Sunday, January 24, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241001.23 || Joint Log || Cmdr. Katris & Amb. Lamont - "Unexpected Encounter"

------- USS Charon -------

After she realized that not many of the crew had met her, Eithne decided to go around the ship and introduce herself to the rest of the Senior staff who have yet to meet her. On the way she would meet the rest of the crew.

For some reason the first person who interested her was the Ambassador, Ian Lamont. The information in his personnel file interested her most of all, those and some of the stories she heard from some of the bridge crew about his attitude towards the Captain. She had to meet him in person, and apparently he was rather easy to find as he was currently incarcerated. Shouldn't be hard at all...

------- Brig -------

Walking into the brig a brow rose as she looked towards the cell that held the man she was looking for. Surprisingly he was not of ill stature and she was surprised at how he carried himself, even in the current situation he was in.

A nod to the guard on duty told the young Ensign to take a break, as she wanted to speak with this Ian Lamont alone. She was curious as to how this would go.... He reminded her of Jade...

Lamont was resting quietly on his bunk as his thoughts drifted one into another.  Recent events and conversations had given him much to contemplate.  So absorbed in his own thoughts was he that his time in the brig was only barely perceivable.  He welcomed the free time, quiet, and peace to silently meditate.  Lt. Tyrax had been kind enough to demonstrate several Vulcan techniques which he was slowly beginning to appreciate though he could hardly consider himself anything more than the rawest of amateurs.

Though his mind was actively engaged in muddling through various avenues of deep thought, Lamont heard the entrance of someone into the brig.  It was too early for a shift change and his second meal of the day was not for another few hours.  The footsteps came closer to his cell before they fell silent.

Ian cracked an eye noticing a female officer standing before the invisible barrier of the forcefield.  She was staring at him with an unusual gaze.

Quickly sitting up, Ian ran a hand through his hair.  “I am not sure we have had the pleasure commander.  Is there something I can do for you?”

Eithne's exotic eyes watched the man very carefully before she broke her silence and spoke. " I came to put a face to the stories I have heard of you... " Her eyes, one red and one green finally came to rest on the man after they examined his cell. " You can say I wanted to settle my curiosity."

Her voice was sharp as it cut through the stagnant air that filled the brig, the musty smell harassed her nostrils yet she kept her composure about her. A cool, and calm persona surrounded her as she thought of what else to really say to him. It was an unusual way to meet someone for the first time, but, she was never really the type to do things the -usual- way.

"Quite a colorful past you have Ambassador...Very... Interesting - to say the least..." The wall was cold against her back as she leaned on it.

Ian looked at the woman with disinterest.  He was appalled at the number of crew who passed through the brig viewing him like a caged animal in an exotic zoo.  “And my past is of some concern to you or are you merely here to gawk?  I can assure you there is little to see.”  He was not in any mood for conversation and had no intention of fulfilling this officer’s unusual curiosity.  Being cordial with the woman was not a high priority for one who was confined.

Her eyes narrowed towards him when she felt the atmosphere in the room change ever so slightly. " Oh Ambassador... I am sure there is a lot more under that exterior then you are letting one to perceive. " She paused a moment before she continued, " But, you are wrong... For it is your past that intrigues me..."

Despite his cool reception the officer had yet to depart.  Lamont could sense this visit was something more than idle curiosity.  “You have me at a disadvantage commander.  Perhaps you would be willing to level the playing field by telling me your name?”

The ring of gentle laughter filled the brig for merely a moment before she silenced and looked towards him through the field. " My name? Well... You can call me Eithne... Commander Eithne Katris." The smile returned to her as she looked around at his cell. " Are you thirsty?"

She knew how boring and drab being in the brig was, there were times where she would have liked something to talk to just like this...But who would take there time to speak with someone confined.

Lamont pondered the name.  Katris…the executive officer?  Made sense.  Rehu had sent someone to torment him in his exile below decks.  The officer’s interest in his past was as worrisome as it was unwelcomed.  What past was she referring to?  Lamont decided it might be worth his time to attempt to uncover this officer’s agenda.

“If you can offer something other than water then I would be inclined to accept a beverage”, Lamont stated.  Water was in endless supply in his cell.  His meals came with no beverage and some other liquid besides flavorless water might help lift his mood.

With the raise of her brow she waited a moment for him to make his choice, when he still did not make a selection she chuckled. " Well... What would you like? I may be betazoid but I will not pick your mind for it..." 

“Betazoid”, Lamont said inwardly to himself.  “Had the captain sent her to probe his thoughts for proof of his sanity or rather insanity?  What was the officer’s purpose?  Ian doubted this was merely a social call.

“Since synthehol is an utterly despicable substance which destroys one’s appreciation for the genuine article I believe I would prefer a simple glass of lemonade.”

She was only gone a few moments before she returned with their drinks, and to his surprise, instead of handing it to him where everything else would be. She joined him in his cell. Though it may be dangerous, she could hold her own.

Lamont took the lemonade with a slightly suspicious glance.  Sipping the liquid gingerly the sweet beverage was refreshing.  “Well Commander Katris, I appreciate the drink, however I am still quite puzzled as to your presence here.  Is there something specific I can assist you with?  You are not exactly catching me at my best.”

A soft smile came to her lips as she sipped her own drink. "Nothing specific Ambassador. I was intrigued by your personnel file and have not really met the crew yet... So I figured I would start here. "She paused again to take another sip of her drink.

"Besides, catching someone not at their best is a time when it is most interesting to meet with them is it not?"

“That depends on what someone hopes to gain, acquire, or learn by catching another off guard.”  He took another cautious sip of his drink before setting it aside.  “What exactly do you find so intriguing about my personnel records Commander Katris?  I am but a simple Ambassadorial representative.  Surely there are other members of the crew with far more interesting backgrounds?”

" Oh but Ambassador... What could be more interesting that a simple Ambassadorial Representative who fancies causing a ruckus on a Starship? Assaulting the Commanding officer? Attempting to bring Romulan ale to a meeting with a newly discovered race?" She chuckled as she leaned back against the wall and looked across his cell at him. " I can't think of anything that can surpass that... can you?" An elegant brow was arched.

“You appear quite versed in scuttlebutt Commander?  Pray may I ask what little bird you’ve been listening too?”  Ian flashed a brief smile.  “No, I prefer not to know.  It is of little consequence in any event.  Yes, it is true I have differences in opinion with the captain.  If she weren’t so obstinate and steadfast perhaps certain events may have concluded with less fanfare.  I assure you that whatever you have heard has no doubt been magnified many times in severity.  She and I rarely see eye to eye.  The captain is a career soldier and beyond that she is Romulan and an exiled one at that.  She also hails from an aristocratic family held in high regard so I’ve been informed.  Pity.  If we weren’t so diametrically opposite one another in viewpoints it might be possible to cultivate some thread of friendship.

 In any event, not to be rude commander, but if you came to see a madman or some sort of caged freak show I am afraid you should ask for your money back.  Despite whatever you have heard I’m just your average advisor.  I just happen to be despised and utterly ignored by the captain which is why I find myself again in such lovely accommodations courtesy of her majesty’s generosity and understanding.

If you’ve come to report back to the captain who must not have the courage to speak to me herself then I have nothing to say.  I will not give that woman the satisfaction.”

She listened to what he was saying and slowly she began to understand the situation, still she found this man interesting, and not only that, but he was firm in his opinions, it took a lot for someone to be able to stand his or her ground and she admired that.

"I am sorry to disappoint you Ambassador... But I have come on my own accord... And will not be reporting back to the Captain." She sighed as she looked around the small cell. "Sitting in here brings back memories of my own..." The memory was only brief however, as she then stood and moved towards the door of the cell.

"I should be going... It was nice meeting you Ambassador Lamont." She gave him a soft smile.

Lamont’s eyebrow crested slightly at the commander’s unusual words.  Originally annoyed by an unwanted visitor, Lamont sought to indulge in the commander’s visit to satisfy his own mild curiosities.

“Please, a moment commander”, Lamont said standing from his bunk.  “You came all the way down here on your own to speak with me.  It doesn’t seem fitting for you to leave just when the conversation is becoming interesting.  If I may be so bold, may I ask how I measure up to your expectations?  And please, forgive me for being blunt.  The captain and I have a ‘unique’ relationship.  I apologize for being less than cordial and thank you for the drink.”

"Believe me Ambassador, you have measured up to my expectations... And have also satisfied my curiosity, so much so that I think I would enjoy becoming friends with you... That is if you would allow such a relationship to develop. I for one would be honored." That and she did not have many friends on the ship yet, she would like it if he would allow it.

“Well now, how can one refuse such an intriguing offer?  I accept”, Lamont replied with a bow.  “I for one hope that we can speak again soon somewhere somewhat more appropriate for conversation.  Forgive me, but my suite here lacks a great many things and is not exactly conducive to socializing.  It is actually not conducive to much of anything except wasting my time.”  Ian flashed a tiny smile at the commander.

"I am glad," She nearly sighed a sigh of relief as she too bowed her head slightly when he bowed. " Please do not hesitate to contact me once you are released from your current accommodations... I look forward to having many more conversations with you in the future Ambassador." Bowing to him she backed out of the cell and allowed the shield to power back up again.

"Thank you for such a stimulating interlude."

Ian watched the commander leave before returning to his bunk.  “Fascinating”, he mumbled to himself as he laid back to ruminate upon his recent encounter with the Charon’s executive officer.

------- End -------

Commander Eithne Katris
Executive Officer


Ambassador Ian Lamont
Diplomatic Advisor