Thursday, February 18, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241002.18 || Joint Log "The Tempest" Part III || Capt Shiarrael t'Rehu, Cmdr Dylan Marcus, Lt Cmdr Sakarra Tyrax, Brevet 1st Lt Brent Warren

[USS Charon, Deck Three]

"If they still live," the young Vulcan stated placidly, gazing past her Captain at the star filled darkness outside "it may well be the decision to destroy the ship before it falls into the Empire's hands will not be forced on us."

Not that it would make much of a difference to the Tal'Shiar and whoever was acting under their orders. If there was any solace at all to be found in this, it was that T'Pelar would be here to see the fruits her ambition had grown.

"If they do not …" she glanced at the CO and a surge of inappropriate humor briefly manifested in a quirked brow when she realized how absurd this entire situation was "… there may be somewhat I can do. I am aware under regulations I am relieved of duty and confined to quarters; however one more offense should not make a large difference, yes?"

Not that Sakarra relished the prospect of dealing a ship that may well be a graveyard by now the lethal blow – but she was the logical choice.


The mental image that came to Brent's mind was one of a group of women coming together and gossiping.  Only instead of gossiping and knitting this one seemed to be content to sharpen swords, power phasers and beat their chests in a steady manner. Brent couldn't have hoped to get anymore sleep unless he used chemical means. He let out a slight sigh, before he got up and out of the bed and began to hunt for his boxers. It took him a few moments as they had been enthusiastically removed before he had entered into the shower. Not seeing his pants or shirt he moved into the door frame before he saw the Captain, Sakarra, and Commander Marcus all in the same room. A glorious meeting of fleetie minds. Instead of immediately interjecting Brent leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest and waited to hear something he should comment on.


Marcus was still not convinced that this would end any other way but in a bloody mess. "Well the notion of personal honor and self sacrifice is touching, but if we are in fact being followed or monitored; the minute we destroy that ship we will no longer be of any use." he said. "Not saying we just hand it over, but I prefer to live long enough to see grand children someday." 


Shiarrael's eyes narrowed at Marcus "do you think I want to choose the option that may cost me my life?  My children their life?"  She let out a breath and relaxed to keep from being too abrasive- the idea that she didn't consider the potential harm to Charon insulted her but she let it go.  Even though he was a Commander, Dylan Marcus was still a young man "if this is indeed a ship that can create wormholes- do you comprehend the implication of allowing it to fall into my people's hands Commander?  They will be able to wage war anywhere- move their forces almost instantaneously.  Right now we are your allies but do not doubt that with such an advantage it will be unused.  For a long time my people have sought to find a way to dominate our foreign neighbors- there is only peace because it is mutually advantageous."  She sighed- 'I could be the greatest hero in Rihannsu history, the key graces my fingertips' Shiarrael glanced down at her hands 'if I gave them this technology…'  She wanted to laugh at herself 'but I am so unlike them- I still have my ruling passion.'


And if it would be so, all the lives lost would be on the conscience of the Vulcans who had let this come to pass. Sakarra could not for the life of her comprehend what foolishness had compelled them, but it was a moot question now.

She looked at Brent leaning in the doorway, the frown on Commander Marcus' face, and at long last her black eyes settled on the Captain in her silken robe. If the other woman felt the weight of the burden, she certainly gave little sign of it. Nor of the conundrum she had to face in her heart.

Strangely enough, since the moment Sakarra had learned of what T'Pelar and the others had done, she had not once considered the Captain would stand by any other than her crew.



To the human, the issue might be more than personal honor. To the Vulcan, that was at the heart of it all. And somehow she suspected it might not be all that different to the violet eyed Rihanha who had the misfortune of having been caught in these schemes.

"K'khartaya t'odu, s'thora." Sakarra inclined her head with perfect elegance and serenity. She had no counsel to offer. Only the age-old silence of the t'naeh'ru standing behind her Commander, waiting.


"I'm sorry sir; I did not mean to imply that you did not consider this." He said simply. "Yes I do comprehend sir. I may not have the insight into Romulan military doctrine as you do, but I have spent most of my career seeing what they are capable of. With a weapon like that, there would be no stopping them." he sighed. It was hard to weigh the lives of the crew of the Temp'shar over the countless millions that could be threatened by such a weapon. "I just don't like being lied to any more than you do sir."


"It is fine Commander."  Shiarrael could see Warren standing in the doorframe out of the corner of her eye but for the moment she continued to ignore his presence "we will go to yellow alert.  I want all departments prepared for possible combat."  'Likely combat', she added in thought.  "We will continue the search for the Temep-Shar- but under my direction.  I want all the Vulcan scientists confined to the brig, except T'Pelar, bring her to my ready room.  We have a lot to discuss…"  She balled fingers into a tight fist and paused, the flickering candlelight made the entire situation feel surreal- like a dream, or appropriately some nightmare "Mister Warren" she finally looked at the half naked Marine "my children are unattended, please go tend to them. I will be busy for quite some time- and you should have your marines prepare for possible combat" her glance moved to Marcus "as should security."  Finally she looked at Sakarra "join me in my readyroom."


Dylan nodded. "Aye sir, I will see to it we are ready. I will have T'Pelar brought up shortly." he said as he turned in order to retrieve the Vulcan.


The Vulcan inclined her head briefly and silently strode back towards her bedroom, loose silks fluttering about her legs. There was little point in mentioning that technically she was relieved of duty and confined to quarters – if anyone was in a position to object it was Commander Marcus and thus far he did not seem inclined to do so.

Seeing as the Captain looked like grim death on a rapidly shortening fuse as she trailed after the Security chief, Sakarra could not blame him. Brushing past the Marine she resisted the temptation to trace the furrowed brow on his face and simply let her dark eyes linger for a split second longer than she usually would have with other people present, before the task of retrieving a uniform became the preeminent matter at hand.


Brent nodded as the Captain finally addressed him. "Aye ma'am. I'll get to your children after my Marines are settled and ready for anything to come," he said having reversed the order in which the Captain had presented his tasks.  He knew that he had better get his men in order before he went to go babysit the Captain's kids for a little while.

Brent gathered up his uniform that was still scattered about on Sakarra's table, having put on his pants and his jacket he returned inside to Sakarra's bedroom. Having found her beginning to get dressed he walked over to her slowly, placing a hand at the small of her back.  'I know I don't have to say this to you of all people. But please take care of yourself.'


She paused in her efforts to plait the last heavy strand of sable hair and nodded silently.

'And you.'

A shirt and jacket were found quickly and with good humored patience Sakarra let the Marine help her into the warm fabric. If Brent's hands lingered just a heartbeat longer after closing her uniform collar, one could have easily attributed it to wanting to be thorough – until a brief smile flashed in the Vulcan's eyes and she returned the gesture by reaching up and brushing a stray piece of lint off his shoulder.

Three point one minutes after the Captain's order had put a temporary hold on her confinement Sakarra left the peace of her quarters.



[End Log]


Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu

Commanding Officer


Commander Dylan Marcus

Chief Security Officer


Brevet 1st Lieutenant Brent Warren

Marine Commander


Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax

Chief Helm

USS Charon