Tuesday, January 26, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241001.26 - "Mishpacha" Part III - Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu & Vaek'Riov tr'Sahen

Publius Cornelius Tacitus - "The hatred of relatives is the most violent."

[USS Charon, Shuttlebay]

"Everyone out."  Shiarrael said as she set foot in the shuttle bay.  Several of the working technicians looked at her confused by the order.  But as the large shuttle bay doors slowly began to slide open they could easily see the Romulan shuttle hovering just aft of the Charon.  Without protest everyone vacated the shuttle bay.  She turned to face the landing shuttle and watched as it passed through the fore field and touched down on the landing pad.  There was a hiss of air as the back hatch on the Romulan shuttle rolled opened.  Itsak stepped out first holding a long rein in his hand- behind him a beautiful amber and white fvai trotted out.  She stared at Itsak somewhat unsure of how to take the scene.  He approached her and held the rein out towards her "forgive me earlier I was quite rude.  I decided to bring you a gift- no Romulan child should be raised without a fvai."

"A fvai?"  Shiarrael glanced at the creature.  The tip of its head almost touched her shoulder "Itsak this is a starship not a farm- how can I keep such a thing here?"  The fvai stepped forward and pressed it's nuzzle into her right armpit and cooed- Shiarrael smiled wryly.  The animal was certainly cute- but no.  It did not belong on the ship!

Itsak smiled "it already has become quite attached to you.  Again- your children should have the joy of having a fvai- how many Romulan children are raised without the warmth of a fvai to keep them company?"  Itsak gently petted the creature which seemed to enjoy the attention. 

The twins would certainly love the animal- as she watched Itsak part of her was suspicious of the gesture.  After a moment of thought she gave in, she was certain the looks on Ael and Nnoil's face when they saw the animal would more than make up for the trouble of raising the animal on Charon.  Accepting the reins she gently patted the fvai's forehead "what is his name?"

"Nohtho."  Itsak said- he stepped back "again, I must apologize for my behavior earlier.  Your Vulcan is quite stubborn."  He looked at Nohtho "this fvai can also be stubborn- as can a certain relative of mine if I remember correctly."

"Is that so?"  She looked at Nohtho- the name was Romulan.  It meant 'mad' or 'crazy' in Federation standard.  Shiarrael wondered if his temperament reflected the name or if the name was meant to reflect its future owner.  It was hard to tell, though Itsak's expression made her think the latter was probably the correct assumption.  "You would be better to apologize to her directly.  I can forgive lack of manners- it has apparently become commonplace in the empire these days.  However, treating a guest so poorly, for someone who's always represented himself as dignified was surprising."  

His forehead tightened but he remained smiling.  Shiarrael noted the reaction but said nothing.  Itsak pulled his hand off the animal and stepped back "you are right.  I should apologize to her directly.  I hope the children enjoy Nohtho- perhaps I can visit with them?"

"They are with their father."  Shiarrael spoke abruptly "it has been awhile since he has seen them.  Perhaps another time?"  She finished trying to remove the edge in her voice.  Itsak made her uncomfortable- there was something in his eyes that worried her. 

"Of course."  He looked around "it is quite empty.  Is your shuttle bay normally so devoid of persons?  Though, you did conduct quite a thorough scan of the shuttle before we arrived."  Itsak smirked slightly "don't trust family Shiarrael?  Should I be offended?"

"t'Jiae famously wrote that family 'should be trusted least of all.  There can be no more vile, treacherous, and dangerous persons then one's family.'  I don't see you so poorly however Itsak but I must keep the security of this ship and crew as my priority.  I'm sure you understand?"

"t'Jiae?"  Itsak's chuckled at the reference "if I remember correctly she was murdered by her own son.  She should have practiced what she wrote- such a shame.  She had a great skill for poetry.  Where is your Vulcan now?"

"She is not my Vulcan; she is this ship's pilot."  Shiarrael corrected him "computer what is the currently location of Lieutenant Commander Tyrax?"

"Lieutenant Commander Tyrax is currently located in her quarters."

"There.  I will have security escort you to her quarters so you can meet her."  Shiarrael tugged on the fvai's reins as she called for a security escort.  When they arrived she ordered one to stay in the shuttle bay and for the other to lead Itsak to Sakarra's quarters.  It would certainly be an interesting meeting between the two.


Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon


Vaek'Riov Itsak tr'Sahen
Romulan Commander
I'Rak Prime