Sunday, January 10, 2010

[USS Charon] SD 241001.10 || Personal JL || Indira Bai & Runo Dlya || "To wake at midnight..."

[Personal Quaters, Deck 4]
It wasn't the sound that woke him nor was it the sense of Indi's body
pressed against his, sharing the warmth generated between the two,
and it wasn't even the unconscious moment each did as they shuffled
in their sleep to a more comfortable position in the other's embrace. It
was his internal alarm clock that reminded him it was time to awake.
Unfortunately Runo's mind wasn't as quick as his bio-rhythm. His
eyes slowly opened to find another head of hair right in front of him,
a female body sharing an intimate space. What the hell?
He supressed his initial urge to jump out of the bed and figure out what
was going on when his memories of the night before came flooding back.
Runo had been asleep, pleasantly exhausted from the night before. The
man was not used to waking up with someone else in his bed, not to mention
intertwined with them. Resting his head back down on the pillow, he watched Indira
sleep for a while, a gentle smile tugging at his lips when she suddenly gave
a small shudder and moved closer to Runo. Raising up a hand, he carefully
moved a lock of hair that had fallen onto her face and placed it back behind
her ear as gently as he could, hopefully not disturbing her. Behind him, a
quiet pulsing sound began and he sighed before rolling over, throwing
out a long well toned arm and silencing  the alarm. Offically, his day had
begun but he was more than content to remain here.
Rolling back over, Runo quietly went back to sleep and the two remained
that way for another ten minutes or so when the alarm went off again. No
louder, no more intense as it had before, Dlya could hear the chrono as if
it was a blaring klaxon. There was things he could do from his quarters but
Indi looked exhausted. He didn't blame her. As gentle and carefully as he
could, he untangled himself from her and moved to the edge of his bed,
throwing his legs over the side and sitting up. Stretching his arms towards
the roof, he ran a hand over his face before standing up.
Five minutes later, he was showered and dressed, slowly sipping a cup of
raktajino as he read over some reports at his table. On the pillow beside Indi
rested a fresh rose.

Indi woke slowly, snuggling deeper into the blankets, her nose buried in a
pillow and inhaled deeply before she realized that her bed didn't usually smell
like roses. Suddenly awake, she sat up quickly, the blanket falling to her waist
unnoticed as she looked around for Runo. Blushing, she pulled the blanket up
over her breasts, and lifted up the rose to her nose and inhaled, the man no where
in sight. It had been quite a long time since she was with a man like him. Thoughtful,
considerate, sweet... Indi laughed softly to herself. Her maataa had very defined
ideas about the role of men and women, and Indi knew just how her mother felt.
Runo made her feel small, delicate, fragile and well..... feminine, and to her he felt
big, powerful, and... well... masculine. She grinned and shook her head at herself.
Go figure.
Crawling out of his bed, she pulled the top sheet around her and stood in the doorway
between the bedroom and living quarters, watching him for a moment before he
noticed her. He was in many ways as rugged and handsome as he was boyish
and soft. When he looked up at her, she felt her mouth go dry. "Runo, would you
mind replicating me a uniform? My preferences are in the computer." She ran
her fingers through her sleep tousled hair as he nodded, and then slipped into the
bathroom to shower, again, and fix her hair up into the tight bun she preferred to
wear on duty.
When she emerged from the bathroom again he had left the new uniform on the
bed. She dressed quickly and after checking herself in his mirror, went to join him
at the table, grabbing a cup of hot chai from the replicator on her way.

Runo smiled as she sat down at the table beside him, the sight of her standing in
his doorway with tousled hair and only a sheet wrapped around her brightening
his day. The lyrics of an old 20th century song began to play through his head
and he quietly spoke them rather than singing. "Good morning beautiful. How was
your night? Mine was wonderful with you by my side." He only knew that part of
it. The gentle aroma of chai spices filled the air and they sat in silence for a time,
simply enjoying the others company. Runo had never been any good with the
morning after so he settled on picking up his empty cup and standing up, heading
towards the replicator. On his way over as he passed by Indira, he planted a soft
kiss on the top  of her head before finishing his trip to the replicator. A moment
later and the empty cup vanished while Runo made the return trip to his seat
by Indi's side.
"Indi... I..." Words failed him at the moment so he chose not to employ them as
the lieutenant sat down, a reserved smile tugging the corners of his mouth into
a pleased shape and one of his hands sought her other hand which had
remained unoccupied while she sipped her tea.
She shook her head. "No regrets, and no expectations, Runo." Leaning forward
she kissed him softly. "One night doesn't necessarily mean a lifetime. We take it
one day at a time." Standing, Indi took her own now empty mug to the replicator
for it to be recycled. "I have to get down to Sickbay for duty, and then I have an
hour booked on the holodeck.  Leave me a message if you want me to come by
afterward. I'll probably need your shower again after my dance workout," she
continued, grinning.

His eyebrows rose slightly as she mentioned her dance workout and he figured
out where she got her grace from. Here he was thinking it was natural. Throwing
a quick glance at the chrono, he sighed. He too had to report to Security in a few
minutes for his first shift. "My bathing facilities are always at your disposal madam.
If you need any help in cleaning up your quarters, please don't hesitate to ask." Not
that he necessarily minded the fact that with her quarters in such disarray, Indi was
forced to see alternate housing, he knew that Indi would enjoy having her own space
back. Not to mention the satisfaction of seeing things back to normal in her quarters.
With little further ado, the two officers headed to the door where he briefly enveloped
Indi in a hug. "For what is it worth... I'm glad you stopped by to take a shower yesterday."
As the door opened, they stepped out into the hallway and went their separate ways
as the day began but what the future held for them, Fate was keeping her cards well
hidden behind a poker face.
=======END LOG========

Lieutenant (JG) Indira Bai
Assistant Medical Officer
USS Charon
Lieutenant Runo Dlya
Assistant Security Officer
USS Charon