Sunday, October 24, 2010

[USS Charon] 241010.24 Science Report, CSci Commander Arcos Darye

//--Science Report – USS CHARON – Star Date:241010.24--//

I. Schedule of Science Command Staff
II. Lab summary Table
III. Lab projects summary
IV. Bridge Functions
V. Damage/repair/casualty Report
VI. Science Commanders Comments

I.   Schedule
Name| position||rank| assignment|
    |first shift |Second shift| third shift|
Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| Commander | Department head
    |1)Bridge|2)office hours|3)OFF|   
Y. Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab Management | NPC
    1)Research/Office| 2)OFF| 3)Bridge
B. Roberts| Beindocoff's Assist| PO3|Research/office| NPC
    1)Research| 2)Office| 3)OFF
S. Vorn| Science Officer| Ensign | Admin Assistant| NPC
    1)OFF|2)Bridge|3)office hours
I. Castillo| Geo Science |Petty Officer 1st| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)office hours| 2)research| 3)OFF   
M. Blande| Bio Science| Ensign| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Office hours| 2)OFF| 3)Research
T. Yin| Chem Science| Chief Petty Officer | Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Research| 2)office hours| 3)OFF
S. Ronsett| Phys Science| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab management| NPC
    1)OFF| 2)office hours| 3)Research
Ollanda| Cybernetics| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
        1)OFF| 2)Research| 3)office hours
G. Yellin| Anthropology| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1) Research|2) OFF| 3) office hours
Officers: 7|Enlisted: 16: 3 enlisted lab masters, 14 enlisted Lab assistants|
-----------------------------------------------------------------|Total Science Personnel: 24 (max 29/min 17/skeleton 3)|

II. Lab Summary Table

Labs | Lab master | Assigned assistants | Experiment
General Science | Department head charge | 1 | OPEN   
Biology | M. Blande | 2 |
Chemistry | T. Yin | 2 |
Geo Science | I. Castillo | 2 |
Physics | S. Ronsett | 2 |
Cybernetics | Ollanda | 2 |
Anthropology| G. Yellin | 1 |
Botany| (open lab) |    1 |
Stellar Cartography| Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts | 1 |

III. Lab Project Summary

A) Biology: Biology mixes with a lot of the other other fields, but the lab is utilized for a majority of the ships biological research including microbe study, cellar study, animal and space creature study, the study of Life, how it works, and how it continues to function today and in yester year.

Biology Officer in-charge:  M. Blande |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift

CURRENT STUDY SUMMARY:  Ensign Mary Blande takes up the question, why does some food taste the same as others to differing species that are a part of the Federation or encountered by.  She will be using the famous simulated holo-cadavers to chart taste buds and tactile sensitivity of over 100 differing humanoids, cross reference listed foods in the replicator, the age of re-sequenced proteins, and naturally grown, raised, or otherwise harvested foods.

B) Chemistry: Chemistry studies the physical nature of life, the study of chemicals and elements how they react and work together with each other.  Chemistry often works with biology and physics to come to a closer understanding of what we explore on the ship.

Chemistry Officer in-Charge: T. Yin |OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift

CURRENT STUDY SUMMARY: Timothy Yin encounters new territory as he studies impromptu field chemistry, ranging from medical to weaponry uses of differing common substances on planets within the federation.  He will be tasked with this interesting look at survival tactics that could save any Star Fleet personnel in a bind.

C) Geo-sciences:  The Geo Sciences department works with anthropology, Stellar Cartography, biology and other fields of science to grab a basis of the physical relationship of ecosystems, glaciations, gravitational pulls, tectonics, and seismic behavior of planets, moons, asteroids, and planetoids.

Geo-Sciences Officer in-Charge: I. Castillo |OFFICE HOURS: 1st Shift

CURRENT STUDY SUMMARY: Isabella Castillo studies the breakdown of ecosystems due to geological catastrophes as well as known situations where life adapted or did not.  She will look at fossils of differing worlds, charted research of known worlds going through these changes and also developing simulated holo-programing of these changes.

D) Physics: Physics assists in both astrophysics, quantum physics, bio-physics, standard physics.  The Physics team answers question in gravitational effects, trajectory, and other physics challenges.  Often Physics will work with geology or stellar cartography.

Physics Officer in-Charge: S. Ronsett|OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift

SUMMATION OF CURRENT RESEARCH: Sarah Ronsett studies the possibility of natural phenomena to produce movement approaching and exceeding the speed of light.


E) Stellar Cartography: Stellar Cartography works with Astrometrics to provide maps of the galaxy and studies the stars themselves mapping inner corona and outer solar system alike.


Stellar Cartography Officer in-Charge: Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift/2nd shift

SUMMATION OF CURRENT RESEARCH: Yuri Beindocoff and Ben Robert study several logged breakdowns of solar systems including star expansion, nova, expulsion of protomater, and compaction.  Using the maps of the system and last reports the two will make some conjectures about which star is next, and what impact would a nova from these areas have on its localized regions.  Team will also continue to provide maps of regions with in the ships general area.

F) Cybernetics: The team plays a part in science cybernetics and robotics.  Together the team assists in probe assembly, repair, research, and equipment programming.  These guys play a major role in research set up, and develop new ways to keep us busy and tooling our research.

Cybernetics Officer in-charge: Ollanda |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift

SUMMATION OF CURRENT RESEARCH: Ollanda and her team take on a project of refitting probes and new probe construction.  The probes will be utilized for planet atmosphere and ground exploration, as well as space and deep star penetration studies.

G) Anthropology: Part of the anthropologies job is to find out what humanoid life is like in surrounding solar systems.  They are basically a historian, but also provide an in-depth analysis in to cultures, societies and the way people live now, then… and on many worlds flourishing, dying, or since perished.  A lot of the teams focus is providing a guide for officers to use when approaching a world on or off duty.

Anthropology in-charge: G. Yellin |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift

SUMMATION OF CURRENT RESEARCH: George Yellin begins his one month research study on the T'kon Empire.  Its growth and collapse, known lost outposts, and surviving elements or peoples from that time.

H) Botany: The botany team, made up of volunteers and lab assistant Crewman Chris A. Smith are continuing to care for the planet current in the lab.  Since the team has no samples yet of Gamma quadrant plants, the focus have been on bordering sectors to the gamma quadrant, including the failed first contact from a year ago.

SUMMATION OF CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Production of edible food for ships mess hall, and continuing care for samples and specimens from ships travel.

I) General Science Lab: The General Science lab will be available at request, but is currently on standby for mission specific research.  The lab has holo-emitters for research and is shared with other departments as per request; departments can make use of the lab if unused by the science team.  The General Science lab is the ships state of the art science laboratory capable of housing six differing experimentations from any science department.  The lab assistant is charged with set up and preparing the lab for each team utilizing the lab.  Additional assistants can be utilized if necessary from other labs.




IV.  Bridge Operations
+Science Bridge Crew:

     Commander Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| 1st Shift
     Lieutant J.G Yuri Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography|3rd shift (NPC)
     Ensign Sammuel Vorn| Administrative Assistant|2nd shift (NPC)

+NOTE: The Bridge team is charged with gathering scans for the science department, requesting launch of science probes, and monitoring data for bridge operations.  All scans and data can be made available to other departments and teams on request.   The science lab teams may also monitor their portion of the scans from the bridge at their request, but is limited to lab masters and the science department officers.
V. Damage/repair/Personnel Report:
 +All labs functioning

 +Commander Arcos| Arm replacement| ready for duty two days after surgery

+Promotion Request –
+Personnel: Rank|PersonnelName|
à New Rank|Name


Additions/training Requested/Transfers:


     +Commander|Arcos Darye|CSci



VI. Science Commanders comments
+Arrival:  I will make my arrival to the Charon with in the next few days.  Everyone who is interested in research can sumbit a lab proposal.  All that's required is a title, purpose, materials/personnel, hypothesis… once that is done I will get that back to you.

+Training: its required that one be rank of petty officer or higher to conduct research, but if you have completed science, or enlisted and sim guide training… you can request that you be given lab manangement training.  Once this is complete, I will put in a request for a promotion to Petty officer 3rd class for you.  All candidates interested in working in a lab can also get cross training in other labs, example: Creman Sarah is assigned to the chemistry lab, she would like to be trained on biology.  If she reqested the cross training she could put in a training request with her immediate commander who would inform the science administrative team… once the training had been completed in character, we would put in a request for a rank advancement to technician… or if she was a technician, and had been so for a while she could get further training in a third lab duty she could put in a request for specialist.  Now mind you these are only requests and would require authorization, but it would help flesh out your character.  Once you reached specialist and having served as a specialist for some time, you could then request lab management training.

Commander Arcos Darye
Chief Science Officer
USS Charon