Saturday, February 27, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241002.27 - Joint Plot Log - Captain Shiarrael Rehu & Commander Eithne Katris-Falcon

[USS Charon, Ready Room]

After not finding her in her quarters, Eithne came to the conclusion that the best place to find the Captain was in her Ready Room.

A fine place to find her, for when she was about to ring the chime to the Ready Room she heard voices from within, voices that did not seem happy at all. So, instead of intrude on the Captain and the persons in which she was meeting with, she waited. From what she was listening to it did not seem to be a very pleasant meeting, one she did not want to interrupt at least.

Relieving the crew member who had the Bridge, she waited. It would not be a long wait, for only a few moments later she heard the persons leave and be escorted to the turbo lift.

Now it was her turn. She had no idea exactly what sort of mood the Captain was going to be in when she rang the chime to the Ready Room, but she rang it anyways. For the information she had for the Captain would put her in a fouler mood anyways.

"Enter."  Shiarrael said and when the young commander stepped inside her office she was now standing after the tense meeting with T'Pelar.  Her back faced Eithne as she stared at the stars, one hand was folded against the edge of her desk, and the other hand casually caressed the back of her neck.  She knew the strain was getting to her- old wounds were now protesting the stress of the situation.  "Commander- are you aware of our present predicament?"  Shiarrael asked.

" I have a slight understanding to the situation..."

Shiarrael nodded "well, in either case, we have been lied to."  Vulcans?  Liars?  She wanted to laugh- how long had the Vulcans fooled the humans into believing they were utopia incarnate?  The more she thought about it the more she came to realize how gullible humans were.  Vulcans- they were a calculating species.  She sighed and turned around "we are going to find this Vulcan ship- apparently it possesses technology the Vulcans have developed to create a stable wormhole.  It is very precious to them" her nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath "so precious that they have put us in a difficult situation.  I want to destroy, no, I will destroy the Temep-Shar.  Bring us to yellow alert and have all departments prepare for possible combat.  We will hold a full departmental staff briefing in two hours.  Please ensure that all departments are…" her voice trailed off as she gripped the edge of her forehead feeling a sharp pain coursed through her temple.  Shiarrael winced momentarily and after a few sconds to recover she smiled at Eithne "make sure all department chiefs are aware of the meeting."

"Aye Sir..." Eithne nodded as she took a moment to watch the Captain carefully. Taking note of the white knuckles she had from gripping the side of the desk and the slight wince that she saw from the usual composed Romulan. " Captain? Are you ok?" She asked, concerned for the woman before her.

"I am-" Shiarrael gritted her teeth and then shook her head "no, I am not fine.  This entire mission has been a ruse by the Vulcans to get this weapon back.  Now I wonder for what reason have so many died?  It has all been a lie.  Starfleet has sent a JAG Captain to question my every decision.  Ambassador Lamont and many of the crew still have little respect for my authority after a year and the Marines I marooned were-" She paused and then sighed "no commander, I am not okay, but I will survive."

She listened carefully to the Captain's words and nodded ever so slowly when she finished. " I can see how one would be frustrated. You had to make many hard decisions regarding many different matters in your reign as Captain of this Vessel. But... If it helps at all... I agree with everyone of them. You have done well to build this ship and crew into what she is today and no one need complain. Not Starfleet or anyone else for that matter." A soft smile ended her words.

"I do not regret my decisions Commander but these situations do not ease the burden of this command on me."  Shiarrael rounded her desk and sat down "but that is besides the point- right now we must focus on surviving the coming tempest.  If the foolish Vulcans do not get us killed looking for their precious ship my people will kill us out of aggravation."

A nod came swiftly, " It is good to never regret your decisions." She paused before she continued. " I am sure the outcome will be much better for us then the Vulcans. - For now, I will do as you asked and arrange for a meeting in two hours of all departments." Another nod followed.

"Good.  Dismissed." 

Eithne gave a respectful nod and turned on her heal. Next moment she was gone from the Ready Room and giving the orders to those on the Bridge. " Yellow Alert!" She paused and looked to the Comms officer. " Open and Channel to the entirety of the ship..."

With the channel open the orders were given. " All Department Chiefs are to report to the Observation Lounge for a Briefing... All department heads are required to be there. The meeting will be held in two hours."


Captain Shiarrael Rehu
Commanding Officer
USS Charon


Commander Eithne Katris-Falcon
Executive Officer
USS Charon