Saturday, January 2, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241001.02 Backlog - Eithne Katris - Christmas Revolutions Pt. 1

Christmas Revolutions - Pt. 1


Eithne watched as the students rushed around her, preparing for the Winter Festival which would mark the end of school before winter break.

They never paid much attention to her, you see, they were scared.

" Yeah... Didn't you know?" " Someone said she can read minds..." " No she can't... Really?!" " What a freak!" " Ha ha ha!"

The insults? They used to bother her. But, she was used to it. Never did she blame them for how they felt about her. It was human nature... To fear what you do not understand.

If they really understood what she was... What she could do... Would that truly change anything? She did not think so.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the loud and obnoxious ringing of the school bell. Suddenly, she was alone in the classroom, left once again to clean the room... Alone. But, she enjoyed being alone, it was the only time she could really be in silence... With her own thoughts.


" Mom! I'm home!" Twas all for nothing mind you. Her mother was more likely to be found at a social gathering, or fundraiser, or at a political event of some kind. She was rarely home.

The house, was not empty though, she knew that because she could 'hear' the others. Who? Perhaps one of the cleaners, or Farnel ; the butler.

She slipped out of her shoes and placed them next to the door with her school bag. Homework? No, she had already finished. What else would someone do... When no one would bother to be your friend?

Sitting at the dinner table, she looked out at the soft snow that had started to fall. Her thoughts turning to the Winter Festival which would be in full bloom and wondered if she should bother going. Her mind was quickly changed though.... She did not like crowds.

-------------- Fin -----------------

Eithne Katris
Executive Officer
USS Charon

" Live each day as if it were your last...Don't do anything you will regret later...Let it happen...It was meant to be...Don't fight it..It's your destiny"