Saturday, May 8, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241005.08 - Plot Starter Log "The Sun Serpent"

<<OOC: This is the plot log for our short in-between plot in this arc, a little breath from all the action ;)  Please take the buildup time to do some character development logs>>

[USS Charon, Holodeck]

Droplets of water danced off the long and wide tropical leaves as the downpour continued.  Shiarrael trudged through the ankle length water slashing through the thicket with her blade.  A chorus of shrill whispers echoed above and she glanced up past the leaves to see a flock of violet colored bird-like animals scatter out of the tree tops.  Shiarrael tightened the grip on her blade and moved forward cautiously.  The swamp water swirled around her with each steps, green and brown blotches of mud and algae decorated her pale green suit.  Her arm was beginning to feel sore from all the slashing- another chorus of whistling caught her attention.  She turned around and looked up watching another flock of bird-like animals scatter.  That moment a heavy snarl from the thicket ahead caused Shiarrael to take a step back and lift her sword in a defensive posture.

Like a bolt of lightning a large creature appeared above her- the first things her eyes noticed were the razor sharp claws barreling towards her.  Surprised by the suddenness of the attack Shiarrael was barely able to dodge the creature by rolling into the swamp water.  As it landed a large wave of water and mud rolled over her knocking her into a thicket of vine-like plants.  "Fvadt!"  She cursed as her hand became tangled in the vines.  In the periphery of her vision she could see the creature reel and let out a deep screeching roar before slowly approaching her.  She pulled but every time she did it seemed like the vines were pulling back with equal force.  Using her wrist to move the blade she concentrate on slicing through the thickest vine, finally it snapped and the other vines gave way as the anchor broke freeing Shiarrael.  She twisted around just in time to duck and avoid being decapitated by one of the creature's claws.  Turning up she crossed her blade into the creature's attack slicing off one of its arms and sending it flailing backwards into the mud and water.

Biting down on her lip Shiarrael prepared to charge the animal but before she could position herself appropriately her commbadge chirped.  Frowning deeply she pulled the device out of her pocket and pressed it "Captain here, what is it?"  He eyes remained focused on the splashing water where the creature still struggled after its wound.

"Sorry to bother you Captain.  This is Ensign Lindstrom of the cartography department.  Our scanners just happened upon something interesting that I thought you might like to take a look at Sir.  I know this is an odd request, but if possible, could you come to Stellar Cartography…?"

Shiarrael grunted.  She wanted to spend a few nice relaxing hours killing things in her Klingon holoprogram given to her as a gift from Kemeran totlh.  With an aggravated sigh she pressed the commbadge "very well, I will be there…" she paused noticing the creature had stopped flailing and was now lying still in the water.  She gritted her teeth wondering if it was dead but that theory was quickly extinguished when it suddenly propped itself up and lunged at her.  "Computer end program."  She ordered.  The creature's remaining claws tore towards her forehead but stopped barely a millimeter from drawing blood- if the safety parameters had been deactivated at least.  Shiarrael pushed the claw away and pressed the commbadge again "I will be there shortly."  She finished and slid the device back into her wet pocket.

[Deck 8]

Someone would hate her, but Shiarrael didn't care.  She took her time walking through the corridor leaving wet muddy boot prints on the carpeting in her wake.  Part of her was tempted to order the Vulcan science council members to clean up the mess- certainly most of the recent mess was of their making but that was beyond her purview.  Reaching the stellar cartography lab she entered.  As soon as she stepped in the perky Ensign rushed to her.

"Capt…"  the young woman's green eyes went front the Captain's face all the way down her wet and muddy apparel examining it curiously "what an interesting outfit…"

"Klingon programs tend to have that effect."  Shiarrael walked past the young woman and studied the holographic display in the center of the lab "why did you call me out here?"  She pointed at the holographic sun spinning around at the center of the room "is that it?"

Lindstrom looked mildly offended by the Captain's simple deduction and raced past her shaking her head violently "no captain!  That's not a simple sun.  I was doing detailed scans of the stellar bodies in this region per Lieutenant Doyle's orders.  I noticed something interesting in one of the log files and decided to take a closer look.  That is SBDC78 and a detailed scan determined that its solar furnace has ceased and that it will soon reach its Chandrasekhar limit within two weeks!"

Shiarrael nodded her headed understanding very little of what the Ensign just said "Indeed, and this means what exactly?"

The Ensign twisted around and stared at her Captain "it means it's going to go supernova!  The last recorded observation of this phenomena was over four decades ago by the USS Voyager.  You have to understand how rare this is Captain.  In a galaxy the size of the one we're in it occurs about every half century.  This is a major opportunity.  We have to stop and take a look!"

"Do we?"  Shiarrael's tone was a mix of exhaustion and sarcasm.  The prospect of remaining in the area for two more weeks was seemed improbable- but such a rare phenomenon would be a jewel to science and the mainstay of Charon's being.  She didn't need to think about it too long.  This may salvage some of the disaster that had been their mission "very well- but two weeks only."  Shiarrael pressed her commbadge as the young officer clapped her hands with excitement "bridge, commander Tyrax, set course for SBDC78- stellar cartography will provide you with the proper coordinates."

Turning around Shiarrael headed out of the lab.  As she exited she found her yeoman kneeling down with a bucket of water and a rag vicious scrubbing at the mud stain.  Narrowing her eyes Shiarrael stared at him "what are you doing?"

"Um…cleaning up the mud stain sir?"

"Is that your job?"  Shiarrael asked curiously.

"Ah…I was told by the brass to make sure I cleaned up your messes' sir."  He blushed.

"Certainly they meant that figuratively?"  Shiarrael shrugged "since apparently you have an additional role I was unaware of I would like you to report to my quarters every day and clean it.  Good day Ensign."  She continued on her way as the Ensign appeared horrified, both at his order and the new trail of mud leading out of stellar cartography.


Energy- it could feel it coming.  A great deal of energy… drawn to it.
