Saturday, August 29, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240908.29 - Personal BackLog "Golden Land"- CHO - Sakarra Tyrax


"This affinity" [the Captain replied] "is sufficiently striking in the case of alkalis and acids, which, although they are mutually antithetical, and perhaps precisely because they are so, most decidedly seek and embrace one another, modify one another, and together form a new substance." ...
"Forgive me," said Charlotte, "as I forgive the scientist, but ... the choice seems to me to lie entirely in the hands of the chemist who brings these substances together. Once they have been brought together, though, God help them!"
Unexpected. That was certainly the best word to describe the experience. Or maybe it should not have been. Maybe she of all people should not be this surprised. Yet she was walking these streets, her astonishment of course completely invisible to anyone but the man by her side, the man who took all this with his usual open mind and unquenchable curiosity, and she was both puzzled and - no point in denying it - somewhat overwhelmed by the onslaught of sensations.
All of the Empire seemed to be coming and going, checking the wares of the countless merchants at their stalls and shops, haggling, laughing, shouting and waving greetings, it was inexplicable how they were even able to hear their own thoughts. Throngs of people clustered here and there at particularly popular spots and the scent of pastries, flowers and ale wafted above it all in a symphony that was both intriguing and beginning to give her a minor headache.
And through it all they moved, the people, the scents and the noise, the man beside her carrying the little one who so excitedly waved her arms at all this commotion and she, the one who should have looked more familiar to them, yet still drew more bemused glances than the man and child with eyes as dark as night skies.
Once again she reminded herself to adjust her body language, to walk as casually as possible, after all what use was it to leave the uniform behind if one still moved as if trapped in hostile territory?
Her mate caught the fleeting thought and chuckled while at the same time turned a bit to prevent the little one to snatch a - well, some sort of bread, apparently - from someone's basket.
'Almost there, Imzadi. But you do look as if you could use a drink'
Though their bond she sensed his amusement, mingled with mild concern.
And she did not object when his hand reached for hers, not only to reassure but for the logical reason that otherwise they might get separated in the crush.
To the casual onlooker she was only a stately looking woman in somber, if somewhat old fashioned robes, moving serenely through the bustle of the market. But everyone who looked longer than the fraction of a second would notice something a bit off, unless of course they saw the alien man and the lively child first.
It was just as well that he had insisted on carrying the little one, she was so enthralled by her surroundings and interested in everything from a small bird perched on a roof to the lettuce-like blue leaves offered at a stall, there was no telling what might have happened if she somehow had gotten loose and decided to do some exploring of her own. Just a few days ago the child had yet again proven her extraordinary speed and resourcefulness when she had escaped their quarters - and incidentally her father who had fallen asleep from exhaustion - and arrived on the bridge, followed, inexplicably, by Lieutenant Eichenlaub's cat. Thankfully, the Captain had taken the episode with good humor and simply asked that both child and cat should be returned to the safety of their respective quarters.
"Svai! 'akov!" obviously, they had reached the shop her mate had been looking for, and the child happily announced that fact.
"Yes, little one. Very pretty flowers. No, we need to ask first… oh dear."
She had managed to grab a blossom of most pleasing color and scent and presented it to her father by way of literally waving it under his nose.
"Lagga" the shop owner nodded, favoring the child with an eye-crinkling smile. "She sure knows what she likes. You are from the lloannen'galae ship?"
"Hm? Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Good day to you."
"The very same to you and yours," the elderly man replied with a small bow and a glance in the tall, silent woman's direction. "May I offer you a refreshment?"
"Why yes, thank you." the younger man nodded and gracefully accepted the cup, just barely saving it from his little one's inquisitiveness "I heard you have seeds for sale as well? Would it be possible…"
The ebony-haired woman left her beloved to dive into all the botanical marvels this planet had to offer, the brief smile in her mind barely visible at the corners of her  mouth. The joy he felt over being here, able to immerse himself not only in what was both his profession and passion, but the entire culture, so alien and so fascinating, the deep pride and happiness he felt when the child in his arms shared in his delight by demanding to be shown more plants, more of everything, and was indulged by a most courteous and truly patient merchant - it all radiated off him like heat from the desert soil, warm and constant, even after dark has fallen.
She slowly wandered the shop, yet again bemused by all the abundance of fruits and flowers, offered by a world so unlike her own. It was difficult to conceive what those who first came upon this place must have felt - a paradise with golden skies after an eternity of hardship.
Sha-ka-ri - they must have thought. Mirage, an illusion brought about by faulty sensors and minds desperate to find something, anything after the long, cold night of space.
She could imagine the joy when finally every sensor reading was confirmed, when it was clear there was no illusion. What she could not imagine was the sensation of actually seeing, touching, knowing, for the first time.
Tracing the petals of a delicate, magenta-hued blossom with long, slender fingers, she experienced that sensation of something important, some discovery just beyond the reach of conscious thought.
But then the sounds of footsteps made her turn and from the look on the men's faces it was clear both had concluded the trade to mutual satisfaction.
"Your lady has the same exquisite taste as your daughter it seems"
"So she does" there was laughter twinkling in the black eyes and before she knew it, her arms were filled with exotic flowers, the warm and sweet scent almost making her dizzy. There was no point in protesting, as neither her mate nor the merchant who smiled so readily and insisted on feeding the child pale purple berries he called 'ihor' would have listened.
She took great care to not do the polite man any discourtesy by showing even the mildest sign of exasperation and inclined her head gracefully.
'Only one more stop, Imzadi' 
He tried to wipe some of the purple berry juice from the little one's face, but only succeeded in spreading it a little further. Despite herself, she felt a surge of silent laughter wanting to erupt. 'Only one? I must admit to astonishment.'
"We can always take the grand tour." he chuckled and turned back towards the man with the silver streaked hair
"Thank you again, and -  Jolan tru?"
"Jolan'tru." the merchant confirmed with a small bow.

[to be continued]

Ens Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman
USS Charon