Sunday, August 30, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240908.30 - Duty Log "Honor and Glory" (Promotion Log) - Commodore Shiarrael Rehu

[USS Charon, Bridge]


Shiarrael stepped out of her ready room exhausted from the tiresome meeting with Cerywyn.  The Admiral was certainly as irritating as her Rihannsu counterparts.  Admiralty seemed to be the same boorish and imperious bunch no matter the insignia.  Such a meddlesome bunch.  In the corner of her eye she noticed Kanryth exiting behind her.  He said nothing save for a simple nod before heading to the turbo lift.  She started to wince but stopped herself and focused her attention on Lieutenant Haruhi “Lieutenant, send a ship wide announcement.  All senior staff and off duty personnel are ordered to gather in cargo bay one at 1900 hours.”  Shiarrael glanced at her chrono “in five hours.”


I have also have some preparing to do.  Shiarrael reminded herself and pondered for a moment.  After a quiet minute of thought she glanced at Haruhi again “Lieutenant, you have the bridge.”  She ignored the look of surprise in the young woman’s face.  Instead she gently rubbed her hands as she entered the turbo lift deep in thought.


[5 hours later Cargo Bay 1]


Everyone seemed generally surprised by the appearance of the cargo bay.  The floor was now covered by thick wooden tiles and two large banners decorated the far wall where two tables were set up.  And centered amongst it all were four marble pillars.


Shiarrael entered the cargo bay much later then everyone else wearing a devilish smile noticeably enjoying the widespread reaction to the scenery.  “Attention on deck!”  One of the officers announced bringing the conversations to a standstill.  Shiarrael grinned as she stepped into the middle of the four pillars and unsheathed her honor blade letting the scabbard drop to the wooden floor loudly “my beautiful crew, today we celebrate your valor and honor. You have all served loyally and well, and the Elements reward those who are worthy. This blade feels the blood of your toils and gives glory to you who love your ship and your duty.”


"I now dedicate this blade to the Elements."  Shiarrael lifted her sword up and then turned to face one of the pillars.  "To Fire that creates and destroys" a burst of flame erupted from the pillar and she passed the sword through it.  "To Air, of weapons, words, and wings” She waved the sword above the next pillar before turning to another.  "To Water of our joys and our tears” a fountain of water flowed out of the pillar and she ran the sword through it.  Finally she looked at the last pillar "And to Earth, our cradle and our grave" she swung the blade hard slicing through the marble pillar.  As it collapsed she looked at her crew grinned widely “Sakarra Tyrax step forward!”


As the Vulcan stepped forward Shiarrael gestured to one of the accompanying officers who walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a few things.  He returned and handed the items to Shiarrael who studied them and then looked at the Vulcan “honor to those who work hard.”  She pulled out a velvet box and opened it.  Reaching out she ripped the single pip from the Vulcans uniform and let it fall to the floor.  “Rewards come to those who serve well.”  Shiarrael replaced it with two solid ones and then a Rising Star Ribbon “continue to do well, Lieutenant.  Return to the line.”  People started to cheer but Shiarrael lifted her blade “silence!”  When the crowd calmed Shiarrael continued “Acel’a step forward!”


As the woman stepped forward Shiarrael gestured again to one of the accompanying officers who walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a few more things.  He returned and handed the items to Shiarrael who studied them and then smirked at Acel’a “honor to those who work hard.”  She pulled out a velvet box and opened it.  Reaching out she ripped the two pips from the Woman’s uniform and let them fall to the floor.  “Rewards come to those who serve well.”  Shiarrael replaced them with two solid ones and then a Kragite Order of Heroism “continue to do well, Lieutenant.  Return to the line.”  This time people were quiet and Shiarrael smiled, they learn fast.  “Runo Dlya step forward!”


Shiarrael gestured to one of the accompanying officers as Dlya stepped forward; again the officer walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a few items.  He returned and handed the items to Shiarrael who studied them and then nodded to Dlya “honor to those who work hard.”  She pulled out a velvet box and opened it.  Reaching out she ripped the two pips from Dlya’s uniform and let them fall to the floor.  “Rewards come to those who serve well.”  Shiarrael replaced them with two solid ones and then a Kragite Order of Heroism “continue to do well, Lieutenant.  Return to the line.”  When Dlya was back in with the group she continued “Indira Bai, step forward!”


As the young doctor broke from the line Shiarrael gestured again to one of the accompanying officers who walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a few more things.  He returned and handed the items to Shiarrael who studied them and then nodded to Bai “honor to those who work hard.”  She pulled out a velvet box and opened it.  Reaching out she ripped the single pip from the Woman’s uniform and let it fall to the floor.  “Rewards come to those who serve well.”  Shiarrael replaced them with one solid pip and one semi-solid and then a Golden Heart ribbon “continue to do well, Lieutenant Junior Grade.  Return to the line.”  “Nathanial Doyle, Step forward!”


So young, Shiarrael smirked and nodded her head at the attending officer who returned to the table to pick up the final velvet box.  He returned and handed it to her.  “Honor to those who work hard.”  She opened the velvet box and pinned the single gold pip onto his collar.  “Rewards come to those who serve well.”  Shiarrael added a Manheim ribbon to his uniform “continue to do well, Ensign.  Return to the line.”


Shiarrael held her blade high up for everyone to see “this is an honor blade.  Every Romulan officer carries one to signify and protect their honor and ideals.”  She nodded to the attending officer who opened a box pulling out several sheathed swords “I will now give each one of you your own blade.  Replicated of course- this is to remind you of your duty.  Not just to Starfleet but to all people of this galaxy.  Remember what you have done here to today to save these people and cherish these blades.  Ohoni has given permission for everyone to take leave on the planet and we will remain in orbit to study the effects of this new star on Lyrila for some time.  Take this chance to relax; there will likely be few opportunities to do so later on.  Dismissed!”  Shiarrael slammed her foot into the wood and saluted before leaving.




<<OOC: These are not the only awards but I wanted to get the promos out of the way.  Many more awards coming this week!”


Commodore Shiarrael Rehu

Commanding Officer

USS Charon