Wednesday, December 23, 2009

[USS Charon] SD240912.23 - Joint Log "A Matter of Honor" Part II - Captain Shiarrael Rehu & Ambassador Ian Lamont

[USS Charon, Sickbay]

Shiarrael grabbed his hand and pried it loose from her uniform.  Stumbling back she took a moment to catch her breath.  A smirked slowly creased its way through her lips "so you wish to die?  Very well."  She reached over to the biobed behind her and picked up the pillow.  Walking back to Lamont she placed the plush cushion atop his chest "if you are so intent to die- suffocate yourself."

Lamont simply glared at the woman through cold, green eyes.  He had hoped the captain would understand.  Instead she preferred to mock him.  Offered the chance to be rid of him she seemed to take pleasure in rebuffing his simple request.  He only hoped that in the ether of the great beyond he was granted a chance to return and haunt Shiarrael T'Rehu and cause her as much grief in this life as she had caused him and countless others.

"I have no final requests.  Say what you wish about me in your reports.  It matters little at this point."

Grabbing the pillow, Lamont pulled it over his face.  After several moments his body jerked several times.  The scene continued for many seconds until his arms went limp and fell to his sides.  The ambassador's body moved no more.

She waited for a moment- part of her wished to laugh at the scene.  It was entirely ridiculous and finally after spending at least a minute pondering the situation Shiarrael finally slapped the pillow off the Ambassador's face.  His slow shallow breaths told her what she expected- he failed.  "Enough of this nonsense Ian…"

The arm of the seemingly dead ambassador suddenly sprang to life and with a mighty surge of energy stuck the captain in the chest knocking her off balance.  With the element of surprise, Ian surged from the bed and within an instant had his hands around the captain's neck and her body elegantly pinned beneath his own blunting her resistance.

Gasping for breath, having held his own for too long, Ian held firm pressure against Rehu's neck to ensure her resistance was kept to a minimum.  "My how the tables have turned captain", Ian said through heavy breaths.  "I asked for nothing more than what is due and yet you still find pleasure in torturing me to the last.  So be it.  Now you have no choice but to grant my request.  If you refuse again this time it will cost you your own life."

'I am a fool!'  Was the first thing that entered Shiarrael's mind as the Ambassador twisted her onto the bed wrapping his hands around her throat as he did.  The lingering smell of his breath permeated her senses as his grip tightened.  She tried to pull her hands free but they were securely trapped between the two- the only thing she could do was watch the veins on forehead grow as he tightened his grip further.  Around them nurses scrambled- one reached over and grabbed Lamont's shoulder shouting "Ambassador stop!  Ambassador please!  Stop!" 

She struggled- she knew she had more strength then the Ambassador but his weight and the lack of oxygen were moving the odds closer to his favor.  'Just one hand' Shiarrael thought 'one hand and I will rip you limb from limb.'

Ian almost smiled as he looked down at the captain's eyes which burned with a passionate fire.  If he could just stoke the flames dancing behind those eyes he was sure their intensity would compel her to action.  "If I release you it will only be for a moment.  You'll have to kill me to end this.  Just grant me what I want and be rid of me!  Why do you persist in retaining someone like myself?  Do what has to be…"

Lamont suddenly looked at his hands held tightly around Rehu's throat.  He had already killed once today.  From the Romulan Riov's testimony his aid to NeoDyne may have very well caused the death or suffering of many, many more.  Now, here he was, poised to kill again merely to ease his own selfishness.  He was such a fool.  He was no use to anyone aboard the Charon and worse he was an arrogant, foolish, idiot in his own eyes who had amounted to little, but a political pawn used by a powerful corporation.  He didn't know what felt worse being used or allowing himself to fall into such a trap which would have been plain to see had he merely swallowed his pride and emotions.

His fingers slowly relaxed and he released the captain before sinking to the floor next to the biobed.  "As you are so fond of saying captain, I am indeed a fool and an idiot.  I do not deserve to wear this uniform, hold my rank, or serve in any capacity.  My sins are far too great, my hands have been bloodstained, and my actions as an officer and a gentlemen are unforgivable.  Do what you will with me.  I have nothing left to fight for or against.  How can one ever repay a debt when the collateral has been people's lives?"  His head sank into his hands as he sat on the floor a broken man.

Shiarrael gasped- her hands massaged her throat as the Ambassador slinked away against the biobed.  Several security officers ran in adding to the commotion.  They moved to arrest the Ambassador but Shiarrael slid off the bed and glared at them "late" was the only word she used and it was laced with furious venom.  They glanced at each other and then stepped back, quite wisely Shiarrael felt.  She looked at Lamont; she would have pitied him if he didn't try to kill her but now she was just angry.  "Do you know how many I have killed?"  Her eyes narrowed "I've slaughtered thousands with my own hands and with my own words.  You do not know sin Ambassador.  Do not expect me to feel pity for you.  If you truly feel guilty then join those scientists in the brig.  I will not complain.  But this nonsense?  I have little time for."

"I don't expect your pity", Lamont replied.  "Or want it for that matter", he quickly added.  "For a trained soldier, killing is just a facet of one's job.  One cannot be an effective soldier or a commander of soldiers having not done the deed themselves.  However, I am an ambassadorial representative of the Federation.  My job is to stop conflict and killing before it starts.  I'm supposed to mediate disputes, resolve differences, and work toward the goals of peace, not war and certainly not death!  Death is your arena captain, it isn't mine.  If a soldier suddenly set down his weapon and espoused the virtues of peace he's be dishonorably discharged or worse by those around him.  In that same vein, I've gone against everything I believe in.  The doctor's here have an oath to "do no harm", how would they feel if they selfishly acted for their own gain and cost the life of one or perhaps many?
I've broken my own rules and caused you and this ship nothing but trouble!  The only thing I appear to be good at aboard this ship is arguing and sparring with you!"  Lamont stood facing the captain as a new found sense of anger bubbled to the surface within him.
"Good?"  Shiarrael blurted out loud before realizing she had mocked him.  "Ambassador…"
"I don't have any desire for your pity or anyone else's.  I simply do not know how to continue onward when my past actions are in direct conflict with everything I am supposed to stand for.  Killing is your profession captain.  It isn't mine.  I'm sorry if you can't see things from my perspective, but one life, let alone dozens, or hundreds or more, may never reach your lofty records, but life is precious to me.  My life has been spent trying to prevent people like you from claiming lives and yet I've become the very thing I sought to stop.  So you'll excuse me if I am completely irrational and conflicted at the moment!  NeoDyne used me to commit who know what terrible crimes and I helped them, too self absorbed with my own goals to realize I was the one being played.  Do you have any idea what it feels like to be used or worse realize that you've become the very thing you have fought to destroy?"
It was enough- it had been too much to begin with and Shiarrael was only beginning to realize that this wasn't some show.  She looked at the two security officers and shook her head at Lamont "take him to the brig, his behavior is erratic.  He will remain there until someone from the counseling offices evaluates him" her eyes narrowed "and if he somehow finds his way out this time- someone will spend the rest of their career polishing an Admiral's boot- perhaps Admiral Cerywyn's."

"So much for your Romulan sensibilities", Lamont muttered at Rehu.  "I sincerely hope you are not becoming weak among us havam, Captain.  It would not suit you."
Lamont turned his blank gaze toward the guards.  "Let's go", he muttered.  "I'll take my usual reservation if it is not too much trouble."

'He wants me to kill him' Shiarrael reminded herself at the Ambassador's insult trying her best not to let him rile her.  'I will wait until he doesn't expect it and slit his throat' she smirked at her own wit but then quickly frowned 'that would be too cliché' with a sigh she hauled herself out of sickbay, her throat still feeling a bit tender after the Ambassador tried to strangle her.


Captain Shiarrael t'Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon

Ambassador Ian Lamont
Diplomatic Advisor
USS Charon