Monday, March 8, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241003.08 || Backlog-JL || Cpt Rehu & Amb Lamont "The Price of Freedom"

[ Slight Backlog ]


### Ship’s Brig ###

Lamont sat quietly on the floor of the brig.  His cell was quite cold and he wrapped his thin blanket around him in an effort to remain warm given his lack of activity and movement.  The last 48 hours had been a bubbling cauldron of mental exercise as he grappled with the new realities and horizons that had confronted him.  Emotions ebbed and flowed through him like tides coming and going.  Sakarra had since left him nearly two days earlier.  He had been left alone to grasp with the spark that had been awakened within him.
Sitting quietly in the corner of the brig he had been joined by members of the Vulcan science team.  Their close proximity and presence were a constant source of agitation.  Sakarra had told him what they had done which was criminal in its own right, but that was not what troubled him.  So many Vulcan minds so close to his own made him incredibly wary and on edge.  He could sense them however not directly.  The sensation was more akin to a feeling of being watched or of someone following behind from the shadows.  It was disquieting and had cost the ambassador much sleep and rest.  He feared that letting his guard down might result in something similar to what had occurred with Commander Tyrax.  Something about these people told him they would be far less compassionate or understanding should his mind wander.
Anxious, nervous, and all together unsettled by recent events and thoughts, Lamont was beginning to feel the walls of the tiny brig cell pressing against him.  The added proximity of so many other persons having to share to same confined area made matters that much worse.  Being confined with criminals especially those with the power to potentially sense his vulnerabilities and perhaps exploit them was becoming difficult to bear.
Casting off the blanket, Ian took a deep breath though it did little to calm the turbulent waters deep within him.  He stood and retrieved his cup from the sink and poured himself some water.  The cool water tasted good and soon he was staring into the bottom of an empty cup.  Suddenly he felt a wave of emotion pass over him.  It went as quickly as it came, but such occurrences were becoming more frequent.  His proximity to these Vulcans had to be the cause.  He had to get out of here.  The spark within was close to becoming a fire and if it did he feared it would consume him or burn those around him or perhaps both.  If they retaliated in some way he would have no skills in which to combat them.
How he wished for Sakarra’s guidance.  Yet he knew he could not rely upon her forever.  She could guide him, but using her as a cane or crutch would not be sustainable.  He had to make peace with these feelings, but not here.  Too much risk existed here to make any attempt as calming the waters within.
Grabbing his cup, Lamont proceeded to the forcefield and banged on its invisible surface several times much to the Vulcan’s dismay of the human’s rash show of emotions.  He could feel their gazes upon his back as it prickled with uncomfortable warmth.
“Guard!  I want to speak to the first officer or the captain at once!  Have one of them summoned immediately.  I am no longer content to remain confined simply on the captain’s whim.  I want to be presented with damning evidence of a crime or else I demand to be released at once!  Now I expect my summons to be delivered or else I will ensure all of your names will be included on my reports to Starfleet Command.”
“You look pathetic.”  Shiarrael hovered above Lamont on the other side of the field with hands on hips glaring at him “is there anywhere on this ship that you are not a nuisance Ambassador?”  She lifted one hand “don’t answer.”  When the force field fizzled out she grabbed the aluminum cup and tossed it away.  “Get up,” she ordered.

As he stood she looked around- studied the area.  The Vulcans were appearing not to ‘notice’ her presence but she knew full well they were aware of her “I should send the recording of your antics in here to your colleagues on earth.  I’m certain they will be quite intrigued by your lack of maturity.”  Her eyes narrowed and she turned nodding to the guards “we have an issue- I need your talent of irritating speech.”

“If my appearance offends you captain then might I suggest you refrain from so often placing me in the brig.”  He was about to follow his barbed comment up with another when he was suddenly struck by an unanticipated feeling.  It was vague, without detail, but it seemed to come from the captain.  In an instant the sensation faded like fog exposed to the morning sunlight.  Like the sun’s own gentle rays Lamont ‘felt’ something…yet what it was he could not say nor even put words to it.  The sensation dulled his desire to spar with the captain.

“Forgive me Captain.  Being confined has not been a pleasant experience.  I am ready to serve as needed.”  He let her comment about his ‘irritating’ speech slide.  It was unwise to bite a feeding hand and for the moment he was free of the brig.  He had no desire to return there.  “What issue has arisen and how may I be of service?”

Shiarrael smiled wryly “I’m surprised mister Lamont- I would have expected one of your lackeys to have briefed you of the recent events all ready-” though if one had the Ambassador would surely be using the opportunity to gloat.  “The Vulcans have tricked us- all of us.  The mission to chart that stellar nursery is a simple ruse.  We were truly sent here to find and recover a ship.”  She stopped and turned around grabbing Lamont.  She leaned forward slowly and towards his ear and whispered through warm breath “a Vulcan ship…capable of producing wormholes.”  She pulled away, twisted around, and continued towards the turbo lift ignoring the glanced trained their way from a couple security officers manning the entrance to the brig.

“But that is not the only dilemma- my people are well aware of this ship’s existence and they want it.  Not just some Galae fools either- the Tal’Shiar.  No doubt they are lusting over this prize.  We are likely being followed.  This is where you come in- I need you to buy us time.”  Shiarrael entered the lift “I need you to distract them with your diplomatic skills.”

“Distract…”, his voice trailed off as his thoughts flew elsewhere.  It wasn’t until he noticed the cold gaze of the captain and his position outside of the turbolift that he snapped out of his tangent thought.  “Distract, yes of course sir.  Indeed I do know about this situation.  Commander Tyrax appeared vexed by Vulcan standards upon her brief stay in my company.  She felt the need to relay certain information as she has also no doubt informed you of the same.”  Lamont paused for a moment.

“Sir, this is none of my concern however I would ask that you employ a certain leniency toward Commander Tyrax.  She appeared concerned about her involvement in the difficult matters now at hand.  Her indiscretions appeared to have been in line with the best traditions of the fleet and of service to her ship and crew not the worst.  I only ask that you keep such things in mind before pronouncing judgment upon her.  Pray I have no influence or cards to play, but please indulge me just this once captain.”

“I am sure her actions will pale in comparison to me throwing those Vulcans out an airlock.”  Shiarrael remained placid, had Charon been a Romulan vessel the comment would have been met with utmost sincerity, but here it was simply an empty threat “rest assured Commander Tyrax will not be punished by me or anyone aboard this ship- elsewhere, well, I have no control over that, do I?”

“I am not sure sir”, Lamont replied.  “There are a great many things you appear capable of.  I have learned not to bet against you sir.”  The turbolift hummed with a steady tone as the two rode quietly toward their destination.

“Sir, as far as this assignment is concerned, how grave is the situation?  How much time do you require?  I believe I can forestall the Romulans if needed however if indeed the Tal’Shiar are involved as you believe I am unsure as to how long I can keep such hounds, if you will pardon the expression, from their prey.  They are most tenacious as you well know.”

“Enough time to destroy that Vulcan ship if we find it.”  

Did everything wrong in this universe have to end in death and destruction?  Lamont nodded realizing that in this situation there was only one course open.  “You will have my best captain.  I will buy as much time as I can and then still more if that is not enough.  Such knowledge cannot be allowed to exist in anyone’s hands no matter how well intentioned.  The temptation to utilize such a thing I fear is too great even for those with the purest of hearts and minds or the soundest logic.”


He had no idea what to say to Romulan officers hell bent on obtaining a rare prize but he would obviously have to think of something and fast.  If they found this Vulcan starship he would have to keep them talking.  A half dozen ideas popped into his head.  He would need to do some research and brush up on several treaties and agreements.  If the Charon were outnumbered and likely outgunned their hand would be weak..he had to find a few aces to play or else his promise to the captain would be in jeopardy and Lamont hated breaking his word once given.


Such was the price of his new found freedom.  As usual, it came with a high price.  Only this time, perhaps the sum was too high.  Only time would tell.


~ Fin ~



Captain Shiarrael Rehu




Ambassador Ian Lamont