Saturday, August 22, 2009

[USS Charon] SD 240908.22 | Joint log | Lt(JG) Dlya & Ens Bai | "No vacancy."

minnaar <> wrote to

=/\= Unspecified location on deck 3 =/\=

Dlya had been working with a somewhat small group of security officers
reassigned to help evacuate deck's 2 & 3 for some time.. The power
fluctuations were much more severe down here then the sensors
revealed. More than half the lights were out, the artificial gravity
would sometimes cut out before suddenly and often violently
reactivate, the doors were malfunctioning and the internal comms were
encountering heavy interference. Shepherding people through the dark
towards access portals to the lower decks was a difficult job. Many of
them were concerned about the status of the ship and still others were
assuming the worse and panicking.. Dlya grew to have a greater respect
for ship counselors and was sorely apologetic that he had slept
through the classes that would have helped in this situation.

Relocating the crew assigned to quarters on those decks to cargo bay 5
was another task that Dlya was encounter difficulty with. The cargo
bay could only hold so many people and it was filling up fast. Two of
his security detail had gone down to cargo bay 6, to see if they could
shuffle some of the stored cargo to expand the population quota. He
had been waiting for a reply from them when he got a garbled message
from Ensign Bowen. Mingling with the last group heading for deck 4, he
crawled out of Jefferies tube near cargo bay 2. Unfortunately for him,
they had gone just slightly over the timetable set by the commodore to
have these decks evacuated. Runo knew that they did the best they
could with the people they had but as they finished, the lieutenant
allowed himself to get angry over the fact that they didn't have
enough people working on the evac when it mattered. Tapping his
combadge, he then was able to get a reply to the two officers on deck
6.. "Lieutenant Dlya to ensign Bowen... what's the status of cargo bay

Down on deck 6, Ensign Bowen (NPC) and Crewmen Juro (NPC) stared out
over the cargo bay before shaking their head. Bowen tapped his
combadge before speaking. "Not good lieutenant... If we were going to
have overfill sent here, then we should have gotten started on it
before the first person stepped into cargo bay 5. This is definitely a
no go sir."

Runo cursed silently before nodding his head to the two security
personnel guiding the last group to the lower decks. "Get these people
to the cargo bay.... set up cots in the hall if you have to." He had
gotten back into the Jefferies tube and was about to go climb up a
ladder to deck 3 when suddenly the ship rocked violently, throwing
Runo off the ladder into the wall and then back a ways down onto the
unyielding floor. He landed on his right arm with his full weight.
Something snapped with a loud sound and his right arm burst into pain.
It was if the arm being twisted off and set ablaze at the same time.
Trying to muffle a very loud shout of pain and only halfway
succeeding, he ground his teeth together and tried to see if he could
determine what injury he had now. Unfortunately for him, the lights in
the Jefferies tube cut out to be replaced with the blood red emergency
lighting. That did little to help him. Determining that he was no
sufficiently injured to immediately head to sickbay, he managed to get
himself upright, his back resting against the wall. Taking a better
look at his arm, he realized that he would need medical attention and
the sooner he got it the better. He was reaching for his combadge when
the ship was hit again, causing him to topple back onto his right arm.
Not able to stiffle the cry that leap from his mouth, he almost passed
out before summoning enough strength to sit back up and reaching for
his combadge. "Lieutenant Dlya to sickbay."

Indira had just gotten back to the ship from Lyrillia when the
communication came through Sickbay. "Sickbay, Ensign Bai here, can I
help you Lieutenant? Are you injured?" Normally was not a question
she would have responded with, but the strain in the mans voice was
more than evident.

Adjusting himself to be more comfortable, he started to feel a little
lightheaded and a tiny bit sleepy. The pain in his arm seemed to
spread though his
shoulder and into his right side althought it was probably just in his head.
"Affirmative... I'm no doctor but I think I broke my arm." He went to move the
arm in question when he almost cried out in pain. "Yea, I broke it. It
hasn't broken through the skin though it looks pretty bad. I can't feel my
fingers... I'm on deck 4, Jefferies tube junction 21 beta." He reached up,
grabbed a hold on one of the ladderrungs and pulled himself up, wincing
in pain the entire time.

"Stay put, I'll be right there." Grabbing yet another medikit, Indira
hurried out of Sickbay. The small case was one of the last of the
dwindling numbers of kits available in Sickbay, and she was sure that
one of her primary duties over the next few days would be repacking
and replacing cases that had been used over the course of the mission
on Lyrillia.

Making her way up the three decks to the access hatch Dlya had used.
It was still open, so she crawled inside to the hub he was sitting in,
braced with his back against the wall and leaning his left shoulder
against the ladder.

His breathing was shallower than normal and his face was pale. He gave
a strained smile to the doctor. "Your a sight for sore eyes ensign." It was
very obvious where the bone had broken in his arm, in comparison to the
left arm. It looked drastically different and there was blood everywhere.
Runo had broken bones before so he knew that they often looked worse
than they actually were. "I haven't tried to set it or realign it... I
wasn't exactly able to at the moment." The brown haired officer
grimaced as his arm reminded
him of its condition.

Smiling warmly to put him at ease, Indira knelt down next to him and
opened up her medkit. "Thank you. Most officers think that they can
take treatment into their own hands while they wait for the medical
team." She pressed a hypospray of terakine to his neck to begin
easing his discomfort before cutting his uniform away from the injured
arm. Lightly, she ran her fingers over the swollen and discolored
flesh, chewing on her bottom lip in concentration, even as he paled

"From what I can feel, its a pretty clean break, but lets do a full
scan before we set it," she said, taking out her medical tricorder and
running it along the length of his arm from shoulder to fingertip.

"Actually, it looks like two breaks here," Indi said, pointing at the
obvious spot. "One major break and then another sliver of bone as
well, but its clean enough that once I set it, all three pieces should
fuse nicely.

Runo's forehead was dotted with sweat from the strain of staying
concious and the pain that the terakine had only taken the edge of.
Indira gripped his wrist with one hand, pulling his arm straight as
she pushed on the break with the other hand, forcing it back into
alignment. "I'll wrap it up here, and then we'll get you back to
Sickbay, and use the osteoregenerator to repair the bone, okay?" It
was a statement rather than a question as she started pulling out
bandages, but she waited for his nod before starting to apply them.

The medication had helped more than the ensign may have realized so
when she reset his arm, Runo only felt some of it. Thankfully, he was able
to contain his reaction and the pain began to lessen. As Indira was creating
splint, the lieutenant relaxed just slightly. "You know doctor... you add a
new definition to a charming bedside manner." Indira blushed and
tightened the bandages to ensure his arm would be as immobile as it could,
and Dlya decided that it was better not to make any more comments, even in

Indira rescanned his arm. "I appreciate the compliment Lieutenant.
It's quite nice to have a charming and cooperative patient once in a
while." She chuckled softly and closed the tricorder, satisfied with
the results.

"I would recommend we take the Jefferies tube until we get back out onto
deck 4 and then head for a turbolift but I am afraid that I wouldn't fare too
well. Besides, that osteoregenerator will have to wait. As soon as the repair
teams are finished, we need to get the crew back to where they belong instead
of taking up space in cargo bay 5. There aren't too many people assigned to
work this resettlement and my officers need as much as they can." Runo looked
over towards the open Jefferies tube. It would eventually lead back to deck 4
or there was a ladder taking them up to deck 3. "So doc... would I be cleared
for a site to site transport? I am of no help sitting around here."

"Site to site transport will be fine. But the treatment won't wait.
It won't take long, and we can still get you back to your duties. And
I'm sure its not as bad as it seems, but believe you me, I do not envy
you the task of moving the Chef back to the kitchen." She grinned
again, and it seemed to ease his tension.

Tapping her comm badge, she grabbed her medkit. "Ensign Bai to
transporter room. I need a site to site transport for two from here
to Sickbay."

"Aye Ensign, standby," came the reply, and moments later, Runo and
Indira were both engulfed in the familiar blue glow.

Lieteutenant (JG) Runo Dlya
Assistant Security Officer
USS Charon


Ensign Indira Bai
Assistant Medical Officer
USS Charon