circling the bed but the brightness of the light blinded him to their faces.  Important people- he knew.  He had been brought to Romulus to be interrogated, well guarded.  He had been beaten also, several times, his left eye was nearly swollen shut but even so he couldn't help but smirk.  His most vile smugness was still intact.

"Who are you?"  A voice broke through the throng of whispers surrounding him.  Terrh recognized the voice.  Oh Elements!  You truly have blessed me!  He laughed. 

"What is so funny?"  The voice asked.

"Fate."  Terrh finally answered "oh what a wicked beast fate is!"  He laughed again "Galae'EnRiov tr'Verelan?!  I am honored you have come!"

"Attach the probes."  Argelian tr'Verelan ordered.  He stood with the others watching this vile creature that had been dragged in from the eastern reaches.  "Let us find what madness awaits in this fool's mind."

Terrh continued to laugh "madness you will soon feel!"

8 years ago…

As a thin warm mist left his lips Terrh gazed unfazed at the throngs of dead that covered the street.  With his hands warm in his pockets Terrh walked over the bodies as if they were common.  Everything was going according to 'his' plans.  The bio-agent had successfully infiltrated the population and the rate at which it spread was even more glorious then he could have imagined.

"Perfect" he whispered out loud.  Within the next few days he would collect the last of the data and submit it to 'him' and prepare himself for the next phase of 'his' plans.  Terrh couldn't have been more pleased with himself then he was right now standing in the middle of a sea of the dead.

Feeling a hand grab his pants Terrh turned his cold eyes towards a young boy.  Pathetic sight it was, the boy's eyes had completely ruptured already and the snow beneath him was stained light green.

"Great Elements, Have Mercy." The boy barely choked out.

At that Terrh kicked the boy's hand away and laughed "Mercy?  There will be none."

"So the truth is known?"  Terrh laughed weakly.  His mind was jumbled and burned like fire.

Argelian's jaw tightened "so it was you."  He nodded his head at the interrogators "go deeper!" 

3 years ago…

Mnheia looked at the new servant with slight reservation "I didn't receive a notice about you mister…"

"Pajek tr'Ulhri, and let me tell you that this is an honor, to work for such a respected household!"  Ulhri bowed deeply "I will not disappoint your ladyship."

"Indeed." Mnheia smiled at the flattery and tightened her senatorial robes "Well, I'm sure you have been informed of what needs to be done?  My son's wife is ill and staying with us, so you will need to tend to her also.  I have duties on ch'Rihan to attend to, but I will return tonight."

"I will make sure a fresh glass of tea and warm fire awaits your return."  Ulhri bowed deeper "Is there anything else you request my ladyship?"

"No, no, that is well."  Grabbing her bag Mnheia walked out the door and into the waiting flitter; once she was gone Ulhri raised himself and smirked "fool."

Walking into the kitchen he ordered the other servants to handle some menial tasks in the garden, and once they were gone he made a glass of warm tea with an added ingredient.  Carefully making his way up the spiraling steps Ulhri entered S'anra t'Verelan's room.  Inside the woman was sitting up and speaking with her two young children.

Stroking the hair of her youngest son S'anra looked up at the guest "You are?"

"I am Pajek tr'Ulhri, a temporary servant for the day, they asked me to bring you this?" he motioned to the steaming glass of tea.

S'anra lifted her hand and smiled at her children "Go outside, mother needs to take her medicine."

The children nodded and ran past Ulhri's leg and down the staircase.  "Energetic children you have." He smiled.

She nodded "They take after their father."

"Wonderful." Ulhri approached her bed and set the tray across the blankets covering her "Is there anything you will need with the tea?"

"No." She smiled shaking her head "I prefer it plain." Wrapping two fingers through the small handle she lifted the glass to her lips, blew gently causing the steam to flutter away, and then took a sip.  "This is diff…" she paused as her eyes widened.  "What have…" she dropped the tea glass and knocked the tray onto the floor with a loud crashing sound.

Ulhri stepped back smiling "What have?  I can't understand you Madame, is something wrong?"

S'anra clawed at her throat as saliva began to drain through the corners of her lips "Why?" she looked at him as her eyes widened further "Mon…ster" she choked and reached towards him.

"I admire your strength, and determination, however, you won't last much longer.  How does it feel?" He leaned forward just a hair length out of her grasp "to die alone?"

Opening her mouth S'anra started to speak, but then just went limp, her hand falling to the floor.

"My, what a mess!"  Ulhri bowed before leaving.

Terrh screamed and fought against the bindings but it was no use.  His blood crusted eyes looked at the collection of Romulans gawking at him.  Standing front and center Argelian gnashed his teeth "so you are the demon who murdered S'anra?"  Terrh's eyes locked on the Galae'EnRiov, blood dripped from his chewed tongue.  He tried to utter a laugh but the interrogators increased the strength of the mind probes and delved further into his sinister brain.

2 years ago…

The massive research facility was secretly nestled in the center of an asteroid belt. Only those with the highest clearance were aware of its existence, and even less aware of its work. Only the highest Galae Admirals knew it existed and only the highest officers within the Tal'Shair knew what went on there. Terrh fit neither of those categories very well, he was everything to everyone, and yet nothing at all.

 The Universe was a fluid being, always in motion, always evolving into some other form. For those who hated change it was despair, but for Terrh it was his raison d'ĂȘtre.  He loved change; to mold it into his own devices was his lust. The closer he could mold the universe towards his vision, the closer he
would be to becoming a god.

 Materializing in the middle of the facility's control center Terrh wore the dark gray robes of an agent of the grand order. The lead scientist of the project, t'Nuril, was waiting for him.  He gave the woman a crooked smile as he pulled out an ISD, always acting the part.  "The project goes well t'Nuril?" he asked.

 "Goes well enough." She said bluntly before rudely taking the ISD out of his hands. "No one told us you were coming. Even the Krien informs us of his arrival, this is against protocol." After reading the ISD she tossed it back at him irritated.  "Why are you here?"

 "None of your concern." Terrh said coldly finding this woman bothersome. "Does it work?" he asked.

 "Work?" t'Nuril scowled "We have spent decades perfecting this technology, it is alien, and different from anything we have ever seen.  It took us years to even begin to modify the body, even longer to add the defense mechanisms."

 "I did not ask you that woman."  Terrh said bitterly losing patience with her "Does it work?"

 "Of course it works you fool!"

 "That is all I needed."  Terrh smiled, pulled out his disruptor and fired, carving a large cavern in the middle of t'Nuril's head. As her limp body hit the floor the other scientists shouted and started to run. Frowning Terrh slapped the weapon "They don't make things like they used to." He commented with
disappointment before aiming it at a fleeing scientist and vaporizing them. "That's more like it."

 Once they were all disposed of Terrh turned to t'Nuril's corpse and kneeled down gently caressing her blood soaked hair "They say all the good ones are susse-thrai-a, it indeed is a shame I won't be able to test that theory." Standing up he walked over to one of the control panels and released the monster's chains.

 As he beamed onto his small transport he could see the facility being ripped apart from within. A counterpart in the transport turned to him with a deep frown "They will not be happy about this Terrh."

 Terrh turned to him with a wide smirk "For now at least."

"His mind is gone."  The interrogator said.

Argelian stared at the brain dead corpse.  His body shivered in rage.  Finally, the one who killed S'anra was before him- but a corpse!  All the years Argelian had wished to make this monster suffer, slowly, for eternity and now the vile thing was dead!  One of the interrogators lifted a disruptor to vaporize the corpse but Argelian lifted his hand stopping them "no- his body is mine."

[Latasalaem ch'Havran]

Argelian stood in front of the thrai pens.  His two sons, growing boys, were laughing in the distance playing with their wooden swords.  He looked at the three thrais which crowded the enclosure- their vicious mouths were snarling and drooling at the scent of blood "you smell it?" he asked them.  Of course they couldn't answer but as he watched them, their eyes watched him.  "Three years has it been?"  He asked and looked up towards the sky.  He closed his eyes and for a moment, a short moment, he could smell her.  He could hear her speaking his name and see her radiant expression as she held their infant sons.  When his eyes opened the cold bitterness of reality returned.  S'anra was gone, murdered.  "S'anra…" he whispered.

3 years ago…

As dusk settled the procession of mourners appeared climbed through the great road that lead from the ancient sections of Latasalaem to the more modernized city center.  In front of the procession Argelian walked with his youngest child in arm.  Next to him his eldest son walked on his own, head lowered, small tears dripping onto the roadway.  No one spoke, only the sounds of coughs and rustling foot steps echoed through the darkening landscape.

Ahead of them was an old temple built to honor the element of fire.  Its large columns circled around a square stand.  Torches burned all around the stone structure causing the worn marble to glow a hue of orange.  The mourners parted and encircled the temple.  Four Galae officers wearing their dress uniforms laid the cloth covered body across the center platform.  Bowing to her, the four men stepped back and kneeled briefly before joining the rest of the mourners.

A man wearing a decorated robe stepped forward from the crowd, a book resting in his hands.  "From the elements is life.  We are grounded in earth, we are wise through water, we are strong through wind, and we are passionate through fire.  When the flame of being is extinguished may we join our brethren in the gardens of Vorta Vor."

The priest stepped back as another Romulan stepped forward.  Wearing the dress uniform of the highest Galae admiralty, Galae'Enriov Ameh'ah t'Neyl, unsheathed the honor blade.  Raising the blade into the air she stared at the mourners "Vorta Vor for the honored!" grabbing a hand full of her hair she sliced it off and dropped the severed strands onto the velvet covering S'anra's body.

Handing the young child to his mother, Argelian stepped forward, and accepted the blade from Ameh'ah's hands.  Looking at the crowd he inhaled deeply "Allow the flames of Okhala to carry you to Vorta Vor.  Fear not, your travel will not be a lonely one."  Argelian grabbed a large section of his hair and sliced it off, dropping the fist full of hair onto the velvet covering his wife.  "Be free of pain."

Stepping back Argelian watched as the rest of the mourners emulated them, offering the departed a piece of themselves to bring with them to Vorta Vor so that the dead would not travel alone.

When everyone finished, Ameh'ah raised the honor blade once again.  The eldest son stepped forward and lowered his head.  Looking at the boy she smiled softly "Honor, Duty, Passion, the drive of every Rihannsu.  Take this sword young one, and remember the blood of those before you, remember the honor of your mother."

The boy accepted the blade as tears streamed down his cheeks.  When he returned to his father's side Argelian put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

The priest stepped forward and bowed to the departed.  All the mourners did the same and then kneeled.  Several people hummed an old Rihannsu hymn as a send off.  The priest then kneeled and spoke the final words "Rehil-a i rehil-a, ohreth-a i ohreth-a." [Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust]

A bright white flame wrapped around the body reducing it to thousands of glowing embers which billowed into the night sky to join the stars which watched over them.

Argelian's eyes flickered as his wife departed, he knew one day he would join her in Vorta Vor, but even that knowledge brought him little comfort in this moment.

"S'anra it is finally done."  Argelian said- his eyes glimmered as wetness began to pool at their corners.  He picked up the bucket of slop and slid his hand into the emerald soaked meat.  Grabbing a handful of it he threw it into the thrai pen.  The vicious animals attacked their food sending shards of flesh into the pen's fencing.  "The one who took your life is dead."  He tipped the entire bucket over pouring the rest of the slop into the pen.  The thrais continued to ravage the flesh bits.  As Argelian watched the animals he smiled slightly "he will soon be the dung that fertilizes your beautiful garden."
