=/\=Chief Science Officers Ofiice=/\=
Nathanial sat at his desk, it felt like the first time in days that he was actually sitting there, with the nebula, and all the preparations, and of course the science department was heavily involved, it had meant long hours and lots of running around. His stomach grumbled, he had missed both breakfast and lunch today and his body was going to make sure he knew about it!
He shrugged it off and grabbed the first PADD of ten that he had sitting on his desk for review. Be a science officer in Star Fleet, explore and work on new discoveries... read the pamphlet that they were handing out when at career day back in high school. "Well they definitely did not warn me about all the paperwork!
he said to noone but himself. Paperwork? he thought to himself, well I guess we could call it Paddwork... He laughed.
Nathanial knew it was time for a break, he stood up and headed for the door, he knew a mess hall that had a seat with his name on it. He opened the door and stopped suddenly, for standing infront of him was a cadet, he couldn't quite pick his name, his head was a bit of a mess after the long day, and the lack of food wasn't helping either.
"Ensign sir, I have a message from the Captain, she wishes to see you immediately." he said.
Nathanial could hear a slight quiver in the cadet's voice, was it fear? He nodded and dismissed the cadet, who eagerly left down the hall. Nathanial was slightly annoyed, he knew that if he kept the captain waiting a longer that she had to, he would know about it. He also secretly suspected that she knew the exact time it took from any area of the ship to her ready room door. His stomach grumbled again, alot louder than the last. Nathanial sighed, he also knew that if his stomach decided to sing out, he would also know about it.
Seriously, I'm trained to deal with countless situations, but this is what I'm faced with, to sneak a bite, or not to sneak a bite, that is the question. He chuckled again, boy was he tiered, mind you lately it must have looked as if every day he ended up being tiered, sure the science department was understaffed, and sure we had a supplement of numbers from the Quantum Fury, but new recruits are new recruits, and they take up quite a bit of time and energy! He thought to himself, more so attempting to justify the situation to himself.
He decided to make a small detour via the mess hall and pickup something on the go, it was the lesser of two evils in this case, after all "Immediately" was really more of a guideline as opposed to a specific amount of time, and more importantly it would not potentially cause as much trouble as a stomach broadcasting that it was needing attention could do infront of the Captain.
Though there was lots of speculation that could be had, in trying to figure out what would happen...
Ensign Nathanial Doyle
Chief Science Officer
USS Charon