Wednesday, December 23, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.23 || Joint Log "Prodigal Marine" Part I || Lt Cmdr Sakarra Tyrax, MCpt Nikolai Chernienko

[USS Charon, Main Sickbay]
It had been a troubling time, to say the least. And even for a Vulcan, somewhat trying. But few things had been as troubling as the sight of the marines recovered from the NeoDyne base, especially this human.
What had been done to him, the healer could hardly fathom. Not only that .. beings … existed who would inflict this on a living creature, but that the man was still alive. Astonishing.
The nurses had performed admirably in at least returning some dignity to the by all accounts gigantic Marine, by cleaning him and cutting his matted, stained beard into some shape the Vulcan assumed was considered appropriate for someone of Russian ancestry, and the regular treatments were taking rather well, if slowly. It was the damage done on the cellular level that had the healer worried, if he would have ever admitted to such an emotional outburst.
If this were another Vulcan, the course of action would be as clear as it would be simple. However, his training had not included humans or … a thought occurred with the usual speed and clarity, and the healer cast one more glance at his patient before striding out of the secluded area that was reserved for the cases which would require some long term care.
There was one who had been to T'Shen. If anyone would have experience in such a matter, it was she.
[Some time later …]
The young Vulcan woman was directed to a more secluded area by a familiar nurse and just so managed to escape another examination herself.
Noticing the healer standing beside a biobed, she gave a brief nod and favored him with a 'this had best be important' look.
His bow was of exquisite courtesy, as always, and earned him another quirked brow, but when she stepped closer to the patient her eyes softened somewhat. One of the survivors from the NeoDyne horrors, it seemed.
"T'nar pak sorat y'rani, t'sai."
"T'nar jaral, ohassu."  there was a question in her greeting, and the healer nodded, indicating his patient.
"My apologies for the late call, t'sai. It seemed inappropriate to inconvenience you during duty hours. Your … education at T'Shen included humans. Yes?"
Sakarra nodded briefly and looked at the truly quite tall marine for a moment. The question had been brief and to the point, and there was no need for explanation. Clearly, the healer felt neuropressure would be beneficial to this man and wished for a consult. Well, if it would help, it would only be logical …
She lifted her face to the healer, exhaling softly, signaling permission with a near imperceptible nod. 
Realizing that the young woman had misunderstood, the tall Vulcan shook his head.
"Forgive me, t'sai, but a consultation will not suffice, not even through a meld. The case is too severe for me to attempt and … experiment." there was a definite note of distaste to his voice at the last word.
The young woman however looked at him in disbelief "I do not know this man nor has he given me consent. You cannot suggest…"
"He is in no condition to give consent. Logic dictates that the welfare of the patient should outweigh…"
Equally stubborn, they glared at each other as only disagreeing Vulcans can, and only therefore missed the very obvious fact that the patient in question was on the road to wide awake, accelerating fast.
Nikolai lay on the medbed dreaming nightmarish dreams as only one tormented by the past several months could. His body still wracked with pain from the ordeal he had been through. As he slowly climbed back through the fogs of the nightmare he heard voices. Strange sounding voices, ones that did not match Mike or his female assistant but had the flavor of something even more vile... Romulans.
As his mind awakened more he found his eyes opening only ever so slightly and saw the figures standing next to his bed. A female and a male yet not Mike and the new female assistant. His eyes traced over their forms and rested on the ears. Pointed ears... that meant something. When they were taken on the Romulan world they were given over to the Neodyne scientists.
It didn't take the tall powerful Marine long to come to the conclusion that his captors were in his cell. He had killed one already and Mike had already said he was to valuable to them to kill, so perhaps the time had come to get one of the Neodyne's pet Romulans.
Instantly going from compleatly lax and comatose he sprang up with all his might and in a sudden movement locked his powerfully large hands around Sakkara's neck and started to choke her for all he was worth. His eyes dark and lifeless as they had been when he ripped Harold's fat throat out sometime before.
Sakarra felt an impact that was vaguely reminiscent of the time Warya had lost his footing on a step climb, and all air was knocked out of her lungs in an instant. Still focused on the healer, it took her a full 0.6 seconds to realize what was happening and by that time she was already staggering backwards.
Every instinct was screaming at her to break the hold the man had on her neck, but it would have meant to further injure a human who was already in a bad state.
Well, not so bad apparently.
Her hands flew up to break the arms that were now tightening a really quite painful hold, when another solution presented itself. He was heavy, and the force of his attack had already carried them out of the healer's reach. Were it not for her automatic response to counterattack, she would have fallen already.
The very moment that thought manifested itself, the young Vulcan allowed her knees to buckle and they both fell heavily to the ground.
Ah, well, some minor improvement at least. He seemed stunned enough to loosen his grip enough for Sakarra to place her arms against him, ready to shove or break a bone, whichever would be required. And she could take a small breath. "You are injuring me." she whispered, unable to raise her voice in any significant way.
Nikolai felt the impressive strength in the delicate looking woman. As she fell to the ground the wounded Marine came off the biobed ontop of her. From his awkward position he continued to try to throttle what he thought was the Romulan, but quickly his strength started to fail him. The cellular damage was extensive and he was already breathing hard from the effort to kill his tormentor.
Finely the big man slumped forward breathing hard. But he wasn't about to give up, still trying to hurt the woman he lifted his hands to her face searching for her eyes. His eyes wouldn't focus and his voice came out a small deadly hiss. "Kill you...kill you all."
The healer had the big human by the shoulders, and the look in his eyes was both shocked, apologetic and mightily … irritated.
Ah. Not helpful. Ow.
Sakarra briefly shook her head as the grip increased again, apparently the Marine seemed intent on dragging the little Vulcan along, even if the healer hoisted him up. Which in itself might be endangering the human.
Very carefully she wrapped her warm fingers around the big man's wrists and pushed the questing hands away from her face. Better. Truly, it was a good thing he had no idea what he was doing. The healer was .. shocked .. enough.
"That would be highly illogical." the young woman managed to say after taking another deep breath. "However, I do apologize for this."
Arching her back, which was surprisingly difficult, she dug her shoulder blades into the carpet and pushed. In a near perfect, though smaller than anticipated arc, the gigantic human was thrown upward and then impacted on his back. Hopefully that had not aggravated any injury.
Having landed in a kneeling position next to him, Sakarra released the man's wrists and checked for a pulse. Hm. Faint, but steady. Astonishing.
The big man had a moment of lucidity just enough to be impressed by the way he was sailing through the air. As he came down he heard the words the woman had said...No Romulan would say that. That sounded like a Vulcan, he thought to himself. Nikolai impacted the floor hard and knocked what little breath was in him out, the dark haze of murder falling from his eyes as he looked up at the woman holding his wrist.
He noticed several things, first was the long hair which if he remembered correctly denoted a warrior on Vulcan. The second thing he noticed was the uniform, Starfleet how could they be in on it... they couldn't Starfleet and neodyne were not allies. The big man bled from his mouth a little but he spit it away looking up at the Vulcan. "How...?" not the most stellar of conversations but it was the best he could manage after being manhandled by someone well under half his size.

[To be Continued ...]
Lieutenant Commander Sakarra Tyrax
Chief Helmsman and Acting Executive Officer
Marine Captain Nikolai Chernienko
Platoon Leader
USS Charon