Saturday, August 29, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240908.29 || Backlog || Cpt. Zane Akina (NPC), SFI

[ BACKLOG – Eight Months Ago ]

[NOTE:  This log contains some references to horror and mature themes – reader discretion is advised]

Astate Colony
Unpopulated Jungle Island Chain – Underground Research Facility
"Into The Darkness" – Part II

Captain Zane Akina had searched the dark, underground complex for over two hours.  Room after room revealed chaos, destruction, the evidence of bloody confrontations with some unknown entity.  He had encountered the decomposed remains of humanoid bodies in various states of decay.  The sickly sweet smell he had encountered earlier suddenly became apparent to him; it was the tell-tale scent of death.

Examining the bodies revealed them to be NeoDyne scientists and maintenance personnel.  A few stained ID badges and other clues led Akina to believe this had been some type of covert research facility.  He had already passed through several surgical rooms filled with arcane equipment and surgical implements which seemed grotesque and malicious like something from an assimilation room aboard a Borg Cube.  Some form of medical research had been conducted here, but he had only scant clues and no evidence of what this facility was for or what type of research had been conducted in this tomb of the dead.  All he knew was something here had gone terribly, terribly wrong.

Entering a large room, Zane shined his light into the vast darkness which seemed to swallow his pathetic light beam.  More bodies lined the floors.  Some hung from the rafters and catwalks like frightful marionettes.  From the uniforms of the deceased workers they appeared to be maintenance and engineering staff. 

Swinging his light about the room he appeared to be in a mechanical or maintenance area.  The walls were covered with pipes, tubes, and equipment which branched out presumably feeding or linking other areas of the complex.  Following the trails of conduits, Akina’s light fell upon a raised area and several massive switchboxes.  Warning signs adorning units indicated these systems had something to do with electrical power.

Climbing a few stairs to reach the panels, Akina’s boots clanked noisily on the metal grating.  Illuminating the units up close, Zane found one of them covered in dried blood.  As he swung his light downward it fell upon a dead body that seemed determined to accomplish some task at one of the master panels, but the lifeless corpse communicated nothing but a painful and gruesome death.  Something had stabbed the man repeatedly which appeared to have caused his eventual demise.

Recognizing the significance of the massive power junctions, Zane wondered if the facility was as lifeless as it seemed.  Half a dozen electrical breakers sat side by side.  All were set to the off position.  Grabbing the first massive switch, Akina struggled to push it upwards.  The heavy switch finally gave way under pressure and clanked into place with a loud metallic clang.

For a moment nothing happened.  Zane wondered if the complex’s power systems had somehow failed which might have contributed to the carnage he had witnessed.  A low, pulsing hum suddenly filled the room.  Zane diverted his light, but there was nothing to be seen in the pervasive blackness that surrounded him.

“Insufficient power available for automatic startup sequence.  Primary power offline.  Startup aborted.” 

The sudden voice nearly caused Akina to drop his weapon as an electric bolt of adrenaline suddenly rippled through him.  Swallowing and catching his breath he realized the voice was that of a computer whose tone was as menacing as the facility itself.  Taking a moment to calm himself, Zane moved to the other panels each in turn and engaged each of the heavy switches.

Not long afterwards the computer spoke again.

“System overrides deactivated.  Now initiating automatic power startup and system recovery sequence.  Standby.”

Equipment throughout the room began to blink and activate in the blackness.  Generators began to spin, Zane could hear air begin to move through the ventilation ducts and the entire facility slowly came to life as power was once again restored to its dormant systems.  Several bright overhead lights suddenly snapped on temporarily blinding Akina whose eyes had become well adjusted to the almost total blackness.  After several painful moments, his eyes finally focused revealing the true horrors surrounding him.

Lifeless corpses and bodies lay strewn everywhere.  Dried, brown blood covered the floor like paint as some force or entity had murdered everyone alive in the room.  Bodies lay on the floor, some cut asunder by ferocious force, others suffered fatal stab wounds, while still others had met death by other means.  There was no evidence of weapons fire.  Everyone he had seen had died as a result of extreme physical trauma. 

Akina, a man who had seen his fair share of battlefield combat and death, was overwhelmed by the sight of the carnage.  He sank to one knee and silently prayed for the souls before him whose lives had been cut short by some unknown, brutal force.  Standing, his growing anger intensified into rage.  Alistair Merikai and his powerful corporation known as NeoDyne would pay for this atrocity.  He would personally finish what he started years before and see the cunning executive brought to justice for his crimes.  Too many people had paid the ultimate price for his lust of power, influence, and wealth.  These victims demanded the sword of justice and Akina felt duty bound to see their deaths were not in vain.

The cycle had to end – Akina swore to the bodies before him he would seek and exact lawful justice.  Vengeance would be a better end for the corporate executive, but Akina was a Starfleet Officer and a man of deep convictions.  While he occasionally bent the rules to achieve his goals it was always in the pursuit of truth and justice.  He had almost toppled Merikai and his corporate empire once before.  Perhaps now, with this evidence, he could finally end the man’s influence and power and erase the evils his company both sold, researched, and produced forever ridding the galaxy of a dangerous, powerful, and influential force.  Evidence would be his sword and the rule of law his shield.

Stepping through the complex turned catacombs, Akina continued further into the facility.  With the lights now active he could see various signs and markers which indicated his location.  A nearby sign indicated the direction to laboratories.  If he was to find a smoking gun it would no doubt be located there.

He paused for a moment to consider his situation.  He could stop now and return to the Astate colony.  There he could present the evidence he had collected so far and possibly persuade local authorities to dispatch a platoon of marines or security personnel to search the remainder of the facility in force.  However such an action would bring questions which would be posed by the military and politicians.  If there was evidence here to ruin NeoDyne he didn’t need protocol and procedure fouling his investigation and ruining a golden chance to potentially topple the corporate giant.  No he couldn’t return to Astate despite the extreme risks in proceeding.  He could not waste this chance.

Heading toward the labs he wondered what terrors he would find there.  Tightening the grip on his disruptor, Zane pressed forward as two large electric doors parted as he headed into the laboratories unsure what might lie in wait.

[ To Be Continued ... ]

Captain Zane Akina
Starfleet Intelligence