Saturday, February 6, 2010

[USS Charon] SD:241002.06 || Joint Duty Log || CSEC Cmdr Marcus, AEO Lt. Johnson (NPC) Alice, Sec Avatar (NPC)

=/\= Security - AI control room =/\=

Commander Marcus stood next to the computer that housed ALICE's core programming. He watched as Lizzy knelt down to work on the internals of Alice's memory unit. He smiled at the view he was getting, much to frowning look from Alice herself.

It had been a long process in looking over each line of code looking for errors. There had been a few errors, most were able to be fixed. some however would require replacement from the protected archives. There was concern about the effect it would have on the personality that The AI had developed thus far.

"I think that's the last of the internal work I can do, how do you feel Alice?" She asked softly looking to the learning computer... though looked to Dylan as well with a soft smile, Lizzy really did enjoy working with him especially on Alice.

{I feel much better, however; there are still large gaps in my memory units. I am also detecting imperfections in my central processing unit.}

"I wonder what keeps deleting her memory units, or creating the imperfections." Lizzy muttered aloud as she looked over the information. "The imperfections could be the growth in character.? or they are likely due to the damage sustained in the battle. there was an awful lot of carbon scoring inside her chassis." She assumed... though knew she shouldn't.

{I would concure with what assessment. If that is the case, then those parts will need to be replaced and there will be less than a 34% chance that I will survive the procedure with my current memories intact.}

"Is there away of increasing those chances, however after you told everyone about the engagement I should pull your plug." She giggled teasingly.

"We could try to buffer what we have now in a secured server." Dylan suggested.

{I would agree, however there would only be a marginal increase. If it would ensure the safety of this ship, then I would suggest that the procedure take place as soon as possible.}

"Should we transfer her program to the holodeck?" Lizzy asked softly.

"I would think that it is a good idea. the buffers will protect her program while we work on her core." Dylan said as he turned to Alice. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "There is a chance you wont come back as you are."

{I understand the risks Commander. I am programmed to consider the security of this ship even at my own expense.}

"All the same I would like to keep you in one piece." he replied.

"So would I." Lizzy said her fingers moving over the console trying to figure out away to increase their chances of keeping Alice in one piece. there had to be a way. there was a container that would hold her programing while they worked. she would have to be off line, but there was a possibility that it would work...
{I Thank you both for your concern. I should miss you both.} she said. {If I should not return as I am, I would like you to know that My Favorite experiences have been with the two of you.}

"Alice if it is at all with in my ability to do so you will return just as you are only repaired. and if not you are a very close friend to me." Lizzy said softly knowing she'd miss the hologram. then turned to Dylan. "What do you think of this though?" She asked motioning to the holographic container... it might help...

{I have never had a friend Lieutenant. If I did however, I think I would be happy to call you my friend.}

Dylan looked at the storge unit. "I think that may be a bit small to house her proGram. She is not your typical computer program, she is capable of learning and growing in her capabilities.

If Alice kept up she was going to make Lizzy cry. "Dylan my love open your eyes or I'll beat you I really will and you'll enjoy it too." She told him with a soft growl. "It had different sizes this was just the example of what it can do. do you think it would help to keep her mostly intact until we can complete repairs?" She asked him softly.

"Hey, you're the engineer;I'm just a grunt." he smiled. " it couldn't hurt. " he said. " let's do it"

"I'll get it replicated, and Alice hopefully whatever repairs are needed wont take long and you'll be up and running again in no time." Lizzy said softly replicating a container large enough for her program and connecting it to the computer to download Alice's Program to start going over the damaged area's...

{I hope so Elizabeth, I would very much like to see both of you again.} she said before shutting down for the transfer.

"See now I have no choice but to forgive her for going around telling everyone about our engagement." She said softly starting to go through each line of code with a imperfection. Lizzy frowned as she started going through them. there was something odd about the damage. "Dylan, do you see this?" She asked softly...

"Are those new pathways?" he asked. She was supposed to be able to lay new pathways down as she learned, but these pathways were unlike any he had seen before.

"I... I don't know lets see if we can get a holo vid view. It might beable to tell us if it's a new pathway or not." She said softly hitting a few buttons bringing up a video of one of the new pathway looking imperfection thingies. She blushed and smiled over at Dylan at the images she was seeing...

The images flashed on the screen as if they were some sort of jumbled movie. The first images were of meeting Dylan his staff back on astate. The newer ones were images of holosuite programs with. Alice as the protagonist, and a more than a few of Lizzy and himself. Several of the latter were less than professional and privet. There was one with Alice Sharing a joke with Ensign hickman from Gamma shift.

"These look like memories. The kind we would have. She wasn't designed to learn behaviors that were not related to her function." he said. "Then again, she has been running for a year or more now without a mem wipe, since I uploaded her to Charon from Astate's mainframe."

"I say your Hologram is becoming more and more human, Dylan. I mean same thing seemed to have happened to the doctor on voyager when he was needed for long term use." she said softly smiling at the thought. Lizzy liked the idea, but it also worried her because he was right it wasn't in her programing. "Do you want to do a memory whip?" She asked slowly liking Alice the way she was...

{I would prefer it if you did sir.} a voice very much like Alice's sounded, only if wasn't really Alice. The image that now appeared was almost a spitting image of Alice, only her hair was tied back and her uniform was straight and pressed to strict Starfleet standards. She looked like something out of a recruiting poster. {You may identify this avatar as model GCX 112 advanced security AI. I am the core intelligence for this unit. The adaptive interactive protocols have malfunctioned creating an undesirable level of conflict.} the new hologram said.

"Dylan?" Lizzy asked a little nervously. "Why would you prefer it if we deleted the memory?" Lizzy asked not sure she trusted or liked this core intelligence.

Dylan shook his head. "This is new to me." he said. "She sounds like Alice when she was first activated, but she looks a bit different."

{I am not Alice,} the Hologram said. {I am the core intelligence. This Avatar was created as a back up in case of catastrophic failure to the primary adaptive AI}

"then your ahead of schedule, there has been no failure in Alice." Lizzy growled not liking this supposed core.

{Explain!} the Core program inquired. {I detect multiple memory clusters that are infected with malicious code}

"That's not a malicious code. That's Alice growing beyond her programing, becoming an individual with all the interaction she's had with the crew of this ship. the only thing I will do is possibly try to make it so she has more room for all the memory, but I will not delete it from her." Lizzy said in a cold voice rather protective of her friend...

"I would. Agree. There Is no evidence that Alice has malfunctioned other than grow beyond her programming. You will just have to learn to work together. " Dylan said.

"So unless you can give me a valid reason the memories stay and I increase her memory capacity instead." Lizzy growled stubbornly...

The Hologram didn't say a word, but merely deactivated itself. Dylan looked to Lizzy and back to the core. "That was interesting." he said. "So what are we going to do? I would say transfer Alice back and bring her back online. Mean while I will have a chat with the Captain about the latest development with her. Not sure how she is going to react to a thinking security program." he said, not sure how he liked it either.

"Is it any different then one of your security officers? I mean I know it's a scary thought? it scares me alittle too, but if you could erase the memories of your security officers just because they are growing and making friends would you?" She asked him looking into his eyes. she didn't know if she could do that. She had never really seen Alice as a hologram because she had never acted like one towards her...

"No I suppose your right." He said. "The fact she seems to be becoming more Human my be a good thing. Make her more intuitive." he said trying to remain professional, but truth be told; he rarely was when it came to Lizzy or Alice.

Lizzy smiled and despite the fact that they were on duty, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him glad that he hadn't wanted her to erase Alice's Memories. "I love you Dylan Marcus." She said softly giving him another quick peck after the passionate kiss and started to reactivate Alice...

"I love you too" he said. Returning the kiss. It was at that moment Alice manifested.

{hello again, Dylan, Elizabeth. Were you able to determine the nature of the abnormal readings?} she asked.

"Hello Alice. Yes we did. their not really abnormal readings. They are Memories." Lizzy said with a soft smile towards Alice. "Your programing has been growing and you've been making friends." Lizzy said softly at the confused look in the holograms face...

{I was never programmer to make friends.}she said working out what lizzy was saying and her own recent encounter with Savant. {I must admit though that my curiosity about organics has been pealed latley. If I am not malfunctioning, what do these 'memories' mean?}

"It means that you are growing beyond your programing. It's sort of similar to the Doctor on Voyager he was only programed to be a doctor. However with the help of his crew he was able to grow beyond his programing, even had a son once if I remember correctly." She said softly frowning with thought as she looked to Dylan as if for confirmation on what she'd read once...

"I don't really remember." Marcus said. "But I do know that he did strike a blow for the rights of Holograms." he smiled.

{EMH Mk1, USS Voyager. The crew lobbied to have him recognized as a person under Federation law. The motion was only partially successful. } Alice recited from her database. {Do you think I am... A person?} she asked.

Lizzy giggled softly. "Sometimes you act just as human as myself or Dylan, and other times you act positively Vulcan." She giggled softly.

{I think I would resent that, if it weren't true.} Alice said with a wink.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Commander Dylan Marcus
Chief Security Officer
USS Charon

Lieutenant Lizzy Johnson
AEO (NPC, APB kai)
USS Charon

Alice (APB Dark)
Carrington Institute
model GCX-112
Serial# C-1126593
Advanced Security AI

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