Thursday, April 22, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241004.22 - PoV Log "A morsel of defeat" - Vaek'Riov Itsak tr'Sahen

<<OOC: So, I got my biopsy results back today.  Benign!  Yay!  Though the doctor did say it was wierd.  He mentioned that pathologist noticed a feature normally only present in the tyroid in my inguinal node, but said it was nothing to be concerned about- so I am BACK 100% :) >>

[IRW D'era (Endless Sky)]

"Hanaj and the troops have boarded the Vulcan ship."  T'Neiah spoke calmly from her console.  It was that air of calmness that Itsak preferred.  Perhaps it might have been an unintended homage to the Vulcan blood that flowed within him but it was efficient nonetheless.  Not to mention he could not stand the chaotic and incessant shouting that littered some Galae bridges.  With a cold smile now plastered on his face Itsak leaned forward in his chair watching the view screen with quiet interest.  The D'era was neatly positioned between the Charon and the Vulcan ship- her beak clearly pointed at the latter.  His cousin certainly expected this- so what contingencies had she made?  It would be quite interesting to find out. 

"They have launched fighters."  Tr'Lisolm spoke, like T'Neiah he was also calm- Itsak called for it to be brought onto the view screen and the image immediately shifted to that small ugly ship.  From its rear, like droplets of hlai dung, the little fighters poured out.  'Such a small ship' Itsak thought 'they included fighters?'  It must have been something of his cousin's doing, but no worry- even with fighters the battle was still quite far from even.  "Hanaj has opened a channel, Rekkhai."

"Let us hear it."  Itsak said.  A short moment of static filled the bridge but then Hanaj's voice echoed off the metallic beams that crisscrossed the room "Rekkhai- we have successfully boarded their ship.  The Vulcan V'Shar soldiers are quite proficient as our sources have suggested.  They are making quick work of the Gai'Shian, but little concern, my men have fortified their position behind the Gai'Shian and it is unlikely they will be able to route us.  Also, I have spotted your cousin and marked her, she seems quite displeased."  Hanaj's last words rolled off with a slightly humorous undertone.  A couple of brief smiles broke through the cold facades of the bridge personnel.

Itsak's cold smile held, even though he wished he could have seen Shiarrael's expression- her fury was quite legendary and even as a child she could throw quite the tantrum.  Easing in his seat he tapped on the armrest console opening a line to his second "continue Hanaj, we must have that ship.  I do not want to see you back here unless we take it."  His words were simple enough- bring me that ship or die with it! 

"As you demand Rekkhai."  Was the simple response as the transmission broke.  Itsak found his eyes returning to the view screen- the focus was still on the fighters.  Like a swarm of mosquitoes badgering livestock they swirled and swerved around the larger ships- but just like the insects the fighters were nothing more than a nuisance- but then the horsefly moved.  Although not trained on the Charon Itsak could see the edges of her saucer lurch forward from the top left corner of the viewer.  Tr'Lisolms console apparently noticed the sudden motion since the tactical officer was tapping on the thing quite violently.  It was then that Itsak noticed that the Charon's course would give it the perfect line of fire- 'would she?'  Itsak immediately wondered if his cousin would destroy a ship she was on- that answer simple and almost instant: yes, but the pressing question was: 'is she?'

Sliding out of his chair Itsak took five steps forward until he was within a shoulder's grasp of tr'Lisolm.  His twisted slightly towards t'Neiah "the Erissvae'sa and Vrelaui are too far back- order them move between Charon and the Vulcan ship, we cannot allow them an unobstructed line of fire…"

"They have target the Vulcan ship-" No sooner did tr'Lisolm speak those words then Itsak caught sight of bright blue stars shimmering towards the Vulcan ship.  He had managed to focus his full attention on the screen in time to catch the vibrant orange and yellow explosion that engulfed the Vulcan ship.  Another line of shimmering blue dots caught Itsak's attention and his gaze shifted to the far right corner of the viewer as the Charon unleashed another volley.  As they impacted the explosion turned white hot.  A collective gasp resounded on the bridge as the explosion dimmed revealing nothing but stars where the Vulcan ship had been.  "It is not on sensors- they have been vaporized!"  Lisolm declared, his voice a bit frayed from the excitement.

A tense knot started to crawl its way down Itsak's throat but he was yet to panic.  With a calm breath he stepped forward and looked directly at the tactical console.  "Attempt to open a channel to Hanaj."  Itsak looked at t'Neiah again.  She nodded her head and tapped on her console.  It was a tense few seconds- the knot was growing ever nearer to the pit of his stomach but was dispelled immediately when his second's voice crackled through the speakers, the sound of weapon discharges clearly visible in the background "we are currently occupied my lord."

"Continue on."  Itsak said.  Next to him tr'Lisolm cursed under his breath "a trick?" he said sounding quite offended.  Itsak simply nodded his head once wondering whether or not it was something of Shiarrael's doing.  In the time he had known her she was never one to partake in gimmicks- she always preferred the direct approach.  "Have the Erissvae'sa send the Charon a few extra personnel to keep them occupied."  His cold smile returned and he quietly observed the view screen.  The Vulcan ship was hidden beneath a cleverly crafted veiled, but it was still there.  A few minutes passed before Hanaj's voice crackled over the speaker's once again.

"Starfleet is retreating along with the Vulcans- they are abandoning the ship."  Itsak's smiled quickly crafted into a smirk.  'So, you have decided it is hopeless Shiarrael?'  Oh, it was such a shame that he could not witness the expression she wore at this moment!  It was all he needed to know however "brings us forward and break the veil.  Lock a tractor beam on the Vulcan ship once we have it on sensors again."

The beast of a ship D'era crept forward- it was what amounted to a pounce for the massive vessel.  As soon as it touched the holographic veil the surrounding space seemed to ripple and then the great beast simply displaced the illusion revealing the tattered Vulcan ship- all of its important pieces still intact.  A blue beam reached out from the D'era and grabbed the prize- it was now his!  "Take us back to I'Rak Prime."

"Shall I have them destroy the Charon?" tr'Lisolm asked eagerly. 

Itsak shot the young officer a glare "no- leave them be.  Let my cousin and the Vulcans chew on this delicate morsel of defeat.  Since the Erissvae'sa and Vrelaui almost lost us this prize have them remain to see that the Charon does not interfere with us further."  He turned around and returned to his throne.  Sitting down he grinned- 'yes, let her chew on this, chew on it for a long time to come.'


Vaek'Riov Itsak tr'Sahen