Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[USS Charon] SD 2400605.02 || Character Story || "Die Tonight, Live Forever", Part VI || Ens. Landon Neyes, NPCs‏

=/\= SD 240605.02, The TCV Nodlan, Du'Ji Cluster (five LYs from Trill) =/\= 

Few things seem as vast as the emptiness of space. For imperceivable distances the only visible spectacles are stars lying so far out of reach, civilization had to harness the power of suns in order to find them. Areas of space still exist where no living thing has ever been, even now. Yet in this emptiness, the tiny TCS Nodlan slipped silently from it's high-powered subspace flight. A quick flash shown million of kilometers away, and then she popped almost out of nowhere. Her silver-line hull glistened as the speckled lightshow of stars danced invitingly on the metallic surfaces and artistic curves of her frame. Landon sat at the helm near the bow, a wide but sleek position, with windows both starboard and port meet ing the center viewer. Nodlan wasn't a small ship, by a shuttle's standards. She was in fact much larger than any Starfleet ship in the same class, but was still small enough to fit inside most shuttle bays of any starship. Sitting in someone else's hold wasn't really Neyes' style, however, and he would have probably landed his ship on a hostile planet rather than imprison her in docking moors.

The cabin door to the rear slid open with a subtle hiss as Gregory stepped into the control room. There wasn't a great distance between the helm and the back of the room, but it was enough for Neyes to have to anticipate Greg's solemn impatience as he moved to the co-pilot's seat. And sure enough it took less than a moment for Greg to clear his thr oat, ever so conspicuously.

"Yes?" Landon chimed, sarcastically.

"I see we dropped out of warp, friend. But there's nothing here-" He barely had time to finish the sentence when Odalla came stomping through the doors as well.

"You might give us a little warning next time, Ensign! SOME people have to catch up on their sleep after c hasing around a neurotic Trill pilot for the last week!"

Spoiled, that's what they were. Both Greg and Counselor Odalla were used to going on a mission after a Starfleet briefing. They wanted to know how, when, where, why and what. Now he carried them around in his most prized vessel (whose sound insulation wasn't designed to keep the thrum of a decelerating starship out of the sleeping quarters) and it was all they could do to keep from tearing his head off at every slight.
Neyes slowly to turned in his seat to confront her, but hi s intentions to scold her were suddenly thwarted as he looked upon he r disheveled appearance. It seemed she had neglected to take the time to put up her hair, and it was strewn about carelessly in her face, dark curls messed and twisted inside themselves. His brow shot up and he pointed at her. "You. You don't look half bad first thing in the morning." He teased. "We're where I want us to be. Now we just need to wait here for a moment."

"Wait for what?" Greg asked.

"Yes, PLEASE. Enlighten us to whatever mysterious plot you've dragged us into. I'd like to know what's going on." Odalla spat, taking the queue from Neyes and quickly tying up her hair into a small bun. She was a beautiful woman, but she didn't need to look bea utiful in the current company. It would have probably been a wasted effort anyway. Greg was a noted 'good-man' type who courted for the long haul and Neyes was... well... a joined Trill. They tended not to take on relationships. Even the Neyes symbiont talked a big talk, but she knew she was in no real danger of being approached for anything substantial.

As if summoned by their complaints, a ship immediately blipped on the sensors. Greg quickly took to the sensor controls and tried to analyze it. Landon simply sat and watched.

"I've got a small ship off the port bow. 1 million kilometers. Looks like they just dropped out of warp." Greg looked over at Landon. "Is this what we're waiting for."

"It's who... not what. And yeah." Neyes said, a little smirk gracing the corner of his lips. "He's here."

Odalla's eyes narrowed. "Who, HE. Ensign? Is this some contact of yours?"

The comm system came to life. "We're being hailed. Landon. I'd guess you want to speak to him." Greg looked over at him.

Landon began tapping the controls of the helm. "Open a channel." The computer chirped in response.

The man who sounded over the comm system had a relaxingly ch arming sound to his voice. He spoke with flawless intonation and a seductive flair. "Hello Neyes. It's been a little while." His attractive face lit up a side monitor. The man was slightly older than Landon, probably 27 in Earth years, and was just as physically fit. His jaw-line practically cut the edges of the frame. His metallic-silver eyes carved an intimidating look onto each of them as he nodded to both Greg and Odalla. 

Odalla watched with a careful eye as she witnessed the exchange begin to take place. Landon had visibly shifted his body language. He no longer had the cocky, terse tightness, and a kind of familiar relaxation radiated off of the young man. Odalla couldn't tell if it was their past dealings or some es tranged sense of security, but Landon definitely knew a good deal abo ut the man to whom they were speaking. He seemed comfortable, but also cautious. Sneaking around in the corners of space and meeting up with unknown ships wasn't exactly in her job description. She found herself wondering if they hadn't gotten themselves into something terribly personal; if this wasn't some kind of a 'off the record' issue she'd missed.

Neyes' response was just as comfortable, and he also found himself using the same refined speaking form. "New body, new life, all that. I've gotten used to being a man, though. Sounds like you agree?"

"Of course. I haven't been a woman for a while now though, you know. Not since before I met you, I think." He replied. The words seemed to imply more than gender discussion, and everyone in the cabin felt it. To the unknowing listener, however, it would appear to be little more than play-talk. The two men obviously had had dealings with each other before, and given their talks so far, the meeting place and the similar ships, Greg and Odalla both felt like outsiders stepping into a private conversation.

Greg looked from side to side, and locked a quick mutual gaze with Odalla. "Who is this guy, Landon?"

"Sorry. Greg, Odalla, please meet my old friend. Na'jan Daeryx."

Odalla's brow furrowed, and Greg merely sat staring, ignorant to what it meant. "Your Daeryx?" She asked, implying her knowledge of his file and the symbiont's history.

Landon sighed. "Yes. My Daeryx."

His enthralling voice came back over the comm system. "Pleased to meet you both." He made a motion at one of his controls and his ship came to a stop about 100 meters off the Nodlan's bow. Greg leaned a little forward, as the small Trill ship came into view. Landon's ship was impressive, but this Daeryx... his was indescribable. Sleek curves and edges came to a melded round at the nose of the fighter, if that was indeed was it was. The ship obviously had warp capability, but the nacelles were built into the rounded wings of the ship. It was more like art than craft, and it looked like it was deceptively limited in it's weaponry.

From the corner of his eye, Neyes could see Greg looking at the ship in awe. Landon had been the same way when he'd seen the ship for the first time. It was almost fr ightening to be at the helm of that vessel, and Neyes had only experi enced in once. Daeryx was extremely touchy about letting anyone else man the helm.

"I suppose there's a reason you asked for me to meet you here, Neyes? I can't say I don't love getting to see you every few decades or so, but you usually don't ask on such short notice." Daeryx raised an eyebrow and cracked a thin smile.

Landon looked back over the viewer, "Yeah. Well..." He looked over to Greg and Odalla, hesitating to say anything out loud. A few moments was all it took for him to damn it all and just go with it. They were both already in this until the end. "I need you help to wipe the organization that killed my family of f the chart, Daeryx. I've got a lead on them, but I have a hard time thinking i'll be able to do it all alone."

"You? You think you can't do it alone? I'm honored, truly." The other Trill man chimed sarcastically.

"Joke all you want, Na'jan. I'm asking for your help."

"You have it, old friend. Always."

Greg's panel shouted an alarming serie s of blaring beeps as the tracking computer moved Daeryx's image to a smaller side screen and brought up a local map of space. Red dots flickered at them, and they appeared to moving at terrifying speed right in their direction. "Something just dropped out of warp! They're on an intercept course, headed here at full impulse!" He looked up first to Landon, who was already charging the engines, and then to the comm channel. Daeryx's image was gone however, and his ship was no longer in front of them.

=/\= TBC=/\=

Friday, May 27, 2011

[USS Charon] SD241005.27 || Personal Log || "Phoenix Rising" - Ambassador Ian Lamont

“Phoenix Rising”

== Personal Quarters – USS Charon ==

Flipping through the dusty pages of an old book, Ian looked for the passage where he had stopped the day before.  Backtracking he at last found his starting point and set upon resuming reading.  After several moments he again stopped and tossed the book upon his coffee table.  The book, a history of Alexander the Great, was a favorite of his.  It was one of few possessions he had managed to retain from the grand Lamont estate that now existed only in record and memory.  Generations of precious family assets, paintings, books, heirlooms, and many other such objects had been lost to hungry creditors or sold by his father to pay his army of lawyers in a desperate bid to restore his position as well as the reputation and integrity of the Lamont family name.  A few trinkets, books, images, and other odds and ends were all that remained of the once grand estate that had lasted for generations.  Lamont carried only two objects with him on assignments.  The rest of his family’s legacy, what little remained, was carefully stored back on Earth.  He retained the history book whose paper pages he had ravenously devoured as a young boy, and a necklace which he kept around his neck at all times.  The tiny pendant was several hundred years old tracing its path back to the very beginnings of his long and storied family line.  It was a reminder to him of what had come before and what he still had yet to do.


He sat up on his couch and gazed out of his window into an endless sea of stars.  His recent time on Vulcan had been especially profound giving him much to contemplate about himself, his future, as well as his own troubled past.  He found it increasingly difficult to relax except when buried in work.  Personal time was torturous as worst, annoying at best.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the subtle advice he had received from the sagely priests on Vulcan.  It was both a blessing and a curse as it seemed to fill his every waking thought.


A sudden jarring beep startled the absorbed Ambassador back into the present.  Cursing under his breath, Lamont stood and made his way over to his desk where the computer informed him of an incoming transmission.  He was in no particular mood for conversation, but he welcomed the momentary distraction from his own thoughts.


“Lamont”, he stated bluntly opening the channel.


“Ian!  So good of you to take my call.  How are you old friend?”


Lamont blinked.  Staring back at him was a man he hadn’t seen in several years.


“Halprin”, Lamont barked.  “We haven’t spoken in nearly ten years.  And we were never friends.  What do you want?”


Halprin appeared rejected, but quickly recovered with his trademark grin.  Lamont knew that smile.  Nothing had changed in a decade.  Trevor Halprin was still the same smooth talking, lying, brown nosing, suck up as he was ten years ago.


“I see your manners have not improved nor your ability to reign in that sharp tongue of yours.  And you made Ambassador?  What were they thinking?  Your temper is legendary.  Or well, at least it was.  You appear to have fared well these past few years?”


“I get by”, Ian flatly stated.  “I’m sure this isn’t a social call Halprin.  You never bothered to so much acknowledge my existence unless you wanted something.  What is it you want today?  I fear I have precious little to offer an important, politician such as yourself.”


“Don’t be so modest Ian.  News of your deeds has reached us back here on Earth.  I never thought you would again don the uniform…well at least not again after your involvement in the war.”


Lamont glanced down at the Starfleet uniform he now wore.  He had given up wearing his pretentious ambassadorial dress finding their pomp no longer suited him.  The unassuming uniform of the military again adorned his body despite the harsh memories of his past it occasionally conjured up.


“It suits me.  This ship, my assignment, does not mesh well with the trappings of the elite.  Unlike yourself.  That suit made of real silk?  Is that what all the politicians and operatives are wearing these days?”


Halprin’s brow furrowed for only an instant before his sickly sweet smile reappeared masking his annoyance.  “I didn’t call to discuss fashion trends Lamont.”


“Then why did you call Trevor?  What can I, a junior ambassador light years away from Earth, possibly do for you?”


“Why nothing.  Nothing at all.”  He chucked which only further enflamed Ian’s growing irritation.  “You haven’t changed a bit.  It shows.  As I was saying earlier, you are something of a rising, but still quite dim star in certain circles.  You handled yourself well with the incident between the Romulans and Vulcans..  Oh don’t look so surprised Lamont!  Some of us, besides you, have connections.  Word is you may even receive a commendation for helping to diffuse the situation.  I also have reliable information that indicates you’re on your way to locate, how to say, a person of significant interest at present?”


Ian cloaked his own emotions behind a practiced deadpan expression that could hold its own among the best poker players.  Halprin was deliberately toying with him.  He always had enjoyed pushing people’s buttons.


“Classified.  I had no idea you were so interested in my activities.  If you want answers I suggest you go rub elbows with someone at Starfleet Command though it seems you already have.”


“I’m not the one interested in you Ian.  I just find it interesting that there are other parties who are interested in you.”


“What?  What are you babbling about?”


“Your name has come up several times as of late in mixed company.  While you’ve tossed away several years of your life in the pursuit of peace or whatever it is you call it, your rivals are again taking some interest in you and your activities.”


“Rivals?  What rivals?”


“Come now Lamont.  Drop the act.  You know of whom I speak.  You may have forgotten while you gallivant around the cosmos bringing rainbows, happiness, and flowers to everyone you meet – but your past has not forgotten you.  In fact, I’d say the further you’ve tried to run from it the closer it has gotten – to you that is.”


“This better have damn point Halprin or I’m terminating the channel”, Lamont shouted finally letting his temper momentarily slip from behind his walled, emotionless, façade.


“I’ll come to the point.  Your father’s political rivals still view you, his heir, as a threat to them.”


“You can’t be serious”, Lamont chuckled incredulous of the claim.


“Would I be calling otherwise?  Listen Lamont, you may not believe me and I don’t care if you do or not, but there are those who have again set their gaze upon you.  A war veteran.  A decorated soldier.  An ambassador.  Given your current mission and its importance you may have a grand chance at real notoriety depending on the outcome.  Ambassador Spock is an honored and influential elder statesman.  Now do you see?  Should you return to Earth and pick up where your father left off – your political clout, record, and fame could pose a serious threat certain individuals of our mutual acquaintance.”


“I have no political aspirations back on Earth!  That was my father’s domain.  His legacy died with him.”


“Perhaps, but I know you Ian.  I know you secretly wish to strike back at those who ruined your father and your family.  It’s a fire you cannot quench.  If you were to ascend and obtain a good measure of clout and power, can you honestly tell me you would not use it to seek revenge – to right the wrongs done to you and your family name?”


“No.  My father destroyed himself and our family in a vain attempt to accomplish just such a thing.  I won’t follow in his footsteps.  It..it isn’t who I am.”


“Like father, like son.  You can live in denial if you want.  I could care less.”


“Why tell me this Trevor?  Why even bother to call me after all these years?”


Halprin grinned.  “Let’s just say I enjoy certain sports and even matchups.  A rigged game is no fun to watch when you know whose going to win.”


“Win?  I’m not sure I follow.  Are you implying I’m in some sort of danger?”


“You passed danger sometime ago I’m afraid Ian.  It wasn’t until recently that I understood how hot the water was which you have fallen into.  Call this a friendly heads up.”


“Friendly?  Someone is plotting against me and you couch it in euphemism?”


“As you were always so fond of reminding me, I am a politician after all Ian.  What else do you expect?  Just don’t go and die on me out there.  You are a competent ambassador, but a lousy politician.  You have no concept of the gears turning against you.  You’ve been out of the loop for far too long and I fear your skills for navigating the waters of political intrigue have been neglected.  Peace is a noble cause, but nobility will only get you killed.  It’s time to take off the kid gloves Lamont.  Like it or not, you’re playing with the big boys now.  Do nothing and they will destroy you, just like they did your father.  The Lamont name, while tarnished, is not dead.  A Phoenix may again rise from its ashes or be crushed under the heel of the powerful elite.  Guard yourself.  Watch your back.  It’s time to stop running Ian.  Time to grow up.


I hope we have a chance to speak again.  You always were quite interesting.  Adieu.”


The screen went black before Lamont had time to respond.  He stood there staring at the screen unsure what to make of the conversation.  Was Halprin lying?  Was he telling the truth?  Perhaps he was attempting to manipulate him or perhaps he was working with the very people he had warned him about?  No.  No.  Halprin, was many things, most of which involved slime of the lowest sort, but we was also a shrewd and skilled politician.  The man was well educated and highly intelligent.  Perhaps this was just a friendly warning in a dangerous game Lamont had only just been made aware of.  Perhaps Halprin was simply setting the pieces on a chessboard watching from afar for his own, twisted entertainment.  It certainly fit his character.


Halprin may have done the right thing from the wrong reasons – if his information was accurate.


Ian rubbed his chin.  He had neglected his contacts during his assignment on the Charon.  Halprin was right – he wasn’t as sharp politically as he once was.  After years of fighting himself he was finally beginning to mend old wounds – and now this.  The wound had been reopened and he would be damned if he would let them bleed him dry like they did his father.


He had some calls to make, some favors to call in, and some facts to obtain.  Perhaps he had been running his entire life.  Perhaps his day of reckoning with his past was quickly approaching.  If formal rivals had declared war once again on the Lamont family, he would answer the challenge and take up arms.  He would make them all sorry for their past transgressions.  If they could not leave him and his name in peace then he would give them the fight they desired.  Justice still cried out for what they had done to him.  It was time to draw his sword.  Even a blunt weapon could kill – he had to make preparations to sharpen his blade and then decide how best to utilize it.


[ To Be Continued ]


Ambassador Ian Lamont

Diplomatic Advisor, USS Charon

Thursday, May 26, 2011

[USS Charon] Roll Call

Just to clarify who is still around so I know who to send some JLs too- sorry for the slowness I modified the storyline so I have to edit and polish them before I send them in - but they should be out tonight.  I'm also battling Lyme Disease which isn't fun.

Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon

Sunday, May 22, 2011

[USS Charon] Sd241105.22 Revised Science Report/ +"Bolian coffee" Duty Log (Sciene Team)


//---Shuttlebay 1: Ferengi trading station---//


"I can't believe you actually paid for this."  Ensign Vorn, Arcos assistant, said to the stellar cartography assistant, petty officer Roberts.  As the two stood looking at a crate of Bolian coffee.

"It's not that big of a deal, he threw in some herbal remidies. Here take a look at the supply chart."  Then took a look at the crates he unloaded.

The Ferengi dealer looked over at them both whistled and said "Well I better be going." Then casually entered his shuttle and set course to leave as quickly as he could.

"OH NO…" They both said together.  "What are we going to do with 35 kilograms of Bolian herbal coffee!"

//----Science Office---//

"Please explain to me your research project proposal again Mr. Vorn?" Commander Arcos didn't quite get the cutting edge nature of the assignment.

"Well… it's like I said, we are going to put together two laboratory research projects.  One in Biology, one in chemistry…"

Arcos listened to the proposal then looked over at Enisgn Vorn.  "Alright… sounds like you've got your work cut out for you.  Where are you going to get a hold of the "So'latte" herb and the Gorn herbal remidies?"

"Don't worry about that sir… we got a good deal on both a week ago.  The supplies are being off loaded as we speak… just one thing.  The coffee er herbal solution had to be purchased by the crate."


"Well there's going to be a lot left over…"

"Why not open the study up to crew to participate in a clinical trial? Vorn, get talking to the Medical team… see if they have any ideas, otherwise… You two can disperse the extras as gifts from your monthly credit allowances."

The two palm faced… "Our Monthly Credit Allowances?"


Commander Arcos Darye
Chief Science officer


Ensign Vorn
Science Assistant


Petty Officer Roberts
Stellar Cartography Assistant


//Science Report – USS CHARON – Star Date:241105.22//

I. Schedule of Science Command Staff
II. Lab summary Table
III. Lab projects summary
IV. Bridge Functions
V. Damage/repair/casualty Report
VI. Science Commanders Comments

I.   Schedule(daily)
Name| position||rank| assignment|
    |first shift |Second shift| third shift|
Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| Commander | Department head
    |1)Bridge|2)office hours|3)OFF|   
Y. Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab Management | NPC
    1)Research/Office| 2)OFF| 3)Bridge
B. Roberts| Beindocoff's Assist| PO3|Research/office| NPC
    1)Research| 2)Office| 3)OFF
S. Vorn| Science Officer| Ensign | Admin Assistant| NPC
    1)OFF|2)Bridge|3)office hours
I. Castillo| Geo Science |Petty Officer 1st| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)office hours| 2)research| 3)OFF   
M. Blande| Bio Science| Ensign| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Office hours| 2)OFF| 3)Research
T. Yin| Chem Science| Chief Petty Officer | Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Research| 2)office hours| 3)OFF
S. Ronsett| Phys Science| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab management| NPC
    1)OFF| 2)office hours| 3)Research
Ollanda| Cybernetics| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
        1)OFF| 2)Research| 3)office hours
G. Yellin| Anthropology| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1) Research|2) OFF| 3) office hours

C. Smith| Botany| Petty Officer 3rd class| Plant Care and harvest|

1) OFF| 2) Plant Care| 3) Office/OFF
Officers: 7|Enlisted: 16: 3 enlisted lab masters, 13 enlisted Lab assistants|

|Total Science Personnel: 24 (max 29/min 17/skeleton 3)|

II. Lab Summary Table

Labs | Lab master | Assigned assistants | Experiment
General Science | Department head charge | 1 | OPEN   
Biology | M. Blande | 2 |  Area Specifics/Gorn Herbal remides
Chemistry | T. Yin | 2 | Area Specifics/Bolian Coffee
Geo Science | I. Castillo | 2 | Area Specifics
Physics | S. Ronsett | 2 | Area Specifics/tri-probeII
Cybernetics | Ollanda | 2 | Probes/maintenance
Anthropology| G. Yellin | 1 | Area Specifics
Botany| C. Smith |    0(+1) | Caretaking/harvest
Stellar Cartography| Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts | 1 | Area Specifics

III. Lab Project Summary

A) Biology: Biology mixes with a lot of the other fields, but the lab is utilized for a majority of the ships biological research including microbe study, cellar study, animal and space creature study, the study of Life, how it works, and how it continues to function today and in yester year.

Biology Officer in-charge:  M. Blande |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift


Lab 1:  Local Life Forms – threats, cautions and general study

Lab 2:  Edible plants identification (works with botany)

Lab 3: Study of Gorn confederation herbs and remedies.

Progress Update:  Study of Gorn herbal remidies will commence tomorrow. Team will continue to research other edible plants of the nearby star systems and look for biological life forms that could pose a threat to away teams.  The team will launch several planetary probes to accomplish this task, selecting the most likely planets for the ships destination and then account for research friendly.

B) Chemistry: Chemistry studies the physical nature of life, the study of chemicals and elements how they react and work together with each other.  Chemistry often works with biology and physics to come to a closer understanding of what we explore on the ship.

Chemistry Officer in-Charge: T. Yin |OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift


Lab 1: Toxins and Chemical benefactors of Local Area

Lab 2: local medicinal secrets (joined with medical)

Lab 3: Study of So'latte: the Bolian coffees

Status update: Team brings in a study of a supply of bulk Bolian coffee equivalent.  Team will use known factors of traditional Earth coffee and compare them with the Bolian, as well as investigate claims of the supplier.

C) Geo-sciences:  The Geo Sciences department works with anthropology, Stellar Cartography, biology and other fields of science to grab a basis of the physical relationship of ecosystems, glaciations, gravitational pulls, tectonics, and seismic behavior of planets, moons, asteroids, and planetoids.

Geo-Sciences Officer in-Charge: I. Castillo |OFFICE HOURS: 1st Shift


Lab 1: Study of Ecosystems and Geological stability (localized area)

Lab 2: Development of celestial objects (localized area)

Status Update: Team will work with biology to gather planetary data through the launch of six recoverable probes to be designed by cybernetics.  Team hopes to gather from a flyby… the ecosystems and geological stability of the six chosen planets.

D) Physics: Physics assists in astrophysics, quantum physics, bio-physics, standard physics.  The Physics team answers question in gravitational effects, trajectory, and other physics challenges.  Often Physics will work with geology or stellar cartography.

Physics Officer in-Charge: S. Ronsett|OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift


Lab 1: Trajectory/masses/make up of celestial objects in sensor range

Lab 2: Tri-Probe Mission Two

Status Update: Tri-probe data from the previous mission has been categorized, identified, and sent to the computer logs.  Mission two will involve preparations for a second "Tri-probe" mission to be utilized on the next nebula research mission.  Team is already gathering data on what went well, and what could be changed.

E) Stellar Cartography: Stellar Cartography works with Astro-metrics to provide maps of the galaxy and studies the stars themselves mapping inner corona and outer solar system alike.


Stellar Cartography Officer in-Charge: Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift/2nd shift


Astro-metrics: Star chart review and update (works with helm/navigation)

Lab 2: (Partnered with physics) Study of Celestial objects

Status Update: Team continues to assist the helm and astronavigators with star charts, while updating, collecting and maintaining the stellar maps.  It is likely that team will be able to assist both geo-sciences and physics department again this week.  The three teams have worked together on much of the classification and telemetry of celestial objects for several months now.

F) Cybernetics: The team plays a part in science cybernetics and robotics.  Together the team assists in probe assembly, repair, research, and equipment programming.  These guys play a major role in research set up, and develop new ways to keep us busy and tooling our research.

Cybernetics Officer in-charge: Ollanda |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift


Lab 1: Probe repair/construction/re-programming

Additional task: Maintain science equipment (works with engineering)

Additional task: Tri-probe assembly.

Status Update: Team is assisting engineering with repairs to science equipment, station, performing pre-diagnostics and diagnostics, assisting with calibration of lab equipment and putting together probes for science teams study.  In addition the team is preparing second probe construction for the physics experiment.

G) Anthropology: Part of the anthropologies job is to find out what humanoid life is like in surrounding solar systems.  They are basically a historian, but also provide an in-depth analysis in to cultures, societies and the way people live now, then… and on many worlds flourishing, dying, or since perished.  A lot of the teams focus is providing a guide for officers to use when approaching a world on or off duty.

Anthropology in-charge: G. Yellin |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift


Lab 1: study of local cultures, archeology, and developing peoples (works with ships counselor)

Lab 2: Gorn Confederation: what little we know of their herbs and medicinal secrets.

Status Update:  Team is analyzing record banks of all local civilizations and past civilization of passing inhabited or once inhabited celestial objects, natural or artificial.  In addition, team is helping to assist ships counselor with current peoples in area's customs, laws, and traditions, and economics. Team adds study of Gorn Confederation ancient herbs and dietary secrets.

H) Botany: The botany team, made up of volunteers and Department head, Petty Officer Chris A. Smith are continuing to care for the plants currently in the lab.  Also the botany science team does its best to provide additional foods for the chief to prepare.


Lab1: Care of plant and fungi specimens/care of harvest of edible specimens

Lab1-a: Care for the new Gorn Herb additions, providing live samples for the biology department.

Status Update: Volunteer teams are under the command of Petty Officer Smith.  Congratulations Petty Officer Smith,

I) General Science Lab: The General Science lab will be available at request, but is currently on standby for mission specific research.  The lab has holo-emitters for research and is shared with other departments as per request; departments can make use of the lab if unused by the science team.  The General Science lab is the ships state of the art science laboratory capable of housing six differing experimentations from any science department.  The lab assistant is charged with set up and preparing the lab for each team utilizing the lab.  Additional assistants can be utilized if necessary from other labs.


Shift 1: Morning coffee: Inner-Department Guest speaker (Science)

Shift 2: Lab prep/clean up

Shift 3:  -Open for study-



IV.  Bridge Operations

Science Bridge Crew:

     Commander Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| 1st Shift
     Lieutenant J.G Yuri Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography|3rd shift
     Ensign Samuel Vorn| Administrative Assistant|2nd shift

NOTE: The Bridge team is charged with gathering scans for the science department, requesting launch of science probes, and monitoring data for bridge operations.  All scans and data can be made available to other departments and teams on request.   The science lab teams may also monitor their portion of the scans from the bridge at their request, but is limited to lab masters and the science department officers.
V. Damage/repair/Personnel Report:

 +Science Labs

All Labs Functioning

+Science Stations

     All Stations Functioning

     +Science sensors/Deflector

           Function in standard norm


Officer injured:  0 (0 major – 0 minor – 0 Severe)

Enlisted injured: 0 (0 major – 0 minor – 0 Severe)

Promotion Request:
Personnel: Rank|PersonnelName|
à New Rank|Name






Training Requested:


Management Training:




VI. Science Commanders comments

+Lab Assignments: If you come up with a good research assignment, just begin the process in character by developing a Pre-Lab report. I have attached a request form, just fill it in, and write something in character above about your character putting the report together.

+Training:  If you are looking to advance in rank and you are a non-commissioned officer we will develop a role-play training month on in differing lab assistant positions.  Once completed you might be promoted to Technician, after you master a lab for another month we should be able to promote you to specialist… at which point you'd be specialized to an inner department.  As for leading a lab, we might be able to get you to work on your petty officer rank requirements and start training you on lab set up/and running the lab… not sure on the time requirement on that one, but we should be able to get you working on a story line in character.

+So'latte: Bolian Coffee exports have brought in some samples to be used for the chemistry department.  In addition to the samples needed for the lab, a bulk supply has left us in the excess of over thirty kg of "So'latte" Bolian coffee.  Inquire with the science department in acquiring yours today.

+Attached Reports: (NONE)

[USS Charon] 241105.22 Duty log/Science Report CSci Cmdr Arcos Darye


//--Promotion of Specialist Smith:  Assignment to Head of Botany-//

The team had gathered in the General science lab, amongst them were the heads of each of the science department dressed in formal attire.  Running in the advanced holo lab, situated in the center of the General science lab was a depiction of a platform with an old wooden podium and a black board behind it.  There beside it were chairs to which the sub-department heads were situated.  Amongst them was Commander Darye, who held a plaque and PADD loaded with formal acknowledgement he was about to give.  In addition there was a black box on his lap.  In a few moments he would begin his announcement to the science assembly.

Walking over to the podium the clatter in the background stopped.  Arcos cleared his throat, looking over to the Botanist who would be honored at the assembly.   She was looking as if she had nerves of steel despite the obvious pressure to hold appearances during the ceremony.  Arcos thought to himself that his decision to extend her the duties of charge of the botany depart was well deserved.  He looked around to the rest of the room to which the department personnel seemed to be focused upon himself.  Taking a deep breath he opened his mouth and started, "Excellence to which we refer to in duty and devotion to studies of science as the reason and logical deduction through which the attainment of theory and law is granted is attributed to every good science officer or personnel aboard this ship.  In regard to each and every dedicated science personnel there are some who go beyond excellence to reach a level of strength of character, choosing to take up the courage and devotion to command -That is to which we are here to cite or signify in pertains to the service of one of our science personnel in the field of botany." He paused and looked over at the specialist to whom would be receiving the award.

 Specialist Smith… Front and center!"  Commander Darye ordered.

"Yes Sir!" The specialist grinned and stood up taking place in front of the podium.

"You have been granted charge of the botany program, to which the duties include but do not summarize in entirety, care and devotion to plant and fungi specimens, command of volunteer and assigned personnel, and cultivation of edible foods from the specimens mention there above."  Arcos paused taking a breath.  "In addition, because of our policy of such assignment, rank grade of petty officer third class is granted."

The specialist stood at attention looking directly at the podium, grinning and a bit over come with satisfaction.  Arcos handed her the plaque and the box with the new pip for petty officer.  The Commander looked over to his team whom had stood up.  "Science department, Applause is permissible."  The team began to clap. "Petty officer Smith… you may return to ranks."

"In addition there is one more thing I must address.  The team will be admitting volunteers from other departments to fill the need for duties to which our compliment can not grant in entirety.  You are to treat them in both command and service with character deserving of department personnel.  That is all.   Science ranks, you are dismissed.


PO3 Smith
Botanist (NPC)
USS Charon

CMDR Arcos Darye
Chief Science officer
USS Charon






//Science Report – USS CHARON – Star Date:241103.07//

I. Schedule of Science Command Staff
II. Lab summary Table
III. Lab projects summary
IV. Bridge Functions
V. Damage/repair/casualty Report
VI. Science Commanders Comments

I.   Schedule(daily)
Name| position||rank| assignment|
    |first shift |Second shift| third shift|
Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| Commander | Department head
    |1)Bridge|2)office hours|3)OFF|   
Y. Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab Management | NPC
    1)Research/Office| 2)OFF| 3)Bridge
B. Roberts| Beindocoff's Assist| PO3|Research/office| NPC
    1)Research| 2)Office| 3)OFF
S. Vorn| Science Officer| Ensign | Admin Assistant| NPC
    1)OFF|2)Bridge|3)office hours
I. Castillo| Geo Science |Petty Officer 1st| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)office hours| 2)research| 3)OFF   
M. Blande| Bio Science| Ensign| Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Office hours| 2)OFF| 3)Research
T. Yin| Chem Science| Chief Petty Officer | Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1)Research| 2)office hours| 3)OFF
S. Ronsett| Phys Science| Lieutenant J.G | Research/Lab management| NPC
    1)OFF| 2)office hours| 3)Research
Ollanda| Cybernetics| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
        1)OFF| 2)Research| 3)office hours
G. Yellin| Anthropology| Lieutenant J.G |Research/Lab Management| NPC
    1) Research|2) OFF| 3) office hours

C. Smith| Botany| Petty Officer 3rd class| Plant Care and harvest|

1) OFF| 2) Plant Care| 3) Office/OFF
Officers: 7|Enlisted: 16: 3 enlisted lab masters, 13 enlisted Lab assistants|

|Total Science Personnel: 24 (max 29/min 17/skeleton 3)|

II. Lab Summary Table

Labs | Lab master | Assigned assistants | Experiment
General Science | Department head charge | 1 | OPEN   
Biology | M. Blande | 2 |  Area Specifics
Chemistry | T. Yin | 2 | Area Specifics
Geo Science | I. Castillo | 2 | Area Specifics
Physics | S. Ronsett | 2 | Area Specifics
Cybernetics | Ollanda | 2 | Probes/maintenance
Anthropology| G. Yellin | 1 | Area Specifics
Botany| C. Smith |    0(+1) | Caretaking/harvest
Stellar Cartography| Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts | 1 | Area Specifics

III. Lab Project Summary

A) Biology: Biology mixes with a lot of the other fields, but the lab is utilized for a majority of the ships biological research including microbe study, cellar study, animal and space creature study, the study of Life, how it works, and how it continues to function today and in yester year.

Biology Officer in-charge:  M. Blande |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift


Lab 1:  Local Life Forms – threats, cautions and general study

Lab 2:  Edible plants identification (works with botany)

Lab 3: Continuance of: "Extract of Gouranni Herb for toxic identification"

Progress Update:  Biology lab assignment #3 is completed for the most part.  Additional labs for further sample extraction are being completed this week.  Team will continue to research other edible plants of the nearby star systems and look for biological life forms that could pose a threat to away teams.  The team will launch several planetary probes to accomplish this task, selecting the most likely planets for the ships destination and then account for research friendly.

B) Chemistry: Chemistry studies the physical nature of life, the study of chemicals and elements how they react and work together with each other.  Chemistry often works with biology and physics to come to a closer understanding of what we explore on the ship.

Chemistry Officer in-Charge: T. Yin |OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift


Lab 1: Toxins and Chemical benefactors of Local Area

Lab 2: local medicinal secrets (joined with medical)

Lab 3: Continuance of: "Extract of Ka'al root"

Status update: The Extract from the Klingon root has nearly been completed.  All that remains is to continue to mix the root with the Gouranni Herb for toxin neutralization.  Once completed the Ka'al roots will be continued to extracted and placed on reserve for the ships chef should the need arise to visit the selected Gourrani planetoid where the conference is being held.

C) Geo-sciences:  The Geo Sciences department works with anthropology, Stellar Cartography, biology and other fields of science to grab a basis of the physical relationship of ecosystems, glaciations, gravitational pulls, tectonics, and seismic behavior of planets, moons, asteroids, and planetoids.

Geo-Sciences Officer in-Charge: I. Castillo |OFFICE HOURS: 1st Shift


Lab 1: Study of Ecosystems and Geological stability (localized area)

Lab 2: Development of celestial objects (localized area)

Status Update: Team will work with biology to gather planetary data through the launch of six recoverable probes to be designed by cybernetics.  Team hopes to gather from a flyby… the ecosystems and geological stability of the six chosen planets.

D) Physics: Physics assists in astrophysics, quantum physics, bio-physics, standard physics.  The Physics team answers question in gravitational effects, trajectory, and other physics challenges.  Often Physics will work with geology or stellar cartography.

Physics Officer in-Charge: S. Ronsett|OFFICE HOURS: 2nd Shift


Lab 1: Trajectory/masses/make up of celestial objects in sensor range

Lab 2: Tri-Probe method

Status Update: Tri-probe data is still being collected in a nebulous region of ionized gases.  The nebula contains several asteroids.  Although the largest of these is planetary like, it has no atmosphere and is not in rotation around any central star.  The team will continue to collect data until probe no longer has uncharted area to cover.  Although most of the probe will self destruct or act as a hazard beacon… the logic unit of the probe will be ejected and rendezvoused with at a later date.

E) Stellar Cartography: Stellar Cartography works with Astro-metrics to provide maps of the galaxy and studies the stars themselves mapping inner corona and outer solar system alike.


Stellar Cartography Officer in-Charge: Y. Beindocoff/B. Roberts |OFFICE HOURS: 1st shift/2nd shift


Astro-metrics: Star chart review and update (works with helm/navigation)

Lab 2: (Partnered with physics) Study of Celestial objects

Status Update: Team continues to assist the helm and astronavigators with star charts, while updating, collecting and maintaining the stellar maps.  It is likely that team will be able to assist both geo-sciences and physics department again this week.  The three teams have worked together on much of the classification and telemetry of celestial objects for several months now.

F) Cybernetics: The team plays a part in science cybernetics and robotics.  Together the team assists in probe assembly, repair, research, and equipment programming.  These guys play a major role in research set up, and develop new ways to keep us busy and tooling our research.

Cybernetics Officer in-charge: Ollanda |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift


Lab 1: Probe repair/construction/re-programming

Additional task: Maintain science equipment (works with engineering)

Additional task: Tri-probe assembly.

Status Update: Team is assisting engineering with repairs to science equipment, station, performing pre-diagnostics and diagnostics, assisting with calibration of lab equipment and putting together probes for science teams study.  In addition the team is devising the probe assembly of the three probe method being devised by Physics.

G) Anthropology: Part of the anthropologies job is to find out what humanoid life is like in surrounding solar systems.  They are basically a historian, but also provide an in-depth analysis in to cultures, societies and the way people live now, then… and on many worlds flourishing, dying, or since perished.  A lot of the teams focus is providing a guide for officers to use when approaching a world on or off duty.

Anthropology in-charge: G. Yellin |OFFICE HOURS: 3rd shift


Lab 1: study of local cultures, archeology, and developing peoples (works with ships counselor)

Lab 2: Continuance of: The study of the Gourrani

Status Update:  Team is analyzing record banks of all local civilizations and past civilization of passing inhabited or once inhabited celestial objects, natural or artificial.  In addition, team is helping to assist ships counselor with current peoples in area's customs, laws, and traditions, and economics. Team adds study of Gourranni for science team enrichment.

H) Botany: The botany team, made up of volunteers and lab assistant Specialist Chris A. Smith are continuing to care for the planet current in the lab.  Since the team has no samples yet of Gamma quadrant plants, the focus have been on bordering sectors to the gamma quadrant.


Lab: Care of plant and fungi specimens/care of harvest of edible specimens

Status Update: Volunteer teams are maintaining the lab, Specialist Chris A. Smith is working on lab management training.  Upon completion rank grade of Petty Officer 3rd class will be issued.  Administrative team congratulates Specialist Smith.

I) General Science Lab: The General Science lab will be available at request, but is currently on standby for mission specific research.  The lab has holo-emitters for research and is shared with other departments as per request; departments can make use of the lab if unused by the science team.  The General Science lab is the ships state of the art science laboratory capable of housing six differing experimentations from any science department.  The lab assistant is charged with set up and preparing the lab for each team utilizing the lab.  Additional assistants can be utilized if necessary from other labs.


Shift 1: Morning coffee: Inner-Department Guest speaker (Science)

Shift 2: Lab prep/clean up

Shift 3:  -Open for study-



IV.  Bridge Operations

Science Bridge Crew:

     Commander Arcos Darye| Chief Science Officer| 1st Shift
     Lieutenant J.G Yuri Beindocoff| Stellar Cartography|3rd shift
     Ensign Samuel Vorn| Administrative Assistant|2nd shift

NOTE: The Bridge team is charged with gathering scans for the science department, requesting launch of science probes, and monitoring data for bridge operations.  All scans and data can be made available to other departments and teams on request.   The science lab teams may also monitor their portion of the scans from the bridge at their request, but is limited to lab masters and the science department officers.
V. Damage/repair/Personnel Report:

 +Science Labs

All Labs Functioning

+Science Stations

     All Stations Functioning

     +Science sensors/Deflector

           Function in standard norm


Officer injured:  0 (0 major – 0 minor – 0 Severe)

Enlisted injured: 0 (0 major – 0 minor – 0 Severe)

Promotion Request:
Personnel: Rank|PersonnelName|
à New Rank|Name

Spc. C Smith -> PO3 C. Smith, Placed in charge of Botany Department





Training Requested:


Management Training:

(Completion)Spc C. Smith| Botany | (BY->) | Cmdr Arcos Darye | CSci




VI. Science Commanders comments

+Lab Assignments: If you come up with a good research assignment, just begin the process in character by developing a Pre-Lab report. I have attached a request form, just fill it in, and write something in character above about your character putting the report together.

+Training:  If you are looking to advance in rank and you are a non-commissioned officer we will develop a role-play training month on in differing lab assistant positions.  Once completed you might be promoted to Technician, after you master a lab for another month we should be able to promote you to specialist… at which point you'd be specialized to an inner department.  As for leading a lab, we might be able to get you to work on your petty officer rank requirements and start training you on lab set up/and running the lab… not sure on the time requirement on that one, but we should be able to get you working on a story line in character.

+Attached Reports:

Lab study request form:

 Name and rank:


I.                    Pre Lab report




Hypothesis of result:


II.                  Safety/Hazard Report

For seen Hazards during lab:

Hazard 1: 

Hazard 2:

Hazard X:

        General safety rules: 

1.       Wear eye protection

2.       Know location and operation of safety equipment in lab and emergency devices

3.       Never work in laboratory alone

4.       Do only the experiment approved for the lab

5.       Do not wear personal clothing that is not pre-approved for lab use

6.       Report all accidents to Lab Master.

7.       Do not make oral contact with objects in lab

8.       Be mindful of the appearance of strange odors

9.       Keep the Laboratory clean. Clean up spills immediately

10.   Check lab equipment prior to lab and only use equipment in good condition

11.   Check temperature reading on all objects in experiment before reaching. Avoid physical touch of hot objects.

12.   Read reagent listings on any known reactions for reagents used in experiment.

13.   Clean hands thoroughly prior to leaving lab to avoid oral contamination and optical damage.



III.                Authorization Request


Time/shift research is done:                                       Additional Days of study: 


Lab requested:                                                                 Personnel requested:


Estimated Set up time required:                                               Estimated take down time required:


Science team member requesting:

