Saturday, January 2, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241001.02 || Joint Log "Sun and Shadows" Part II || Commander Khiy Kanryth & Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax

[USS Charon, Holodeck Two]

"I would be pleased and cease to 'obstruct' as you put it if you would have the simple courtesy of telling me what it is you want. And you may be certain that the only reason I am wiling to answer even your most illogical inquiries at this point is that I should prefer not to bother my Captain with…" she almost said your ridiculous antics, but settled for the dignified marble face of a seriously irritated Vulcan while glancing at the PADD again "… your quest to satisfy your curiosity."
Khiy sighed- what have I been asking for this whole time? He thought exasperatedly "Explain to me the necessity of a V'Shar encryption. I also want you to break the final encryption so I can peruse the data and confirm that what you speak is true." He looked at her, irritated "or do you need further clarification of what I am seeking?" he quipped.
"Commander, your attempt at wit notwithstanding, I must advise you that your logic as well as your manners continue to be in abeyance."
If she were not a Vulcan, she might have echoed his sigh with one of her own. Instead, she decided to try and explain yet again what obviously had failed to reach this young man before.
Moving over to the small table that held the carafe with water, she murmured a few soft words and two glasses materialized. Perhaps with the Lirpa safely leaning against the stone, out of her reach, he would be less apprehensive and hostile. Not that the young Vulcan counted on it.
Motioning the dark eyed one over so he could get out of the glaring sun, however pale this representation was, she placed the PADD on the table.
"The necessity, Commander, is explained by what I attempted to convey to you earlier. Matters concerning House and Clan may or may not be discussed where an outworlder has access, it is at the individual's discretion. Matters of immediate family or sensitive information regarding one's House is almost never shared, let alone transmitted in any but the most secure manner. It is rude in the extreme to violate an individual's privacy by divulging details concerning their lives to an outworlder, especially without explicit consent."
With slow, elegant movements she poured two glasses of the ice cold water and indicated with a nod that he may seat himself on the bench or not, and accept her offering of truce at his discretion.
"The V'Shar code is quite simply due to the identity of the sender. A means to identify himself to me without possibility of misunderstanding, if you will. Now, if I may make an inquiry - why would a Starfleet Commander be so unduly upset by a type of transmission that thus far has failed to even attract more than passing notice?"
This was becoming more of a headache then he had anticipated. Khiy studied her for a minute before finally deciding to accept the invitation. Making his way into the shade he sat down on the bench and studied the lifeless landscape with a melancholy expression. It was vast- not as vast as space but vast and seemingly endless. He sighed again and relaxed "V'Shar encrypted transmission are common?"
He looked at her, realized the sarcasm might be lost and clarified his point "I notice things that are unusual, out of place. It is what I do- what I have done since I joined Starfleet Intelligence. V'Shar encryptions are uncommon in this setting. I have seen them before but only on two occasions- such encryptions are so uncommon that to an untrained observer it could be easily missed."
He studied the water at the center of the table. His eyes lingered on them and for a moment he regarded them suspiciously as one might a vial of poison but with a casual motion he picked up one of the glasses and sipped the deliciously cold liquid. When he finished he frowned "it is also a convenient coincidence that I received a notice that delegates of the Vulcan science council are in route to the Charon aboard the USS Guardian as we speak."
Very slowly, one eyebrow climbed at this latest revelation, as thoughts flowed in the young woman's mind, forging chains of logic, dismissing the unreasonable, and yet coming to no solid conclusion.
And quite curious. Council Members?
Hands clasped loosely behind her back, Sakarra looked up at the stone ceiling of the gallery they were standing in, separating them from the courtyard and the desert below with it's graceful stone arcs.
Yes, it explained his doggedness, though it did not excuse his manners.
She glanced back down at the PADD and exhaled.
"Uncommon, yes. I will concede that."
Though perfectly logical if one considered the sender of the message. 
"It would seem we find ourselves at an impasse, Commander. You do not accept my word that this letter contains things pertaining to my family, which I am unwilling to share with a stranger. And how could I accept your word, even if given, that you would keep whatever personal things you might read to yourself? Or not use your knowledge of certain family ties to your advantage?"
Let alone that he seemed very apt at seeing patterns, and would most likely be able to deduce even more than what was already spelled out clearly. Intelligence indeed.
Then another thought occurred.
"Who are those delegates, do you know?"
It might not answer the greater puzzle, but it might add a piece.
"We all have our secrets." Khiy said- his words carried an edge to them. His secrets - abominable secrets they were "I can give you my word, though I would hinge a guess that such a thing would be meaningless to you at this moment." He looked at her blade- crude thing it was - quite unusual and reminded him of a sickle. This woman was also unusual, different then the Vulcans he was used to - she was stubborn and something more radiated behind her eyes. It was disturbing in some ways. He turned his attention back to her "T'Pelar, the head of the Vulcan Science Council."
"Meaningless? No." the young Vulcan murmured, but her face had become utterly expressionless at the mention of that name.
What could possibly compel her to seek out Charon? And in person?
More than that, Sovar would have let her know. Unless …
DAMN him.
This was precisely the reason she had stayed as far from Intelligence as one possibly could under the circumstances, as soon as things were beginning to get interesting for them, everyone else was already on the road to a serious migraine. And she could feel one coming on right about now.
"Very well, Khiy Kanryth."
It would very likely cause her a host of trouble yet again, but when faced with a headache Sakarra's first instinct had always been to charge, and she was not going to change her ways if everyone else insisted on continuing their ridiculous little dances.
"I cannot in good conscience give you the information you asked of me, however as someone working in Intelligence I assume you appreciate information offered even if it was not sought, yes?"
Deep, black pools rested calmly on the young man, but if he was an astute observer he would have noticed the spark of a flame carefully contained within the Vulcan's eyes.
"If you wish to know the content of this letter and why it was sent using a code of V'Shar, I encourage you not to go through official channels. The human expression of 'Doors slamming in your face' will hardly suffice to describe what you will experience. For the content, you will have to speak to she who is matriarch of my house, and while it might prove an interesting experience, I doubt she will be inclined to indulge you. For the latter however…"
She exhaled again, trying to discern if this rude young one would comprehend just how many protocols and unspoken rules Sakarra was about to … not bend. Swipe away like an angry desert wind would a fallen leaf.
No matter.
"If you deem it necessary, seek out Sovar of the V'Shar. If you mention my name, he will speak with you. And no I am not of the agency. We are … related. More importantly, if you do not already know the names of the other council members headed for us, seek to learn them. There will be none named Solkar, however you may find a Sakov among them. Be aware that the Council has a Vulcan ship at their disposal which they could have readily used and find the reason that a Starfleet ship is carrying them. It would seem to me, that there are political or other issues at work, and while you may find this a most intriguing puzzle, I should thank you for not involving me any further."
It wasn't what he wanted but it seemed to be something more. There were some battles that couldn't be won and Khiy knew he would get no further no matter how much he pushed. So be it. He stood up "I will seek out this Sovar then." His eyes moved back to the weapon again- it kept drawing his curiosity "that weapon, is it offensive?"
Sakarra tilted her head slightly to one side, mildly bemused.
"It is what you need it to be, Commander. The Lirpa is equally deadly on the offense as it is effective when defending, however I find it most useful for training exercises that hone one's balance and improve musculature."
She wasn't going to point out what it's most traditional use was, nor that when wielded by a person trained in it's use the Lirpa had definitive advantages over a sword in close quarter combat.
"Lirpa." He recognized the name, although it was not overly familiar. Khiy glanced at the weapon and then turned his gaze towards the Vulcan woman "since I have interrupted your training I will provide you with a moving target." He walked back into the harsh sunlight towards the exposed arch "if you are okay with it."
After a few seconds of thought, Sakarra nodded. It would at least be an interesting experience. The question remained whether his offer was simply another instant of him wishing to satisfy his curiosity, or whether it was intended as courtesy.
Looking at the Commander as an opponent now, the young Vulcan's sharp gaze identified something unusual about the young man's body language. The posture, the movements. Something felt … different.
She retrieved the Lirpa from where it had been leaning against the stone and let the light overtunic fall off her shoulders. Positioning herself so that the other had his back to the light, Sakarra raised an inquisitive brow.

[To be continued ...]
(A) Cmdr Khiy Kanryth
Commanding Officer
USS Quantum Fury
Lt Cmdr Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman and Acting Executive Officer
USS Charon