Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[RSE Senate] SD241004.21 - Romulan Senate Log - "De Profundis"

Proverb - "The shoes on the other foot now."

[Praetorate Chamber- Ki'Baratan]

The Praetorate chamber was unusually cold- during the morning a stiff wind had blown in from the east along with the news that tr'AAnikh had finally passed.  The mood was somber; even the old man's enemies seemed disappointed with his uneventful passing.  Hushed whispers filled the chamber every now and then as random Praetors offered proposals on who should replace AAnikh.  As if anyone could truly replace the revered Chief Praetor.

After hours of debate it was now near dusk.  An orange glow framed the edges of the massive crimson curtains that covered the large windows and a good thing they did for the harshness of Eisn's setting light would certainly be blinding at this moment.  Soon though Eisn would be eclipsed by Ch'Havran and night would fill the sky- but would they have a new replacement for AAnikh by then?  So far a dozen names had been mentioned, debated, and subsequently rejected.  Now the group hovered on a final name…

She had been here before- many years before.  Since then several wars had been fought, many coups had occurred, and many of her enemies had died- most of these events she had been forced to observe from the cold concrete of a prison cell hidden deep within the depths of the Senate.  How ironic- for one of the most powerful Senators of her time to be imprisoned beneath the old seat of government.  In those times only despair, anger, and hatred kept her company.  It was a languid suffering-more than ten years of solitude and darkness until finally she was freed and allowed to return to her home through the efforts of her political allies.  Three years later she was declared innocent of the charges brought against her by the continuing committee.  Such a bitter fruit that news had been. 

It had taken great pain, time, and most of all patience to rebuild her tattered reputation- everything she had accomplished as a senator had been destroyed by the false charge brought against her.  She could still close her eyes and see Neral standing in front of her along with the rest of the continuing committee "it is the finding of this committee that you have conspired to commit treason against the state."  But that was history.  History she was prepared to forget- at least partially.

"The discussion is over- cast your approvals." 

Her eyes focused on the floor.  A thin screen hovered over AAnikh's empty throne.  Numbers grew, whispers echoed, and finally it was done.  A new chief praetor had been selected.  She didn't need to be introduced.  Standing up she made her way to the central throne and turned around.  She wore tan robes- a slightly different shade then the normal charcoal preferred by her peers.  Her brown eyes were sharp and her jaw heavy and set.  Wrinkles lined the edges of her lips and eyes- her appearance was a bit rugged and her once stark iron hair was now stained by several streaks of silver.  A chorus of whispers echoed through the chamber but she casually lifted her hand to silence the room "I am deeply honored by the responsibility placed upon me.  I will do my best to succeed tr'AAnikh and bring greater strength to the Empire and our people.  My first act as Chief Praetor will be to declare a month long period of mourning- AAnikh shall touch every corner of this empire in death as he touched it in life." 

Applause arose from the floor.  She smiled and sat down.  Kimara t'Cretak was now the Shiar'Fvillha.

[Office of the Shiar'Fvillha]

"Na Galae'Fvillha hilai-a" [The Fleet Commander arrives] One of the office custodians announced giving Cretak just enough time to prepare for his arrival.  By the time the loud boot-steps began echoing in the adjacent hallway her desk had been cleared of all but the most important documents and a tray holding two large glasses and a pitcher of water.  When the large doors were split open she stood up and greeted the Galae'EnRiov with a slight bow.  They might be equals in title- but the Galae'EnRiov currently held a slightly elevated position.  'He who controls the fleet control the empire', she quietly reminded herself.

"Jolan'tru Galae'EnRiov tr'Verelan."  She lifted her head and pointed at the empty seat "caire arhva vr'a-graihh nnea aekhhwi?" [join me for a glass of water?]

Argelian tilted his head in a respective nod.  He made his way to the empty chair, sat down, and waited quietly.  He kept his eyes focused on the new Praetor- Kimara t'Cretak.  There were plenty of questions but they would be answered later, for now he had to respect custom.  The Praetor filled a glass of water and held it out to him.  "Hann'yyo" [Thank you] He took a small sip and then set it down.  In turn Argelian grabbed the pitcher and filled the other glass.  She took it, took a small sip, and set it down.  Now that the required formalities were out of the way Argelian spoke first "reh iraeka au."  [I congratulate you]

Cretak bowed her head at the compliment and smiled "hann'yyo.  Aeim u-dathe ih hnafiv au hrhae aeu paeira mhrah-a u-haei'n mnean mnaeri emhi."  [It is an honor to hear you say that however there is a matter we must discuss]  She tapped on her desk bringing up one of the holographic projections "aihr a-faveh nnea na Alfva Eradane ouahh."  [This is a map of the Alpha Eridani star system]  She pressed another control that rotated it "ihir au fihaele tivh?" [do you recognize this?]

"Daie" [of course]  Argelian replied trying not to be offended by the question.  She knew he recognized that system, but what was she getting at by mentioning it?  "vah rhihv-a au rr'na Alfva Eradane ouahh?" [what concerns you about the alpha eridani star system?]

"Na jahkaer.  Mnei ehainasi ifvheavu-a vhuin khoi'hn u'na jahkaer fyyhhan-a ih khamae."  [The government.  Our mining operations have been stopped and the government refuses to negotiate.]  Her eyes focused on the map "reh hna au ih mienn u-rivha."  [I want you to force a settlement.]

Argelian frowned.  Forcing a settlement was a vague way of telling him to dispatch the fleet into the system.  Such an action would certainly complicate relations with the Federation- relations that have been cold for quite some time since the war's end "na lloann'mhrahel ssaje emeal rhai ih na sipaere nnea u-ler'jahkaer." [the federation will not agree to an invasion of a neutral government.]

"na lloann'mhrahel-a dhat arham rhihv." [the federation is not my concern]  She leaned forward- her features hardened "au partrai u-aefau nnea dhiarhe Argelian.  kyrr'lep hrhae au partrai ii ivhu dhiarhe."  [You have a great deal of power Argelian.  Some say you have too much power.]  Her lips tightened into a soft smile "reh partrai aigre kaehha-a hnau na Galae."  [I have many allies in the fleet.]

"ihllu kaehha-a?"  [Enough allies? (to beat me)] He asked sarcastically not biting the bait.  "Reh ssaje diae Alfva Eradane.  Au khhe na wae."  [I will take care of Alpha Eridani.  You clean the mess.]  Argelian stood up, bowed, and then turned around leaving.

'He will be difficult' Cretak thought.

[Alpha Eridani]

The space above the planet rippled with the fury of a stormy ocean.  At least a dozen warbirds decloaked and hovered past several merchant ships like birds tracking their pray.  The orbital satellite systems were no match for the powerful warships.  Bright green streaks tore through them unmercifully leaving only glowing metal shards in their place. 

On the surface people stared into the dark sky to watch the odd light display.  The public screens lit up with warning messages and sirens sounded throughout the Capital city as Romulan troops transports landed.

Hidden beneath the subterfuge the message to the entire quadrant was clear enough.  The pacifist policy of Praetor tr'AAnikh was no more.  Kimara Cretak was now Praetor of the Star Empire.  "Let my presence be felt."
