Saturday, February 27, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241002.27 || Joint BackLog "Charon Prison Blues" Part II || Amb Ian Lamont, Lt Cmdr Sakarra Tyrax

[USS Charon, Brig]


Lamont took a seat in the corner and made himself comfortable against the wall.  He wanted to give Sakarra as much room as possible.  Whatever had happened had to be weighing upon her even if she did not show it.  He wanted to help, but he knew showing such human tendencies would only make her more uncomfortable.  The best he could do was to grant her silence and peace.  Leaning back he closed his eyes and listened to the hum of the equipment around him doing his best to forget about the burning dualistic feeling within him that both wished to understand what had happened to the commander as well as attempt to assist in any way possible.


"Mr Lamont, I will not dispute your courtesy, nor is it my wish to offend by declining your kind offer. However, your logic is flawed. You are injured, and exaggerating your wounds by sitting on a cold floor would be most irrational. I however am Vulcan and require little sleep or rest."

Curiosity and concern were radiating off him in equal intensity, and while the first left the young woman with mild exasperation, the latter at least she could comprehend.


Sakarra pulled the heavy overcoat closer around her slender frame and still just so managed to stave off the urge to shiver. Logical to assume the temperatures had to be the same as everywhere else on the ship, adjusted for the comfort of the majority of species, and the cold she felt had little to do with it. And still, she half expected for her breath to become visible in the air that felt frigid on her warm skin. Well, there was one minor remedy.

With slow, deliberate motions she released the heavy coils bound at the nape of her neck and methodically pulled out pins, freeing a veritable curtain of black curls. It would help. Not much, but perhaps enough.


The gaze out of those startlingly green eyes had not left her for a second, and at last, the young Vulcan relented. "What will you have me say, ambassador? That my race is as fallible as any other? I should think that goes without saying, though perhaps we revel too much in the impression others may have of us. The indestructible Vulcan, impossible to compromise, unable to lie and certainly above any pettiness."

Mild though her voice was, it held a carefully concealed edge to it, a mere spark of the flaming anger that had driven her earlier.

"I am here for breaking and entering, theft, assault and ordering fellow officers to assist me in those illegal activities, Mr Lamont. And although Starfleet will find it barely worth mentioning, I am also guilty of committing treason against Vulcan."


Ian was not beyond sensing the subtle cues in the commander's voice.  His recent sparring with her in the holodeck had allowed him to better tune his perceptions although they were anywhere from perfect.  He detected the edge in her voice yet to him it was nearly sub-atomic.  He was scarcely aware of it at all yet its detection had to indicate something far deeper and profound running behind that well maintained wall of emotional control.


Lamont said nothing.  He was stunned by what he had heard and worse it saddened him to hear it.  However he would not pity her.  It was unlike the commander to do anything without carefully considering the outcome and whatever her reasons they must have been well grounded in logic or based upon facts.


He stood and moved to the bunk retrieving a blanket. Turning he knelt before the Vulcan officer and this time did not seek her permission before draping the material around her frame. The cool air of the brig was a mild irritant for him however he knew the cold was most likely much more uncomfortable for a Vulcan whose home planet was arid and hot.


Gazing into her dark eyes he laid a light hand upon her shoulder.  There was something about her which Lamont could feel was wrong.  She looked tired perhaps disappointed?  He wasn't sure if he was interpreting the faint impressions he was seeing if there was really anything there to see at all.


"Sakarra, do not feel obligated to speak to satisfy my curiosities.  As a human I have them in addition to trouble hiding them, but you should not feel obligated to reveal more than you wish simply to appease me. Some people aboard regard me as foolish however one thing I have learned dealing with many species is that all of them deal with adversity in different and varied ways.  You must feel free to deal with yours on your terms not mine.  Sometimes the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many if you will excuse the axiom.


As you have so selflessly helped me in times of need I stand ready to do the same.  However I also respect your need for privacy and I will speak no more of this matter unless asked.


Da-tor na'ein-wak tik t'etek svi'sha'ha'kiv na'ein-veh.  If you wish to talk I am here commander."


Lamont rose and took a seat opposite her closing his eyes if only to afford her some sense of privacy.  There was none to be had in the small room but it was the best he could offer.



She felt the blanket being draped around her and was about to make a mildly chiding comment, but the unexpected touch was enough to derail the young Vulcan and she blinked with mild bemusement. It was meant to be comforting, that much she could guess, but when she lifted her face to meet the ambassador's intense green gaze, there was something … more.

Compassion, perhaps, it was one of the things humans seemed to have in abundance, but … before Sakarra could shift her focus and try to discern anything about Lamont's behavior that could give her a clue as to why the man was not taken aback by both her cold exterior and her rather harsh words, he surprised her yet again.


Always so exquisitely polite, be it while a turbolift was about to fall and take them along with it, or in the middle of a holding cell they shared for different, but equally .. unusual reasons. Reasons that would possibly make seasoned JAG veterans pull out a fair amount of hair.

Even in her emotionally drained state, Sakarra had to appreciate the inherent humor of this situation.

"Nafai-tor it t'du k'itarya." A milder, almost warm undertone was echoing in the young Vulcan's low murmur, and she pulled the blanket closer around herself.

Foolish? No, certainly not.

But it was unfortunate that the good ambassador seemed to have a unique talent to collide with the CO more often than not. Her black eyes turned deeply thoughtful as she subjected the quiet human to deep scrutiny, for once employing the skills of her foremother to not only look but … see.



He would relish the games which she despised, and he would be good at it. If one could give him a purpose, a reason to abandon his erratic behavior and focus on something he might deem worthwhile … he would in fact be exceedingly good at it.

Sakarra had no doubt she would not hesitate to make use of such a willing and convenient ally. Nor would the Matriarch object to having him … nudged into the periphery of her influence. It was reasonable – a chance for mutual benefit always was.

And still …

Even looking at Lamont with that calm, calculating regard went against the young Vulcan's very being. What a good thing indeed that the Head of one's House need not choose her successor from her own line, considering both possible candidates were woefully unsuitable in T'Leia's case.


Alternating between dry humor and exasperation, Sakarra settled for a compromise. Rather than skillfully set him on a path which he might eagerly take even without being prompted, she would simply employ the fighter pilot's directness.


"In fact, Mr Lamont, there is something we might discuss. Far as we may be from home and politics, it seems at least some of it has … caught up with Charon."

Even Sakarra's posture had changed, from the quiet, meditative air of a resting Vulcan to the terrible calm of a most alert and … observing one.


Ian opened a single eye at the Vulcan's words and focused it upon the Vulcan officer.  Unexpected such words were.  Most unusual as well.  Politics?  She had suddenly and unexpectedly garnered his attention however something puzzled him.  She had admitted to committing some vague offenses which had resulted in her arrest.  Lamont knew enough about Vulcan society to know that one in her position would likely feel deep shame and regret on a most private and personal level.  However the mere mention of politics indicated there was perhaps much more to the commander than he knew. Fascinating.  Quite fascinating indeed.


[To be continued …]

Ambassador Ian Lamont


Lt. Commander Sakarra Tyrax